import inspect
import logging
import os
import re
import tempfile
from configparser import ConfigParser
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from beaker.cache import cache_region
from owslib.util import Authentication
from owslib.wps import WebProcessingService, WPSExecution
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound, HTTPOk, HTTPUnprocessableEntity
from pywps import configuration as pywps_config
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from webob.acceptparse import create_accept_language_header
from weaver import owsexceptions, xml_util
from weaver.config import get_weaver_configuration
from weaver.formats import AcceptLanguage
from weaver.utils import (
from weaver.wps_restapi import swagger_definitions as sd
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
from weaver.typedefs import AnyAcceptLanguageHeader, AnyRequestType, AnySettingsContainer, HeadersType, ProcessOWS
def _get_settings_or_wps_config(container, # type: AnySettingsContainer
weaver_setting_name, # type: str
config_setting_section, # type: str
config_setting_name, # type: str
default_not_found, # type: str
message_not_found, # type: str
load=False, # type: bool
): # type: (...) -> str
settings = get_settings(container)
found = settings.get(weaver_setting_name)
if not found:
if not settings.get("weaver.wps_configured") and load:
# not yet defined on first load permitted if settings retrieved early on
if pywps_config.CONFIG:
found = pywps_config.CONFIG.get(config_setting_section, config_setting_name)
if not isinstance(found, str):
LOGGER.warning("%s not set in settings or WPS configuration, using default value.", message_not_found)
found = default_not_found
return found.strip()
def get_wps_path(container, load=True):
# type: (AnySettingsContainer, bool) -> str
Retrieves the WPS path (without hostname).
Searches directly in settings, then `weaver.wps_cfg` file, or finally, uses the default values if not found.
path = _get_settings_or_wps_config(container, "weaver.wps_path", "server", "url", "/ows/wps", "WPS path", load)
return urlparse(path).path
def get_wps_url(container, load=True):
# type: (AnySettingsContainer, bool) -> str
Retrieves the full WPS URL (hostname + WPS path).
Searches directly in settings, then `weaver.wps_cfg` file, or finally, uses the default values if not found.
return get_settings(container).get("weaver.wps_url") or get_weaver_url(container) + get_wps_path(container, load)
def get_wps_output_dir(container, load=True):
# type: (AnySettingsContainer, bool) -> str
Retrieves the WPS output directory path where to write XML and result files.
Searches directly in settings, then `weaver.wps_cfg` file, or finally, uses the default values if not found.
tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
return _get_settings_or_wps_config(container, "weaver.wps_output_dir",
"server", "outputpath", tmp_dir, "WPS output directory", load)
def get_wps_output_path(container, load=True):
# type: (AnySettingsContainer, bool) -> str
Retrieves the WPS output path (without hostname) for staging XML status, logs and process outputs.
Searches directly in settings, then `weaver.wps_cfg` file, or finally, uses the default values if not found.
return get_settings(container).get("weaver.wps_output_path") or urlparse(get_wps_output_url(container, load)).path
def get_wps_output_url(container, load=True):
# type: (AnySettingsContainer, bool) -> str
Retrieves the WPS output URL that maps to WPS output directory path.
Searches directly in settings, then `weaver.wps_cfg` file, or finally, uses the default values if not found.
wps_output_default = f"{get_weaver_url(container)}/wpsoutputs"
wps_output_config = _get_settings_or_wps_config(
container, "weaver.wps_output_url", "server", "outputurl", wps_output_default, "WPS output url", load
return wps_output_config or wps_output_default
def get_wps_output_context(request):
# type: (AnyRequestType) -> Optional[str]
Obtains and validates allowed values for sub-directory context of WPS outputs in header ``X-WPS-Output-Context``.
:raises HTTPUnprocessableEntity: if the header was provided and contains invalid or illegal value.
:returns: validated context or None if not specified.
headers = getattr(request, "headers", {})
ctx = get_header(, headers)
if not ctx:
settings = get_settings(request)
ctx_default = settings.get("weaver.wps_output_context", None)
if not ctx_default:
return None
LOGGER.debug("Using default 'wps.wps_output_context': %s", ctx_default)
ctx = ctx_default
cxt_found = re.match(r"^(?=[\w-]+)([\w-]+/?)+$", ctx)
if cxt_found and cxt_found[0] == ctx:
ctx_matched = ctx[:-1] if ctx.endswith("/") else ctx
LOGGER.debug("Using request 'X-WPS-Output-Context': %s", ctx_matched)
return ctx_matched
raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity(json={
"code": "InvalidHeaderValue",
"description": "Provided value for 'X-WPS-Output-Context' request header is invalid.",
"cause": "Value must be an alphanumeric context directory or tree hierarchy of sub-directory names.",
"value": str(ctx)
def get_wps_local_status_location(url_status_location, container, must_exist=True):
# type: (str, AnySettingsContainer, bool) -> Optional[str]
Attempts to retrieve the local :term:`XML` file path corresponding to the :term:`WPS` status location as URL.
:param url_status_location: URL reference pointing to some WPS status location :term:`XML`.
:param container: any settings container to map configured local paths.
:param must_exist: return only existing path if enabled, otherwise return the parsed value without validation.
:returns: found local file path if it exists, ``None`` otherwise.
dir_path = get_wps_output_dir(container)
if url_status_location and not urlparse(url_status_location).scheme in ["", "file"]:
wps_out_url = get_wps_output_url(container)
req_out_url = get_url_without_query(url_status_location)
out_path = os.path.join(dir_path, req_out_url.replace(wps_out_url, "").lstrip("/"))
out_path = url_status_location.replace("file://", "")
found = os.path.isfile(out_path)
if not found and "/jobs/" in url_status_location:
job_uuid = url_status_location.rsplit("/jobs/", 1)[-1].split("/", 1)[0]
if is_uuid(job_uuid):
out_path_join = os.path.join(dir_path, f"{job_uuid}.xml")
found = os.path.isfile(out_path_join)
if found or not must_exist:
out_path = out_path_join
if not found and must_exist:
out_path_join = os.path.join(dir_path, out_path.lstrip("/"))
if not os.path.isfile(out_path_join):
LOGGER.debug("Could not map WPS status reference [%s] to input local file path [%s].",
url_status_location, out_path)
return None
out_path = out_path_join
LOGGER.debug("Resolved WPS status reference [%s] as local file path [%s].", url_status_location, out_path)
return out_path
def map_wps_output_location(reference, container, url=False, exists=True, file_scheme=False):
# type: (str, AnySettingsContainer, bool, bool, bool) -> Optional[str]
Obtains the mapped WPS output location of a file where applicable.
:param reference: Local file path or file URL to be mapped.
:param container: Retrieve application settings.
:param url: Perform URL mapping (``True``: local path -> URL endpoint, ``False``: URL endpoint -> local path).
:param exists: Ensure that the mapped file exists, otherwise don't map it (otherwise ``None``).
:param file_scheme:
Ensure that the 'file://' scheme is applied to resulting local file location when mapped from WPS output URL.
When in 'reverse' mode, 'file://' is always removed if present to form a potential local file path.
:returns: Mapped reference that corresponds to the local/URL WPS output location.
def ref_exists(ref):
# type: (str) -> bool
return os.path.isdir(ref) if ref.endswith("/") else os.path.isfile(ref)
settings = get_settings(container)
wps_out_dir = get_wps_output_dir(settings)
wps_out_url = get_wps_output_url(settings)
if url and reference.startswith("file://"):
reference = reference[7:]
if url and reference.startswith(wps_out_dir):
wps_out_ref = reference.replace(wps_out_dir, wps_out_url, 1)
if not exists or ref_exists(reference):
return wps_out_ref
elif not url and reference.startswith(wps_out_url):
wps_out_ref = reference.replace(wps_out_url, wps_out_dir, 1)
if not exists or ref_exists(wps_out_ref):
if file_scheme:
return f"file://{wps_out_ref}"
return wps_out_ref
return None
def _describe_process_cached(self, identifier, xml=None):
# type: (WebProcessingService, str, Optional[xml_util.XML]) -> ProcessOWS
LOGGER.debug("Request WPS DescribeProcess to [%s] with [id: %s]", self.url, identifier)
return self.describeprocess_method(identifier, xml=xml) # noqa # method created by '_get_wps_client_cached'
def _get_wps_client_cached(url, headers, verify, language):
# type: (str, HeadersType, bool, Optional[str]) -> WebProcessingService
LOGGER.debug("Request WPS GetCapabilities to [%s]", url)
# FIXME: provide other authentication attributes from Cookie/Headers, auth_delegate available for advanced auth
auth = Authentication(verify=verify)
# cannot preset language because capabilities must be fetched to find best match
wps = WebProcessingService(url=url, headers=headers, auth=auth, timeout=5)
set_wps_language(wps, accept_language=language)
setattr(wps, "describeprocess_method", wps.describeprocess) # backup real method, them override with cached
setattr(wps, "describeprocess", lambda *_, **__: _describe_process_cached(wps, *_, **__))
return wps
def get_wps_client(url, container=None, verify=None, headers=None, language=None):
# type: (str, Optional[AnySettingsContainer], bool, Optional[HeadersType], Optional[str]) -> WebProcessingService
Obtains a :class:`WebProcessingService` with pre-configured request options for the given URL.
:param url: WPS URL location.
:param container: request or settings container to retrieve headers and other request options.
:param verify: flag to enable SSL verification (overrides request options from container).
:param headers: specific headers to apply (overrides retrieved ones from container).
:param language: preferred response language if supported by the service.
:returns: created WPS client object with configured request options.
if headers is None and hasattr(container, "headers"):
headers = container.headers
headers = headers or {}
# remove invalid values that should be recomputed by the client as needed
# employ the provided headers instead of making new ones in order to forward any language/authorization definition
# copy to avoid modify original headers for sub-requests for next steps that could use them
# employ dict() rather than deepcopy since headers that can be an instance of EnvironHeaders cannot be serialized
headers = dict(headers)
for header in ["Accept", "Content-Length", "Content-Type", "Content-Transfer-Encoding"]:
hdr_low = header.lower()
for hdr in [header, hdr_low, header.replace("-", "_"), hdr_low.replace("-", "_")]:
headers.pop(hdr, None)
opts = get_request_options("get", url, container)
if verify is None:
verify = get_ssl_verify_option("get", url, container, request_options=opts)
# convert objects to allow caching keys against values (object instances always different)
language = language or getattr(container, "accept_language", None) or get_header("Accept-Language", headers)
if language is not None and not isinstance(language, str):
language = str(language)
if headers is not None and not isinstance(headers, dict):
headers = dict(headers)
headers = get_wps_client_filtered_headers(headers, container)
request_args = (url, headers, verify, language)
if get_no_cache_option(headers, request_options=opts):
for func in (_get_wps_client_cached, _describe_process_cached):
caching_args = (func, "request", *request_args)
wps = _get_wps_client_cached(*request_args)
return wps
def check_wps_status(location=None, # type: Optional[str]
response=None, # type: Optional[xml_util.XML]
sleep_secs=2, # type: int
verify=True, # type: bool
settings=None, # type: Optional[AnySettingsContainer]
): # type: (...) -> WPSExecution
Run :func:`owslib.wps.WPSExecution.checkStatus` with additional exception handling.
:param location: job URL or file path where to look for job status.
:param response: WPS response document of job status.
:param sleep_secs: number of seconds to sleep before returning control to the caller.
:param verify: flag to enable SSL verification.
:param settings: application settings to retrieve any additional request parameters as applicable.
:returns: OWSLib.wps.WPSExecution object.
def _retry_file():
# type: () -> str
LOGGER.warning("Failed retrieving WPS status-location, attempting with local file.")
out_path = get_wps_local_status_location(location, settings)
if not out_path:
raise HTTPNotFound(f"Could not find file resource from [{location}].")"Resolved WPS status-location using local file reference.")
with open(out_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
execution = WPSExecution()
if response:
LOGGER.debug("Retrieving WPS status from XML response document...")
xml_data = response
elif location:
xml_resp = HTTPNotFound()
xml_data = None
LOGGER.debug("Attempt to retrieve WPS status-location from URL [%s]...", location)
xml_resp = request_extra("get", location, verify=verify, settings=settings)
xml_data = xml_resp.content
except Exception as ex:
LOGGER.debug("Got exception during get status: [%r]. Will retry with local reference.", ex)
if xml_resp.status_code != HTTPOk.code:
LOGGER.debug("WPS XML status not found: [%r]. Retrying with local reference.", xml_data)
xml_data = _retry_file()
raise Exception("Missing status-location URL/file reference or response with XML object.")
if isinstance(xml_data, str):
xml_data = xml_data.encode("utf8", errors="ignore")
execution.checkStatus(response=xml_data, sleepSecs=sleep_secs)
if execution.response is None:
raise Exception("Missing response, cannot check status.")
if not isinstance(execution.response, xml_util.XML):
execution.response = xml_util.fromstring(execution.response)
return execution
def get_exception_from_xml_status(xml):
# type: (Union[xml_util.XML, str]) -> Optional[owsexceptions.OWSException]
Retrieves the :term:`OWS` exception that corresponds to the :term:`XML` status.
Expects the following :term:`XML` status response structure (``ows:Exception`` block can be at any level):
.. code-block:: xml
<ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode" locator="None">
<ows:ExceptionText>Error message about the cause of the exception.</ows:ExceptionText>
:param xml: XML tree object with exception details.
Matched :class:`owsexceptions.OWSException`.
If no matching exception code is found within available exception classes, defaults to generic ``OWSException``.
If any parsing error occurs, returns nothing.
if isinstance(xml, (str, bytes)):
xml = xml_util.fromstring(bytes2str(xml))
if not isinstance(xml, xml_util.XML):
return None
# Exception blocks can be with or without 'ows' prefix depending on which default namespace was defined
ows_exc_xml = xml.find("Exception", namespaces=xml.nsmap) # type: Optional[xml_util.XML]
if ows_exc_xml is None:
ows_exc_xml = xml.xpath("//ows:Exception", namespaces=xml.nsmap)[0] # type: Optional[xml_util.XML]
ows_exc_txt = ows_exc_xml.find("ExceptionText", namespaces=xml.nsmap) # type: Optional[xml_util.XML]
if ows_exc_txt is None:
ows_exc_txt = ows_exc_xml.xpath("//ows:ExceptionText", namespaces=xml.nsmap)[0]
ows_exc_msg = ows_exc_txt.text
ows_exc_loc = ows_exc_xml.attrib.get("locator") or ows_exc_xml.attrib.get("locater") # noqa # WPS can have typo
ows_exc_code = ows_exc_xml.attrib["exceptionCode"]
for ows_exc_name in dir(owsexceptions):
ows_exc_cls = getattr(owsexceptions, ows_exc_name)
if (
inspect.isclass(ows_exc_cls) and
issubclass(ows_exc_cls, owsexceptions.OWSException) and
ows_exc_cls is not owsexceptions.OWSException and
ows_exc_code == ows_exc_cls.code
return ows_exc_cls(ows_exc_msg, code=ows_exc_code, locator=ows_exc_loc)
return owsexceptions.OWSException(ows_exc_msg, code=ows_exc_code, locator=ows_exc_loc)
except Exception as exc:
LOGGER.error("Failed mapping of OWS Exception from error codes.", exc_info=exc)
return None
def load_pywps_config(container, config=None):
# type: (AnySettingsContainer, Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]) -> ConfigParser
Loads and updates the PyWPS configuration using Weaver settings.
settings = get_settings(container)
if settings.get("weaver.wps_configured"):
LOGGER.debug("Using preloaded internal Weaver WPS configuration.")
return pywps_config.CONFIG"Initial load of internal Weaver WPS configuration.")
pywps_config.load_configuration([]) # load defaults
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("logging", "db_echo", "false")
if logging.getLevelName(pywps_config.CONFIG.get("logging", "level")) <= logging.DEBUG:
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("logging", "level", "INFO")
# update metadata
LOGGER.debug("Updating WPS metadata configuration.")
for setting_name, setting_value in settings.items():
if setting_name.startswith("weaver.wps_metadata"):
pywps_setting = setting_name.replace("weaver.wps_metadata_", "")
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("metadata:main", pywps_setting, setting_value)
# add weaver configuration keyword if not already provided
wps_keywords = pywps_config.CONFIG.get("metadata:main", "identification_keywords")
weaver_mode = get_weaver_configuration(settings)
if weaver_mode not in wps_keywords:
wps_keywords += ("," if wps_keywords else "") + weaver_mode
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("metadata:main", "identification_keywords", wps_keywords)
# add additional config passed as dictionary of {'section.key': 'value'}
if isinstance(config, dict):
for key, value in config.items():
section, key = key.split(".")
pywps_config.CONFIG.set(section, key, value)
# cleanup alternative dict "PYWPS_CFG" which is not expected elsewhere
if isinstance(settings.get("PYWPS_CFG"), dict):
del settings["PYWPS_CFG"]
# set accepted languages aligned with values provided by REST API endpoints
# otherwise, execute request could fail due to languages considered not supported
languages = ", ".join(AcceptLanguage.offers())
LOGGER.debug("Setting WPS languages: [%s]", languages)
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "language", languages)
LOGGER.debug("Updating WPS output configuration.")
# find output directory from app config or wps config
if "weaver.wps_output_dir" not in settings:
output_dir = pywps_config.get_config_value("server", "outputpath")
settings["weaver.wps_output_dir"] = output_dir
# ensure the output dir exists if specified
output_dir = get_wps_output_dir(settings)
make_dirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
# find output url from app config (path/url) or wps config (url only)
# note: needs to be configured even when using AWS S3 bucket since XML status is provided locally
if "weaver.wps_output_url" not in settings:
output_path = settings.get("weaver.wps_output_path", "").rstrip("/")
if output_path and isinstance(output_path, str):
output_url = os.path.join(get_weaver_url(settings), output_path.strip("/"))
output_url = pywps_config.get_config_value("server", "outputurl")
settings["weaver.wps_output_url"] = output_url
# apply workdir if provided, otherwise use default
if "weaver.wps_workdir" in settings:
make_dirs(settings["weaver.wps_workdir"], exist_ok=True)
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "workdir", settings["weaver.wps_workdir"])
# configure AWS S3 bucket if requested, storage of all process outputs
# note:
# credentials and default profile are picked up automatically by 'boto3' from local AWS configs or env vars
# region can also be picked from there unless explicitly provided by weaver config
# warning:
# if we set `(server, storagetype, s3)`, ALL status (including XML) are stored to S3
# to preserve status locally, we set 'file' and override the storage instance during output rewrite in WpsPackage
# we can still make use of the server configurations here to make this overridden storage auto-find its configs
s3_bucket = settings.get("weaver.wps_output_s3_bucket")
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "storagetype", "file")
# pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "storagetype", "s3")
if s3_bucket:
LOGGER.debug("Updating WPS AWS S3 bucket configuration.")
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
s3 = boto3.client("s3")
s3_region = settings.get("weaver.wps_output_s3_region", s3.meta.region_name)"Validating that AWS S3 [Region=%s, Bucket=%s] exists or creating it.", s3_region, s3_bucket)
validate_s3(region=s3_region, bucket=s3_bucket)
CreateBucketConfiguration={"LocationConstraint": s3_region}) # type: ignore"AWS S3 bucket [Region=%s, Bucket=%s] for WPS output created.", s3_region, s3_bucket)
except ClientError as exc:
if exc.response.get("Error", {}).get("Code") != "BucketAlreadyExists":
LOGGER.error("Failed setup of AWS S3 bucket [Region=%s, Bucket=%s] for WPS output: [%s]",
s3_region, s3_bucket, exc)
raise"AWS S3 bucket [Region=%s, Bucket=%s] for WPS output already exists.", s3_region, s3_bucket)
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("s3", "region", s3_region)
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("s3", "bucket", s3_bucket)
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("s3", "public", "false") # don't automatically push results as publicly accessible
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("s3", "encrypt", "true") # encrypts data server-side, transparent from this side
allowed_input_file_paths = [
# enforce back resolved values onto PyWPS config
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "setworkdir", "true")
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "sethomedir", "true")
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "outputpath", settings["weaver.wps_output_dir"])
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "outputurl", settings["weaver.wps_output_url"])
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "url", get_wps_url(settings, load=False))
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "allowedinputpaths", os.pathsep.join(allowed_input_file_paths))
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "maxrequestsize", settings.get("weaver.wps_max_request_size") or "30MB")
pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "maxsingleinputsize", settings.get("weaver.wps_max_single_input_size") or "3GB")
settings["weaver.wps_configured"] = True
return pywps_config.CONFIG
def set_wps_language(wps, accept_language=None, request=None):
# type: (WebProcessingService, Optional[str], Optional[AnyRequestType]) -> Optional[str]
Applies the best match between requested accept languages and supported ones by the WPS server.
Given the `Accept-Language` header value, match the best language to the supported languages retrieved from WPS.
By default, and if no match is found, sets :attr:`WebProcessingService.language` property to ``None``.
.. seealso::
Details about the format of the ``Accept-Language`` header:
.. note::
This function considers quality-factor weighting and parsing resolution
of ``Accept-Language`` header according to :rfc:`7231#section-5.3.2`.
:param wps: service for which to apply a supported language if matched.
:param accept_language: value of the Accept-Language header.
:param request: request from which to extract Accept-Language header if not provided directly.
:returns: language that has been set, or ``None`` if no match could be found.
if not accept_language and request and hasattr(request, "accept_language"):
accept_language = request.accept_language # type: AnyAcceptLanguageHeader
if not accept_language:
if not hasattr(wps, "languages"):
# owslib version doesn't support setting a language
if isinstance(accept_language, str):
accept_language = create_accept_language_header(accept_language) # type: AnyAcceptLanguageHeader
supported_languages = wps.languages.supported or AcceptLanguage.offers()
language = accept_language.lookup(supported_languages, default="") or None
if language:
wps.language = language
return language