Process and Application Package Examples

The principal source of examples can be found directly within Weaver functional tests Application Packages. Most Process listed in this repository employ an Application Package defined using a locally provided CWL. Some other cases will refer to pre-deployed WPS processes. Refer to corresponding Deploy request payloads, also provided in that location, that will indicate the kind of Process definition employed through their executionUnit specification. Once successfully deployed on a ADES or EMS, the also provided Execute request body can be employed as format reference to run the operation (input values can be modified).

The general naming convention is:

  • DeployProcess_<PROCESS_ID>.json for the Deploy request payload.

  • Execute_<PROCESS_ID>.json for the Execute request payload.

  • <PROCESS_ID>.cwl for the CWL Application Package when applicable.


There can be minor variations (camel/snake case, upper/lower case) of the exact <PROCESS_ID> employed in the file names according to the different reference repositories.

Further examples are also available following OGC Testbeds developments. The produced applications in this case can be found in OGC-Testbeds Applications. In that repository, the above naming convention will sometime be employed, but each Process is contained within its own sub-directory. Another naming conversion is sometime used, although the files provide equivalent details:

  • <PROCESS_ID>/deploy.json for the Deploy request payload.

  • <PROCESS_ID>/execute.json for the Execute request payload.

  • <PROCESS_ID>/package.cwl for the CWL Application Package when applicable.