Source code for weaver.processes.wps3_process

import logging
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPConflict, HTTPForbidden, HTTPNotFound, HTTPOk, HTTPUnauthorized
from pyramid.settings import asbool

from weaver.exceptions import PackageExecutionError
from weaver.formats import ContentType
from weaver.processes import opensearch
from weaver.processes.sources import get_data_source_from_url, retrieve_data_source_url
from weaver.processes.wps_process_base import OGCAPIRemoteProcessBase, RemoteJobProgress
from weaver.status import Status
from weaver.utils import pass_http_error, request_extra
from weaver.visibility import Visibility
from weaver.warning import MissingParameterWarning
from weaver.wps_restapi import swagger_definitions as sd

    from typing import Tuple, Union

    from weaver.typedefs import (
    from weaver.wps.service import WorkerRequest

[docs] LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] class Wps3RemoteJobProgress(RemoteJobProgress):
[docs] SETUP = 1
[docs] PREPARE = 2
[docs] DEPLOY = 3
[docs] VISIBLE = 4
[docs] READY = 5
[docs] EXECUTION = 15
[docs] MONITORING = 20
[docs] STAGE_OUT = 90
[docs] COMPLETED = 100
[docs] class Wps3Process(OGCAPIRemoteProcessBase): """ Remote or local :term:`Process` with :term:`ADES` capabilities, based on :term:`OGC API - Processes` requests. If a referenced remote service supports :term:`Process` deployment using an :term:`Application Package`, and that inputs point to a resolvable :term:`Data Source`, the execution will be dispatched to that remote location. Otherwise, the :term:`Process` is executed locally. Most of the core operations are handled by :class:`OGCAPIRemoteProcessBase` since request are sent to another :term:`ADES` instance, or `Weaver` itself for :term:`Workflow` steps, both of which are :term:`OGC API - Processes`. Additional operations revolve around the resolution of which remote :term:`ADES` to dispatch based on any detected :term:`Data Source` location. .. seealso:: - :class:`weaver.processes.wps_process_base.OGCAPIRemoteProcessBase` """
[docs] process_type = "WPS-3" # ADES, EMS or HYBRID (local Application or Workflow)
def __init__(self, step_payload, # type: JSON job_order, # type: CWL_RuntimeInputsMap process, # type: str request, # type: WorkerRequest update_status, # type: UpdateStatusPartialFunction ): # type: (...) -> None super(Wps3Process, self).__init__( step_payload, process, request, lambda _message, _progress, _status, *args, **kwargs: update_status( _message, _progress, _status, self.provider or "local", *args, **kwargs ) ) self.provider, self.url, self.deploy_body = self.resolve_data_source(step_payload, job_order) self.process = process
[docs] def resolve_data_source(self, step_payload, job_order): # type: (CWL, CWL_RuntimeInputsMap) -> Tuple[str, str, JSON] try: # Presume that all EOImage given as input can be resolved to the same ADES # So if we got multiple inputs or multiple values for an input, we take the first one as reference eodata_inputs = opensearch.get_eo_images_ids_from_payload(step_payload) data_url = "" # data_source will be set to the default ADES if no EOImages (anything but `None`) if eodata_inputs: step_payload = opensearch.alter_payload_after_query(step_payload) value = job_order[eodata_inputs[0]] if isinstance(value, list): value = value[0] # Use the first value to determine the data source data_url = value["location"] reason = f"(ADES based on {data_url})" else: reason = "(No EOImage -> Default ADES)" data_source = get_data_source_from_url(data_url) deploy_body = step_payload url = retrieve_data_source_url(data_source) except (IndexError, KeyError) as exc: LOGGER.error("Error during %s process data source resolution: [%s]", self.process_type, exc, exc_info=exc) raise PackageExecutionError(f"Failed resolution of {self.process_type} process data source: [{exc!r}]") self.provider = data_source # fix immediately for below `update_status` call self.update_status(f"Provider {data_source} is selected {reason}.", Wps3RemoteJobProgress.SETUP, Status.RUNNING) return data_source, url, deploy_body
[docs] def get_user_auth_header(self): # type: () -> HeadersType # TODO: find a better way to generalize this to Magpie credentials? if not asbool(self.settings.get("ades.use_auth_token", True)): return {} ades_usr = self.settings.get("ades.username", None) ades_pwd = self.settings.get("ades.password", None) ades_url = self.settings.get("ades.wso2_hostname", None) ades_client = self.settings.get("ades.wso2_client_id", None) ades_secret = self.settings.get("ades.wso2_client_secret", None) access_token = None if ades_usr and ades_pwd and ades_url and ades_client and ades_secret: ades_body = { "grant_type": "password", "client_id": ades_client, "client_secret": ades_secret, "username": ades_usr, "password": ades_pwd, "scope": "openid", } ades_headers = {"Content-Type": ContentType.APP_FORM, "Accept": ContentType.APP_JSON} ades_access_token_url = f"{ades_url}/oauth2/token" cred_resp = request_extra("post", ades_access_token_url, data=ades_body, headers=ades_headers, settings=self.settings) cred_resp.raise_for_status() if ContentType.APP_JSON not in cred_resp.headers.get("Content-Type"): raise HTTPUnauthorized("Cannot retrieve valid access token using credential or ADES configurations.") access_token = cred_resp.json().get("access_token", None) if not access_token: warnings.warn("Could not retrieve valid access token although response is expected to contain one.", MissingParameterWarning) elif self.request and self.request.auth_headers and "Authorization" in self.request.auth_headers: # FIXME: consider X-Auth-ADES in case of conflict with Authorization for server that hosts this EMS? LOGGER.debug("Detected Authorization header directly specified in request for ADES.") access_token = self.request.auth_headers.get("Authorization") else: warnings.warn( "Could not retrieve at least one of required login parameters: " "[ades.username, ades.password, ades.wso2_hostname, ades.wso2_client_id, ades.wso2_client_secret]", MissingParameterWarning ) return {"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"} if access_token else {}
[docs] def get_auth_headers(self): # type: () -> AnyHeadersContainer """ Add specific user access headers for :term:`ADES` if provided in :ref:`Configuration Settings`. """ headers = super(Wps3Process, self).get_auth_headers() auth = headers.get("Authorization") if not auth: headers.update(self.get_user_auth_header()) return headers
[docs] def is_deployed(self): return self.describe_process() is not None
[docs] def is_visible(self): # type: (...) -> Union[bool, None] """ Gets the process visibility. :returns: True/False correspondingly for public/private if visibility is retrievable, False if authorized access but process cannot be found, None if forbidden access. """ LOGGER.debug("Get process %s visibility request for [%s]", self.process_type, self.process) response = self.make_request(method="GET", url=self.url + sd.process_visibility_service.path.format(process_id=self.process), retry=False) if response.status_code in (HTTPUnauthorized.code, HTTPForbidden.code): return None if response.status_code == HTTPNotFound.code: return False if response.status_code == HTTPOk.code: json_body = response.json() return json_body.get("value") == Visibility.PUBLIC response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def set_visibility(self, visibility): self.update_status("Updating process visibility on remote ADES.", Wps3RemoteJobProgress.VISIBLE, Status.RUNNING) path = self.url + sd.process_visibility_service.path.format(process_id=self.process) LOGGER.debug("Update process %s visibility request for [%s] at [%s]", self.process_type, self.process, path) response = self.make_request(method="PUT", url=path, json={"value": visibility}, retry=False, swap_error_status_code=HTTPOk.code) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def describe_process(self): path = self.url + sd.process_service.path.format(process_id=self.process) LOGGER.debug("Describe process %s request for [%s] at [%s]", self.process_type, self.process, path) response = self.make_request(method="GET", url=path, retry=False, swap_error_status_code=HTTPOk.code) if response.status_code == HTTPOk.code: return response.json() elif response.status_code == HTTPNotFound.code: return None response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def deploy(self): self.update_status("Deploying process on remote ADES.", Wps3RemoteJobProgress.DEPLOY, Status.RUNNING) path = self.url + sd.processes_service.path LOGGER.debug("Deploy process %s request for [%s] at [%s]", self.process_type, self.process, path) response = self.make_request(method="POST", url=path, json=self.deploy_body, retry=True) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def prepare(self): # type: () -> None visible = self.is_visible() if not visible: # includes private visibility and non-existing cases if visible is None:"Process [%s] access is unauthorized on [%s] - deploying as admin.", self.process, self.url) elif visible is False:"Process [%s] is not deployed on [%s] - deploying.", self.process, self.url) # TODO: Maybe always redeploy? What about cases of outdated deployed process? try: self.deploy() except Exception as exc: pass_http_error(exc, [HTTPConflict]) if visible:"Process [%s] already deployed and visible on [%s] - executing.", self.process, self.url) else:"Process [%s] enforcing to public visibility.", self.process) try: self.set_visibility(visibility=Visibility.PUBLIC) except Exception as exc: pass_http_error(exc, HTTPNotFound) LOGGER.warning("Process [%s] failed setting public visibility. " "Assuming feature is not supported by ADES and process is already public.", self.process)