
Module Contents

class weaver.processes.ogc_api_process.OGCAPIRemoteProcess(step_payload: weaver.typedefs.JSON, process: str, request: weaver.wps.service.WorkerRequest | None, update_status: weaver.typedefs.UpdateStatusPartialFunction)[source]

Common interface for WPS Process to be used for dispatching CWL jobs.

Multiple convenience methods are provided. Processes inheriting from this base should implement required abstract methods and override operations as needed.


For expected operations details and their execution order, please refer to Workflow Step Operations.

See also

execute() for complete details of the operations and ordering.

process_type = 'OGC API'[source]
prepare(workflow_inputs: weaver.typedefs.JobInputs, expected_outputs: weaver.typedefs.CWL_ExpectedOutputs) None[source]

Implementation dependent operations to prepare the Process for Job execution.

This is an optional step that can be omitted entirely if not needed. This step should be considered for the creation of a reusable client or object handler that does not need to be recreated on any subsequent steps, such as for dispatch() and monitor() calls.

format_inputs(job_inputs: weaver.typedefs.JobInputs) weaver.typedefs.ExecutionInputsMap[source]

Implementation dependent operations to configure input values for Job execution.

This is an optional step that will simply pass down the inputs as is if no formatting is required. Otherwise, the implementing Process can override the step to reorganize workflow step inputs into the necessary format required for their dispatch() call.

format_outputs(job_outputs: weaver.typedefs.JobOutputs) weaver.typedefs.ExecutionOutputsMap | None[source]

Implementation dependent operations to configure expected outputs for Job execution.

This is an optional step that will simply pass down the outputs as is if no formatting is required. Otherwise, the implementing Process can override the step to reorganize workflow step outputs into the necessary format required for their dispatch() call.