import logging
import os
from configparser import ConfigParser
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from owslib.wps import WPSExecution
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPSeeOther
from pyramid.request import Request as PyramidRequest
from import Process as ProcessWPS, WPSRequest
from import Service as ServiceWPS
from pywps.response.basic import WPSResponse
from pywps.response.execute import ExecuteResponse
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers
from werkzeug.wrappers.request import Request as WerkzeugRequest
from weaver.database import get_db
from weaver.datatype import Process
from weaver.exceptions import handle_known_exceptions
from weaver.formats import ContentType, guess_target_format
from weaver.owsexceptions import OWSNoApplicableCode
from weaver.processes.convert import wps2json_job_payload
from weaver.processes.execution import submit_job_handler
from weaver.processes.types import ProcessType
from weaver.processes.utils import get_process
from import StoreProcesses
from weaver.utils import extend_instance, get_header, get_registry, get_request_args, get_settings, get_weaver_url
from weaver.visibility import Visibility
from import ReferenceStatusLocationStorage
from weaver.wps.utils import (
from weaver.wps_restapi import swagger_definitions as sd
from import get_job_submission_response
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from weaver.datatype import Job
from weaver.typedefs import (
class WorkerRequest(WPSRequest):
Extended :mod:`pywps` request with additional handling provided by :mod:`weaver`.
def __init__(self, http_request=None, http_headers=None, **kwargs):
# type: (Optional[AnyRequestType], Optional[AnyHeadersCookieContainer], **Any) -> None
if http_request and not isinstance(http_request, WerkzeugRequest):
http_request = extend_instance(http_request, WerkzeugRequest)
super(WorkerRequest, self).__init__(http_request, **kwargs)
if http_request:
if http_headers:
class WorkerExecuteResponse(ExecuteResponse):
XML response generator from predefined job status URL and executed process definition.
def __init__(self, wps_request, uuid, process, job_url, settings, *_, **__):
# type: (WorkerRequest, str, ProcessWPS, str, SettingsType, *Any, **Any) -> None
super(WorkerExecuteResponse, self).__init__(wps_request, uuid, process=process)
# extra setup
self.process._status_store = ReferenceStatusLocationStorage(job_url, settings)
self.store_status_file = True # enforce storage to provide the status location URL
self.wps_request.raw = None # make sure doc gets generated by disabling alternate raw data mode
self._update_status_doc() # generate 'doc' property with XML content for response
class WorkerService(ServiceWPS):
Dispatches PyWPS requests from WPS-1/2 XML endpoint to WPS-REST as appropriate.
.. note::
For every WPS-Request type, the parsing of XML content is already handled by the PyWPS service for GET/POST.
All data must be retrieved from parsed :class:`WPSRequest` to avoid managing argument location and WPS versions.
When ``GetCapabilities`` or ``DescribeProcess`` requests are received, directly return to result as XML based
on content (no need to subprocess as Celery task that gets resolved quickly with only the process(es) details).
When JSON content is requested, instead return the redirect link to corresponding WPS-REST API endpoint.
When receiving ``Execute`` request, convert the XML payload to corresponding JSON and
dispatch it to the Celery Worker to actually process it after job setup for monitoring.
def __init__(self, *_, is_worker=False, settings=None, **__):
# type: (*Any, bool, SettingsType, **Any) -> None
super(WorkerService, self).__init__(*_, **__)
self.is_worker = is_worker
self.settings = settings or get_settings()
self.dispatched_processes = {} # type: Dict[str, Process]
def _get_capabilities_redirect(self, wps_request, *_, **__):
# type: (WPSRequest, *Any, **Any) -> Optional[Union[WPSResponse, HTTPValid]]
Redirects to WPS-REST endpoint if requested ``Content-Type`` is JSON.
req = wps_request.http_request
accept_type = get_header("Accept", req.headers)
if accept_type == ContentType.APP_JSON:
url = get_weaver_url(self.settings)
resp = HTTPSeeOther(location=f"{url}{sd.processes_service.path}") # redirect
setattr(resp, "_update_status", lambda *_, **__: None) # patch to avoid pywps server raising
return resp
return None
def get_capabilities(self, wps_request, *_, **__):
# type: (WPSRequest, *Any, **Any) -> Union[WPSResponse, HTTPValid]
Handles the ``GetCapabilities`` KVP/XML request submitted on the WPS endpoint.
Redirects to WPS-REST endpoint if requested ``Content-Type`` is JSON or handle ``GetCapabilities`` normally.
resp = self._get_capabilities_redirect(wps_request, *_, **__)
return resp or super(WorkerService, self).get_capabilities(wps_request, *_, **__)
def _describe_process_redirect(self, wps_request, *_, **__):
# type: (WPSRequest, *Any, **Any) -> Optional[Union[WPSResponse, HTTPValid]]
Redirects to WPS-REST endpoint if requested ``Content-Type`` is JSON.
req = wps_request.http_request
req = extend_instance(req, PyramidRequest) # apply query 'params' method
accept_type = guess_target_format(req, default=ContentType.APP_XML)
if accept_type == ContentType.APP_JSON:
url = get_weaver_url(self.settings)
proc = wps_request.identifiers
if not proc:
raise HTTPBadRequest(sd.BadRequestGetProcessInfoResponse.description)
if len(proc) > 1:
raise HTTPBadRequest("Unsupported multi-process ID for description. Only provide one.")
path = sd.process_service.path.format(process_id=proc[0])
resp = HTTPSeeOther(location=f"{url}{path}") # redirect
setattr(resp, "_update_status", lambda *_, **__: None) # patch to avoid pywps server raising
return resp
return None
def describe(self, wps_request, *_, **__):
# type: (WPSRequest, *Any, **Any) -> Union[WPSResponse, HTTPValid]
Handles the ``DescribeProcess`` KVP/XML request submitted on the WPS endpoint.
Redirect to WPS-REST endpoint if requested ``Content-Type`` is JSON or handle ``DescribeProcess`` normally.
resp = self._describe_process_redirect(wps_request, *_, **__)
return resp or super(WorkerService, self).describe(wps_request, *_, **__)
def _submit_job(self, wps_request):
# type: (WPSRequest) -> Union[WPSResponse, HTTPValid, JSON]
Dispatch operation to WPS-REST endpoint, which in turn should call back the real Celery Worker for execution.
Returns the status response as is if XML, or convert it to JSON, according to request ``Accept`` header.
req = wps_request.http_request # type: Union[PyramidRequest, WerkzeugRequest]
pid = wps_request.identifier
ctx = get_wps_output_context(req) # re-validate here in case submitted via WPS endpoint instead of REST-API
proc = get_process(process_id=pid, settings=self.settings) # raises if invalid or missing
wps_process = self.processes.get(pid)
# create the JSON payload from the XML content and submit job
is_workflow = proc.type == ProcessType.WORKFLOW
args = get_request_args(req)
tags = args.get("tags", "").split(",") + ["xml", f"wps-{wps_request.version}"]
data = wps2json_job_payload(wps_request, wps_process)
resp = submit_job_handler(
data, self.settings, proc.processEndpointWPS1,
process=proc, is_local=True, is_workflow=is_workflow, visibility=Visibility.PUBLIC,
language=wps_request.language, tags=tags, headers=dict(req.headers), context=ctx
# enforced JSON results with submitted data that includes 'response=document'
# use 'json_body' to work with any 'response' implementation
body = resp.json_body
# if Accept was JSON, provide response content as is
# if anything else (even */*), return as XML
# It is very important to respect default XML since 'owslib.wps.WebProcessingService' does not provide any
# way to provide explicitly Accept header. Even our Wps1Process as Workflow step depends on this behaviour.
accept_type = get_header("Accept", req.headers)
if accept_type == ContentType.APP_JSON:
resp = get_job_submission_response(body, resp.headers)
setattr(resp, "_update_status", lambda *_, **__: None) # patch to avoid pywps server raising
return resp
return body
def prepare_process_for_execution(self, identifier):
# type: (str) -> ProcessWPS
Handles dispatched remote provider process preparation during execution request.
# remote provider processes to instantiate
dispatch_process = self.dispatched_processes.get(identifier)
if dispatch_process:
LOGGER.debug("Preparing dispatched remote provider process definition for execution: [%s]", identifier)
self.processes[identifier] = dispatch_process.wps() # prepare operation looks within this mapping
process_wps = super(WorkerService, self).prepare_process_for_execution(identifier)
except Exception as exc:
LOGGER.error("Error occurred during remote provider process creation for execution.", exc_info=exc)
# cleanup temporary references
self.dispatched_processes.pop(identifier, None)
self.processes.pop(identifier, None)
return process_wps
# local processes already loaded by the service
return super(WorkerService, self).prepare_process_for_execution(identifier)
def execute(self, identifier, wps_request, uuid):
# type: (str, Union[WPSRequest, WorkerRequest], str) -> Union[WPSResponse, HTTPValid]
Handles the ``Execute`` KVP/XML request submitted on the WPS endpoint.
Submit WPS request to corresponding WPS-REST endpoint and convert back for requested ``Accept`` content-type.
Overrides the original execute operation, that will instead be handled by :meth:`execute_job` following
callback from Celery Worker, which handles process job creation and monitoring.
If ``Accept`` is JSON, the result is directly returned from :meth:`_submit_job`.
If ``Accept`` is XML or undefined, :class:`WorkerExecuteResponse` converts the received JSON with XML template.
result = self._submit_job(wps_request)
if not isinstance(result, dict):
return result # pre-built HTTP response with JSON contents when requested
# otherwise, recreate the equivalent content with expected XML template format
job_id = result["jobID"]
wps_process = self.processes.get(wps_request.identifier)
# because we are building the XML response (and JSON not explicitly requested)
# caller is probably a WPS-1 client also expecting a status XML file
# remap the status location accordingly from the current REST endpoint
job_url = result["location"]
if urlparse(job_url).path.endswith(f"/jobs/{job_id}"):
# file status does not exist yet since client calling this method is waiting for it
# pywps will generate it once the WorkerExecuteResponse is returned
status_path = get_wps_local_status_location(job_url, self.settings, must_exist=False)
wps_dir = get_wps_output_dir(self.settings)
wps_url = get_wps_output_url(self.settings)
job_url = status_path.replace(wps_dir, wps_url, 1)
# when called by the WSGI app, 'WorkerExecuteResponse.__call__' will generate the XML from 'doc' property,
# which itself is generated by template substitution of data from above 'json' property
return WorkerExecuteResponse(wps_request, job_id, wps_process, job_url, settings=self.settings)
except Exception as ex: # noqa
LOGGER.exception("Error building XML response by PyWPS Service during WPS Execute result from worker.")
message = f"Failed building XML response from WPS Execute result. Error [{ex!r}]"
raise OWSNoApplicableCode(message, locator=job_id)
def execute_job(self,
job, # type: Job
wps_inputs, # type: List[WPS_InputData]
wps_outputs, # type: List[WPS_OutputRequested]
remote_process, # type: Optional[Process]
headers, # type: Optional[AnyHeadersCookieContainer]
): # type: (...) -> WPSExecution
Real execution of the process by active Celery Worker.
process_id = job.process
execution = WPSExecution(version="2.0", url="localhost")
xml_request = execution.buildRequest(process_id, wps_inputs, wps_outputs, mode=job.execution_mode, lineage=True)
wps_request = WorkerRequest(http_headers=headers)
wps_request.identifier = process_id # pylint: disable=W0201
request_parser = wps_request._post_request_parser(wps_request.WPS.Execute().tag) # noqa: W0212
request_parser(xml_request) # parses the submitted inputs/outputs data and request parameters
# Setting 'status = false' will disable async execution of ''
# but this is needed since this job is running within Celery worker already async
# (daemon process can't have children processes).
wps_request.status = "false" # pylint: disable=W0201
# When 'execute' is called, pywps will in turn call 'prepare_process_for_execution',
# which then setups and retrieves currently loaded 'local' processes.
# Since only local processes were defined by 'get_pywps_service',
# a temporary process must be added for remote providers execution.
if not remote_process:
worker_process_id = process_id
worker_process_id = f"wps_package-{process_id}-{job.uuid}"
self.dispatched_processes[worker_process_id] = remote_process
wps_response = super(WorkerService, self).execute(worker_process_id, wps_request, job.uuid)
# re-enable creation of status file, so we can find it since we disabled 'status' earlier for sync execution
wps_response.store_status_file = True
# update execution status with actual status file and apply required references
execution = check_wps_status(location=wps_response.process.status_location, settings=self.settings)
execution.request = xml_request
return execution
def get_pywps_service(environ=None, is_worker=False):
# type: (SettingsType, bool) -> WorkerService
Generates the PyWPS Service that provides WPS-1/2 XML endpoint.
environ = environ or {}
# get config file
registry = get_registry()
settings = get_settings(registry)
pywps_cfg = environ.get("PYWPS_CFG") or settings.get("PYWPS_CFG") or os.getenv("PYWPS_CFG")
if not isinstance(pywps_cfg, ConfigParser) or not settings.get("weaver.wps_configured"):
load_pywps_config(settings, config=pywps_cfg)
# call pywps application with processes filtered according to the adapter's definition
process_store = get_db(registry).get_store(StoreProcesses) # type: StoreProcesses
processes_wps = [process.wps() for process in
service = WorkerService(processes_wps, is_worker=is_worker, settings=settings)
except Exception as ex:
LOGGER.exception("Error occurred during PyWPS Service and/or Processes setup.")
raise OWSNoApplicableCode(f"Failed setup of PyWPS Service and/or Processes. Error [{ex!r}]")
return service