
Module Contents

class weaver.processes.wps_default.HelloWPS(*_: Any, **__: Any)[source]
  • handler – A callable that gets invoked for each incoming request. It should accept a single pywps.app.WPSRequest argument and return a pywps.app.WPSResponse object.

  • identifier (string) – Name of this process.

  • title (string) – Human readable title of process.

  • abstract (string) – Brief narrative description of the process.

  • keywords (list) – Keywords that characterize a process.

  • inputs – List of inputs accepted by this process. They should be LiteralInput and ComplexInput and BoundingBoxInput objects.

  • outputs – List of outputs returned by this process. They should be LiteralOutput and ComplexOutput and BoundingBoxOutput objects.

  • metadata – List of metadata advertised by this process. They should be pywps.app.Common.Metadata objects.

  • translations (dict[str,dict[str,str]]) – The first key is the RFC 4646 language code, and the nested mapping contains translated strings accessible by a string property. e.g. {“fr-CA”: {“title”: “Mon titre”, “abstract”: “Une description”}}

identifier = 'hello'[source]
title = 'Say Hello'[source]
_handler(request, response)[source]