Source code for weaver.processes.wps_workflow

import hashlib
import json
import locale
import logging
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from functools import cmp_to_key, partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, MutableMapping, Text, cast  # these are actually used in the code

from cwltool import command_line_tool
from cwltool.builder import CONTENT_LIMIT, Builder, substitute
from cwltool.context import LoadingContext, RuntimeContext, getdefault
from cwltool.errors import WorkflowException
from cwltool.job import JobBase, relink_initialworkdir
from cwltool.pathmapper import adjustDirObjs, adjustFileObjs, get_listing, trim_listing, visit_class
from cwltool.process import (
    Process as ProcessCWL,
from cwltool.stdfsaccess import StdFsAccess
from cwltool.utils import aslist, bytes2str_in_dicts, onWindows
from cwltool.workflow import Workflow
from pyramid_celery import celery_app as app
from schema_salad import validate
from schema_salad.sourceline import SourceLine
from six import string_types

from weaver.processes.builtin import BuiltinProcess
from weaver.processes.constants import (
from weaver.utils import get_settings, make_dirs, now
from weaver.wps import get_wps_output_dir

    from weaver.typedefs import (   # noqa: F401
        ExpectedOutputType, GetJobProcessDefinitionFunction, ToolPathObjectType, AnyValue
    from weaver.processes.wps_process_base import WpsProcessInterface       # noqa: F401
    from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Union     # noqa: F401
    from cwltool.command_line_tool import OutputPorts                       # noqa: F401
    from cwltool.provenance import ProvenanceProfile
    import threading    # noqa: F401

[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]DEFAULT_TMP_PREFIX = "tmp"
# TODO: The code started as a copy of the class cwltool/, # and still has useless code in the context of a WPS workflow # Extend the supported process requirements supportedProcessRequirements += [ CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_BUILTIN, CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_WPS1, CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_ESGF_CWT, ]
[docs]def default_make_tool(toolpath_object, # type: ToolPathObjectType loading_context, # type: LoadingContext get_job_process_definition, # type: GetJobProcessDefinitionFunction ): # type: (...) -> ProcessCWL if not isinstance(toolpath_object, raise WorkflowException(u"Not a dict: '%s'" % toolpath_object) if "class" in toolpath_object: if toolpath_object["class"] == "CommandLineTool": builtin_process_hints = [h.get("process") for h in toolpath_object.get("hints") if h.get("class", "").endswith(CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_BUILTIN)] if len(builtin_process_hints) == 1: return BuiltinProcess(toolpath_object, loading_context) return WpsWorkflow(toolpath_object, loading_context, get_job_process_definition) if toolpath_object["class"] == "ExpressionTool": return command_line_tool.ExpressionTool(toolpath_object, loading_context) if toolpath_object["class"] == "Workflow": return Workflow(toolpath_object, loading_context) raise WorkflowException( u"Missing or invalid 'class' field in %s, expecting one of: CommandLineTool, ExpressionTool, Workflow" % toolpath_object["id"])
[docs]class CallbackJob(object): def __init__(self, job, output_callback, cachebuilder, jobcache): # type: (WpsWorkflow, Callable[[Any, Any], Any], Builder, Text) -> None self.job = job self.output_callback = output_callback self.cache_builder = cachebuilder self.output_dir = jobcache self.prov_obj = None # type: Optional[ProvenanceProfile]
[docs] def run(self, loading_context): # type: (RuntimeContext) -> None self.output_callback(self.job.collect_output_ports( self.job.tool["outputs"], self.cache_builder, self.output_dir, getdefault(loading_context.compute_checksum, True)), "success")
[docs]class WpsWorkflow(ProcessCWL): def __init__(self, toolpath_object, loading_context, get_job_process_definition): # type: (Dict[Text, Any], LoadingContext, GetJobProcessDefinitionFunction) -> None super(WpsWorkflow, self).__init__(toolpath_object, loading_context) self.prov_obj = loading_context.prov_obj self.get_job_process_definition = get_job_process_definition # DockerRequirement is removed because we use our custom job which dispatch the processing to an ADES instead self.requirements = list(filter(lambda req: req["class"] != CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_DOCKER, self.requirements)) self.hints = list(filter(lambda req: req["class"] != CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_DOCKER, self.hints)) # pylint: disable=W0221,arguments-differ # naming using python like arguments
[docs] def job(self, joborder, # type: Dict[Text, AnyValue] output_callbacks, # type: Callable[[Any, Any], Any] runtime_context, # type: RuntimeContext ): # type: (...) -> Generator[Union[JobBase, CallbackJob], None, None] """ Workflow job generator. :param joborder: inputs of the job submission :param output_callbacks: method to fetch step outputs and corresponding step details :param runtime_context: configs about execution environment :return: """ require_prefix = "" if self.metadata["cwlVersion"] == "v1.0": require_prefix = "" jobname = uniquename( or shortname(self.tool.get("id", "job"))) # outdir must be served by the EMS because downstream step will need access to upstream steps output weaver_out_dir = get_wps_output_dir(get_settings(app)) runtime_context.outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix=getdefault(runtime_context.tmp_outdir_prefix, DEFAULT_TMP_PREFIX), dir=weaver_out_dir) builder = self._init_job(joborder, runtime_context) # `jobname` is the step name and `joborder` is the actual step inputs wps_workflow_job = WpsWorkflowJob(builder, builder.job, self.requirements, self.hints, jobname, self.get_job_process_definition(jobname, joborder, self.tool), self.tool["outputs"]) wps_workflow_job.prov_obj = self.prov_obj wps_workflow_job.successCodes = self.tool.get("successCodes") wps_workflow_job.temporaryFailCodes = self.tool.get("temporaryFailCodes") wps_workflow_job.permanentFailCodes = self.tool.get("permanentFailCodes") # TODO Taken from maybe this could let us use the revmap if required at all # reffiles = copy.deepcopy(builder.files) # builder.pathmapper = self.make_path_mapper( # reffiles, builder.stagedir, runtimeContext, True) # builder.requirements = wps_workflow_job.requirements wps_workflow_job.outdir = builder.outdir wps_workflow_job.tmpdir = builder.tmpdir wps_workflow_job.stagedir = builder.stagedir readers = {} # type: Dict[Text, Any] timelimit = self.get_requirement(require_prefix + "TimeLimit")[0] if timelimit: with SourceLine(timelimit, "timelimit", validate.ValidationException): wps_workflow_job.timelimit = builder.do_eval(timelimit["timelimit"]) if not isinstance(wps_workflow_job.timelimit, int) or wps_workflow_job.timelimit < 0: raise Exception("timelimit must be an integer >= 0, got: %s" % wps_workflow_job.timelimit) wps_workflow_job.collect_outputs = partial( self.collect_output_ports, self.tool["outputs"], builder, compute_checksum=getdefault(runtime_context.compute_checksum, True), jobname=jobname, readers=readers) wps_workflow_job.output_callback = output_callbacks yield wps_workflow_job
[docs] def collect_output_ports(self, ports, # type: Set[Dict[Text, Any]] builder, # type: Builder outdir, # type: Text compute_checksum=True, # type: bool jobname="", # type: Text readers=None # type: Dict[Text, Any] ): # type: (...) -> OutputPorts ret = {} # type: OutputPorts debug = LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) try: fs_access = builder.make_fs_access(outdir) custom_output = fs_access.join(outdir, "cwl.output.json") if fs_access.exists(custom_output): with, "r") as f: ret = json.load(f) if debug: LOGGER.debug(u"Raw output from %s: %s", custom_output, json.dumps(ret, indent=4)) else: for i, port in enumerate(ports): def make_workflow_exception(msg): return WorkflowException( u"Error collecting output for parameter '%s':\n%s" % (shortname(port["id"]), msg)) with SourceLine(ports, i, make_workflow_exception, debug): fragment = shortname(port["id"]) ret[fragment] = self.collect_output(port, builder, outdir, fs_access, compute_checksum=compute_checksum) if ret: # revmap = partial(command_line_tool.revmap_file, builder, outdir) adjustDirObjs(ret, trim_listing) # TODO: Attempt to avoid a crash because the revmap fct is not functional # (intend for a docker usage only?) # visit_class(ret, ("File", "Directory"), cast(Callable[[Any], Any], revmap)) visit_class(ret, ("File", "Directory"), command_line_tool.remove_path) normalizeFilesDirs(ret) visit_class(ret, ("File", "Directory"), partial(command_line_tool.check_valid_locations, fs_access)) if compute_checksum: adjustFileObjs(ret, partial(compute_checksums, fs_access)) validate.validate_ex( self.names.get_name("outputs_record_schema", ""), ret, strict=False, logger=LOGGER) if ret is not None and builder.mutation_manager is not None: adjustFileObjs(ret, builder.mutation_manager.set_generation) return ret if ret is not None else {} except validate.ValidationException as exc: raise WorkflowException("Error validating output record: {!s}\nIn:\n{}" .format(exc, json.dumps(ret, indent=4))) finally: if builder.mutation_manager and readers: for reader in readers.values(): builder.mutation_manager.release_reader(jobname, reader)
[docs] def collect_output(self, schema, # type: Dict[Text, Any] builder, # type: Builder outdir, # type: Text fs_access, # type: StdFsAccess compute_checksum=True # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> Optional[Union[Dict[Text, Any], List[Union[Dict[Text, Any], Text]]]] result = [] # type: List[Any] empty_and_optional = False debug = LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) if "outputBinding" in schema: binding = schema["outputBinding"] globpatterns = [] # type: List[Text] revmap = partial(command_line_tool.revmap_file, builder, outdir) if "glob" in binding: with SourceLine(binding, "glob", WorkflowException, debug): for glob in aslist(binding["glob"]): glob = builder.do_eval(glob) if glob: globpatterns.extend(aslist(glob)) for glob in globpatterns: if glob.startswith(outdir): glob = glob[len(outdir) + 1:] elif glob == ".": glob = outdir elif glob.startswith("/"): raise WorkflowException("glob patterns must not start with '/'") try: prefix = fs_access.glob(outdir) key = cmp_to_key(cast(Callable[[Text, Text], int], locale.strcoll)) # In case of stdout.log or stderr.log file not created if "stdout" in self.tool and "stderr" in self.tool \ and glob in (self.tool["stdout"], self.tool["stderr"]): filepath = Path(fs_access.join(outdir, glob)) if not filepath.is_file(): Path(filepath).touch() result.extend([{ "location": g, "path": fs_access.join(builder.outdir, g[len(prefix[0])+1:]), "basename": os.path.basename(g), "nameroot": os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(g))[0], "nameext": os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(g))[1], "class": "File" if fs_access.isfile(g) else "Directory" } for g in sorted(fs_access.glob(fs_access.join(outdir, glob)), key=key)]) except (OSError, IOError) as exc: LOGGER.warning(Text(exc)) except Exception: LOGGER.exception("Unexpected error from fs_access") raise for files in result: rfile = files.copy() # TODO This function raise an exception and seems to be related to docker (which is not used here) # revmap(rfile) if files["class"] == "Directory": load_listing = builder.loadListing or (binding and binding.get("loadListing")) if load_listing and load_listing != "no_listing": get_listing(fs_access, files, (load_listing == "deep_listing")) else: with["location"], "rb") as f: contents = b"" if binding.get("loadContents") or compute_checksum: contents = if binding.get("loadContents"): files["contents"] = contents.decode("utf-8") if compute_checksum: checksum = hashlib.sha1() # nosec: B303 while contents != b"": checksum.update(contents) contents = * 1024) files["checksum"] = "sha1$%s" % checksum.hexdigest(), 2) file_size = f.tell() files["size"] = file_size optional = False single = False if isinstance(schema["type"], list): if "null" in schema["type"]: optional = True if "File" in schema["type"] or "Directory" in schema["type"]: single = True elif schema["type"] == "File" or schema["type"] == "Directory": single = True if "outputEval" in binding: with SourceLine(binding, "outputEval", WorkflowException, debug): result = builder.do_eval(binding["outputEval"], context=result) if single: if not result and not optional: with SourceLine(binding, "glob", WorkflowException, debug): raise WorkflowException("Did not find output file with glob pattern: '{}'".format(globpatterns)) elif not result and optional: pass elif isinstance(result, list): if len(result) > 1: raise WorkflowException("Multiple matches for output item that is a single file.") result = result[0] if "secondaryFiles" in schema: with SourceLine(schema, "secondaryFiles", WorkflowException, debug): for primary in aslist(result): if isinstance(primary, dict): primary.setdefault("secondaryFiles", []) pathprefix = primary["path"][0:primary["path"].rindex("/")+1] for file in aslist(schema["secondaryFiles"]): if isinstance(file, dict) or "$(" in file or "${" in file: sfpath = builder.do_eval(file, context=primary) subst = False else: sfpath = file subst = True for sfitem in aslist(sfpath): if isinstance(sfitem, string_types): if subst: sfitem = {"path": substitute(primary["path"], sfitem)} else: sfitem = {"path": pathprefix+sfitem} if "path" in sfitem and "location" not in sfitem: revmap(sfitem) if fs_access.isfile(sfitem["location"]): sfitem["class"] = "File" primary["secondaryFiles"].append(sfitem) elif fs_access.isdir(sfitem["location"]): sfitem["class"] = "Directory" primary["secondaryFiles"].append(sfitem) if "format" in schema: for primary in aslist(result): primary["format"] = builder.do_eval(schema["format"], context=primary) # Ensure files point to local references outside of the run environment # TODO: Again removing revmap.... # adjustFileObjs(result, revmap) if not result and optional: return None if not empty_and_optional and isinstance(schema["type"], dict) and schema["type"]["type"] == "record": out = {} for f in schema["type"]["fields"]: out[shortname(f["name"])] = self.collect_output( # type: ignore f, builder, outdir, fs_access, compute_checksum=compute_checksum) return out return result
[docs]class WpsWorkflowJob(JobBase): # noqa: N802 def __init__(self, builder, # type: Builder joborder, # type: Dict[Text, Union[Dict[Text, Any], List, Text, None]] requirements, # type: List[Dict[Text, Text]] hints, # type: List[Dict[Text, Text]] name, # type: Text wps_process, # type: WpsProcessInterface expected_outputs, # type: List[ExpectedOutputType] ): # type: (...) -> None super(WpsWorkflowJob, self).__init__(builder, joborder, None, requirements, hints, name) self.wps_process = wps_process self.results = None self.expected_outputs = {} # type: ExpectedOutputType for output in expected_outputs: # TODO Should we support something else? if output["type"] == "File": # Expecting output to look like this # output = {"id": "file:///tmp/random_path/process_name#output_id, # "type": "File", # "outputBinding": {"glob": output_name } # } output_id = shortname(output["id"]) self.expected_outputs[output_id] = output["outputBinding"]["glob"]
[docs] def run(self, runtimeContext, # type: RuntimeContext tmpdir_lock=None, # type: Optional[threading.Lock] ): # type: (...) -> None make_dirs(self.tmpdir, exist_ok=True) env = self.environment vars_to_preserve = runtimeContext.preserve_environment if runtimeContext.preserve_entire_environment: vars_to_preserve = os.environ if vars_to_preserve is not None: for key, value in os.environ.items(): if key in vars_to_preserve and key not in env: # On Windows, subprocess env can't handle unicode. env[key] = str(value) if onWindows() else value env["HOME"] = str(self.outdir) if onWindows() else self.outdir env["TMPDIR"] = str(self.tmpdir) if onWindows() else self.tmpdir if "PATH" not in env: env["PATH"] = str(os.environ["PATH"]) if onWindows() else os.environ["PATH"] if "SYSTEMROOT" not in env and "SYSTEMROOT" in os.environ: env["SYSTEMROOT"] = str(os.environ["SYSTEMROOT"]) if onWindows() else os.environ["SYSTEMROOT"] # stageFiles(self.pathmapper, ignoreWritable=True, symLink=True, secret_store=runtimeContext.secret_store) if self.generatemapper: # FIXME: see if this is needed... func doesn't exist anymore in cwltool 2.x # stageFiles(self.generatemapper, ignoreWritable=self.inplace_update, # symLink=True, secret_store=runtimeContext.secret_store) relink_initialworkdir(self.generatemapper, self.outdir, self.builder.outdir, inplace_update=self.inplace_update) self.execute([], env, runtimeContext)
# pylint: disable=W0221,arguments-differ # naming using python like arguments
[docs] def execute(self, runtime, env, runtime_context): # noqa: E811 # type: (List[Text], MutableMapping[Text, Text], RuntimeContext) -> None self.results = self.wps_process.execute(self.builder.job, self.outdir, self.expected_outputs) if self.joborder and runtime_context.research_obj: job_order = self.joborder assert runtime_context.prov_obj assert runtime_context.process_run_id runtime_context.prov_obj.used_artefacts(job_order, runtime_context.process_run_id, str( outputs = {} # type: Dict[Text, Text] try: rcode = 0 if self.successCodes: process_status = "success" elif self.temporaryFailCodes: process_status = "temporaryFail" elif self.permanentFailCodes: process_status = "permanentFail" elif rcode == 0: process_status = "success" else: process_status = "permanentFail" if self.generatefiles["listing"]: assert self.generatemapper is not None relink_initialworkdir( self.generatemapper, self.outdir, self.builder.outdir, inplace_update=self.inplace_update) outputs = self.collect_outputs(self.outdir) outputs = bytes2str_in_dicts(outputs) # type: ignore except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == 2: if runtime: LOGGER.exception(u"'%s' not found", runtime[0]) else: LOGGER.exception(u"'%s' not found", self.command_line[0]) else: LOGGER.exception("Exception while running job") process_status = "permanentFail" except WorkflowException as err: LOGGER.exception(u"[job %s] Job error:\n%s",, err) process_status = "permanentFail" except Exception: # noqa: W0703 # nosec: B110 LOGGER.exception("Exception while running job") process_status = "permanentFail" if runtime_context.research_obj and self.prov_obj and \ runtime_context.process_run_id: # creating entities for the outputs produced by each step (in the provenance document) self.prov_obj.generate_output_prov( outputs, runtime_context.process_run_id, str( self.prov_obj.document.wasEndedBy( runtime_context.process_run_id, None, self.prov_obj.workflow_run_uri, now()) if process_status != "success": LOGGER.warning(u"[job %s] completed %s",, process_status) else:"[job %s] completed %s",, process_status) if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): LOGGER.debug(u"[job %s] %s",, json.dumps(outputs, indent=4)) if self.generatemapper and runtime_context.secret_store: # Delete any runtime-generated files containing secrets. for _, path_item in self.generatemapper.items(): if path_item.type == "CreateFile": if runtime_context.secret_store.has_secret(path_item.resolved): host_outdir = self.outdir container_outdir = self.builder.outdir host_outdir_tgt = if + "/"): host_outdir_tgt = os.path.join( host_outdir,[len(container_outdir)+1:]) os.remove(host_outdir_tgt) if runtime_context.workflow_eval_lock is None: raise WorkflowException("runtime_context.workflow_eval_lock must not be None") with runtime_context.workflow_eval_lock: self.output_callback(outputs, process_status) if self.stagedir and os.path.exists(self.stagedir): LOGGER.debug(u"[job %s] Removing input staging directory %s",, self.stagedir) shutil.rmtree(self.stagedir, True) if runtime_context.rm_tmpdir: LOGGER.debug(u"[job %s] Removing temporary directory %s",, self.tmpdir) shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir, True)