Module Contents
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.get_queried_jobs(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyViewResponse [source]
Retrieve the list of jobs which can be filtered, sorted, paged and categorized using query parameters.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.create_job(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyViewResponse [source]
Create a new processing job with advanced management and execution capabilities.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.create_job_unsupported_media_type(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyViewResponse [source]
Handle the case where no
was matched for decorated service handlers oncreate_job()
.This operation must be defined with a separate service decorator allowing “any”
because match bycontent_type
is performed prior to invoking the applicable decorated view function. Therefore, using a customerror_handler
on the decorators ofcreate_job()
would never be invoked since their preconditions would never be encountered. Decorated views that provide acontent_type
explicitly are prioritized. Therefore, this will match any fallbackcontent_type
not already defined by another decorator.Warning
It is very important that this is defined after
such that its docstring is employed for rendering the OpenAPI definition instead of this docstring.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.trigger_job_execution(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyResponseType [source]
Trigger the execution of a previously created job.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.get_job_status(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPOk [source]
Retrieve the status of a job.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.update_pending_job(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyResponseType [source]
Update a previously created job still pending execution.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.cancel_job(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyResponseType [source]
Dismiss a planned or running job execution, or remove result artifacts of a completed job.
- Note:
Will only stop tracking this particular process execution when not supported by underlying provider services such as WPS 1.0. Services supporting cancel operation could attempt to terminate remote jobs.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.cancel_job_batch(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyResponseType [source]
Dismiss operation for multiple jobs.
- Note:
Will only stop tracking jobs when underlying remote provider services do not support cancel operation.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.get_job_inputs(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyResponseType [source]
Retrieve the inputs values and outputs definitions of a job.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.get_job_outputs(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyResponseType [source]
Retrieve the output values resulting from a job execution.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.get_job_results(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyResponseType [source]
Retrieve the results of a job.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.get_job_exceptions(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyResponseType [source]
Retrieve the exceptions of a job.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.get_job_logs(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyResponseType [source]
Retrieve the logs of a job.
- weaver.wps_restapi.jobs.jobs.get_job_stats(request: weaver.typedefs.PyramidRequest) weaver.typedefs.AnyResponseType [source]
Retrieve the statistics of a job.