
The installation is using the Python distribution system Miniconda (default installation of no conda found) to maintain software dependencies. Any conda installation should work the same. To use a pre-installed conda distribution, simply make sure that it can be found on the shell path.


The installation works on Linux 64 bit distributions (tested on Ubuntu 16.04).


Windows is not officially supported, but some patches have been applied to help using it. If you find some problems, please submit a new issue or open a pull request with fixes.

From GitHub Sources

Install weaver as normal user from GitHub sources:

git clone
cd weaver
make install

If no conda environment is activated, the install process will setup a new or reuse the conda environment named weaver and install all dependency packages. If an environment is activated, Weaver will be installed in that environment. You can also enforce a specific environment using:

make CONDA_ENV=<my-env> install

Windows Installation

Minimal support is provided to run the code on Windows. To do so, the Makefile assumes you are running in a MINGW environment, that conda is already installed, and that it is available from CONDA_HOME variable or similar. If this is not the case, you will have to adjust the reference variables accordingly.


Windows support is not official and any dependency could stop supporting it at any given time. Particularly, libraries for Celery task execution have a tendency to break between versions for Windows. The application is regularly evaluated on a Linux virtual machine. It is recommended to run it as so or using the existing Docker images.

Known issues

  • Package shapely.geos has C++ dependency to geos library. If the package was installed in a conda environment, but through pip install call, the source path will not be found. You have to make sure to install it using conda install -c conda-forge shapely.

  • The example weaver.ini.example file uses gunicorn by default to take advantage of its performance features, but this package does not support Windows. Alternatively, you might need to use waitress by replacing it in the [server:main] section.

Please refer to Configuration and Running Weaver sections for following steps.

Database Migration

Added in version 4.3.

Previous versions of Weaver did not require any specific version of MongoDB. Features were working using version as early as mongo==3.4 if not even older. Due to more recent search capabilities, performance improvements and security fixes, minimum requirement of mongo==5.0 has been made mandatory.

In terms of data itself, there should be no difference, unless more advanced usage (e.g.: Replica Sets) were configured on your side. See relevant MongoDB official documentation as needed in this case. Otherwise, employed mongodb instance simply needs to be updated with the relevant versions.

To simplify to process, the following procedure is recommended to avoid installing MongoDB libraries. Assuming the current version is 3.4, below operations must be executed iteratively for every migration step of versions 3.6, 4.0, 4.2, 4.4 and 5.0, where VERSION is the new version above the current one.

docker run --name mongo -v <DB_DATA_PATH>:/data/db -d mongo:<VERSION>
docker exec -ti mongo mongo

# in docker, should answer with: { "ok" : 1 }
db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "<VERSION>" } )

# back in shell
docker stop mongo && docker rm mongo