Source code for weaver.formats

import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import socket
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.request import urlopen

import yaml
from json2xml.json2xml import Json2xml
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound, HTTPOk
from pyramid_storage.extensions import resolve_extensions
from pywps.inout.formats import FORMATS, Format
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError

from weaver.base import Constants, classproperty

    from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

    from weaver.base import PropertyDataTypeT
    from weaver.typedefs import AnyRequestType, JSON

[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class AcceptLanguage(Constants): """ Supported languages. """
[docs] EN_CA = "en-CA"
[docs] FR_CA = "fr-CA"
[docs] EN_US = "en-US"
[docs] def offers(cls): # type: () -> List[str] """ Languages offered by the application. """ languages = AcceptLanguage.values() languages += list({lang.split("-")[0] for lang in languages}) return languages
[docs]class ContentType(Constants): """ Supported Content-Types. Media-type nomenclature:: <type> "/" [x- | <tree> "."] <subtype> ["+" suffix] *[";" parameter=value] """
[docs] APP_DIR = "application/directory"
[docs] APP_CWL = "application/cwl"
[docs] APP_CWL_JSON = "application/cwl+json"
[docs] APP_CWL_YAML = "application/cwl+yaml"
[docs] APP_CWL_X = "application/x-cwl" # backward compatible format, others are official
[docs] APP_FORM = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
[docs] APP_GEOJSON = "application/geo+json"
[docs] APP_GZIP = "application/gzip"
[docs] APP_HDF5 = "application/x-hdf5"
[docs] APP_JSON = "application/json"
[docs] APP_OAS_JSON = "application/vnd.oai.openapi+json; version=3.0"
[docs] APP_OGC_PKG_JSON = "application/ogcapppkg+json"
[docs] APP_OGC_PKG_YAML = "application/ogcapppkg+yaml"
[docs] APP_NETCDF = "application/x-netcdf"
[docs] APP_OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream"
[docs] APP_PDF = "application/pdf"
[docs] APP_TAR = "application/x-tar" # map to existing gzip for CWL
[docs] APP_TAR_GZ = "application/tar+gzip" # map to existing gzip for CWL
[docs] APP_VDN_GEOJSON = "application/vnd.geo+json"
[docs] APP_XML = "application/xml"
[docs] APP_YAML = "application/x-yaml"
[docs] APP_ZIP = "application/zip"
[docs] IMAGE_GEOTIFF = "image/tiff; subtype=geotiff"
[docs] IMAGE_OGC_GEOTIFF = "mage/tiff; application=geotiff"
[docs] IMAGE_JPEG = "image/jpeg"
[docs] IMAGE_GIF = "image/gif"
[docs] IMAGE_PNG = "image/png"
[docs] IMAGE_TIFF = "image/tiff"
[docs] MULTI_PART_FORM = "multipart/form-data"
[docs] TEXT_ENRICHED = "text/enriched"
[docs] TEXT_HTML = "text/html"
[docs] TEXT_PLAIN = "text/plain"
[docs] TEXT_RICHTEXT = "text/richtext"
[docs] TEXT_XML = "text/xml"
[docs] VIDEO_MPEG = "video/mpeg"
# special handling
[docs] ANY = "*/*"
[docs]class OutputFormat(Constants): """ Renderer output formats for :term:`CLI`, `OpenAPI` and HTTP response content generation. """
[docs] JSON = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "json", doc=""" Representation as :term:`JSON` (object), which can still be manipulated in code. """) # noqa: F811 # false-positive redefinition of JSON typing
[docs] JSON_STR = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "json+str", doc=""" Representation as :term:`JSON` content formatted as string with indentation and newlines. """)
[docs] JSON_RAW = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "json+raw", doc=""" Representation as :term:`JSON` content formatted as raw string without any indentation or newlines. """)
[docs] YAML = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "yaml", doc=""" Representation as :term:`YAML` content formatted as string with indentation and newlines. """)
[docs] YML = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "yml", doc=""" Alias to YAML. """)
[docs] XML = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "xml", doc=""" Representation as :term:`XML` content formatted as serialized string. """)
[docs] XML_STR = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "xml+str", doc=""" Representation as :term:`XML` content formatted as string with indentation and newlines. """)
[docs] XML_RAW = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "xml+raw", doc=""" Representation as :term:`XML` content formatted as raw string without indentation or newlines. """)
[docs] TXT = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "txt", doc=""" Representation as plain text content without any specific reformatting or validation. """)
[docs] TEXT = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "text", doc=""" Representation as plain text content without any specific reformatting or validation. """)
[docs] def get(cls, # pylint: disable=W0221,W0237 # arguments differ/renamed format_or_version, # type: Union[str, AnyOutputFormat, PropertyDataTypeT] default=JSON, # type: AnyOutputFormat allow_version=True, # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> Union[AnyOutputFormat, PropertyDataTypeT] """ Resolve the applicable output format. :param format_or_version: Either a :term:`WPS` version, a known value for a ``f``/``format`` query parameter, or an ``Accept`` header that can be mapped to one of the supported output formats. :param default: Default output format if none could be resolved. :param allow_version: Enable :term:`WPS` version specifiers to infer the corresponding output representation. :return: Resolved output format. """ if allow_version and format_or_version == "1.0.0": return OutputFormat.XML if allow_version and format_or_version == "2.0.0": return OutputFormat.JSON if "/" in format_or_version: # Media-Type to output format renderer format_or_version = get_extension(format_or_version, dot=False) return super(OutputFormat, cls).get(str(format_or_version), default=default)
[docs] def convert(cls, data, to, item_root="item"): # type: (JSON, Union[AnyOutputFormat, str], str) -> Union[str, JSON] """ Converts the input data from :term:`JSON` to another known format. :param data: Input data to convert. Must be a literal :term:`JSON` object, not a :term:`JSON`-like string. :param to: Target format representation. If the output format is not :term:`JSON`, it is **ALWAYS** converted to the formatted string of the requested format to ensure the contents are properly represented as intended. In the case of :term:`JSON` as target format or unknown format, the original object is returned directly. :param item_root: When using :term:`XML` representations, defines the top-most item name. Unused for other representations. :return: Formatted output. """ from weaver.utils import bytes2str fmt = cls.get(to) if fmt == OutputFormat.JSON: return data if fmt == OutputFormat.JSON_STR: return repr_json(data, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) if fmt in [OutputFormat.JSON_RAW, OutputFormat.TEXT, OutputFormat.TXT]: return repr_json(data, indent=None, ensure_ascii=False) if fmt in [OutputFormat.XML, OutputFormat.XML_RAW, OutputFormat.XML_STR]: pretty = fmt == OutputFormat.XML_STR xml = Json2xml(data, item_wrap=True, pretty=pretty, wrapper=item_root).to_xml() if fmt == OutputFormat.XML_RAW: xml = bytes2str(xml) if isinstance(xml, str): xml = xml.strip() return xml if fmt in [OutputFormat.YML, OutputFormat.YAML]: yml = yaml.safe_dump(data, indent=2, sort_keys=False, width=float("inf")) # type: ignore if yml.endswith("\n...\n"): # added when data is single literal or None instead of list/object yml = yml[:-4] return yml return data
[docs]class SchemaRole(Constants):
[docs] JSON_SCHEMA = ""
# explicit mime-type to extension when not literally written in item after '/' (excluding 'x-' prefix)
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_OVERRIDES = { ContentType.APP_VDN_GEOJSON: ".geojson", # pywps 4.4 default extension without vdn prefix ContentType.APP_NETCDF: ".nc", ContentType.APP_GZIP: ".gz", ContentType.APP_TAR_GZ: ".tar.gz", ContentType.APP_YAML: ".yml", ContentType.IMAGE_TIFF: ".tif", # common alternate to .tiff ContentType.ANY: ".*", # any for glob ContentType.APP_DIR: "/", # force href to finish with explicit '/' to mark directory ContentType.APP_OCTET_STREAM: "", ContentType.APP_FORM: "", ContentType.MULTI_PART_FORM: "", }
[docs]_EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_OVERRIDES = { ".text": ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN, # common alias to .txt, especially when using format query ".tiff": ContentType.IMAGE_TIFF, # avoid defaulting to subtype geotiff ".yaml": ContentType.APP_YAML, # common alternative to .yml }
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING = { # content-types here are fully defined with extra parameters (e.g.: geotiff as subtype of tiff) fmt.mime_type: fmt for _, fmt in FORMATS._asdict().items() # noqa: W0212 if fmt.mime_type not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDE } # type: Dict[str, Format]
# back-propagate changes from new formats _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.update({ ctype: fmt.extension for ctype, fmt in _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING.items() # noqa: W0212 if ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING }) # apply any remaining local types not explicitly or indirectly added by FORMATS
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_EXT_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^[a-z]+/(x-)?(?P<ext>([a-z]+)).*$")
_CONTENT_TYPE_LOCALS_MISSING = [ (ctype, _CONTENT_TYPE_EXT_PATTERN.match(ctype)) for name, ctype in locals().items() if name.startswith("ContentType.") and isinstance(ctype, str) and ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDE and ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING and ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING ]
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_LOCALS_MISSING = sorted( [ (ctype, f".{re_ext['ext']}") for ctype, re_ext in _CONTENT_TYPE_LOCALS_MISSING if re_ext ], key=lambda typ: typ[0] )
# update and back-propagate generated local types _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.update(_CONTENT_TYPE_LOCALS_MISSING) # extend additional types # FIXME: disabled for security reasons # _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.update({ # ctype: ext # for ext, ctype in mimetypes.types_map.items() # if ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDE # and ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING # }) _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING.update({ ctype: Format(ctype, extension=ext) for ctype, ext in _CONTENT_TYPE_LOCALS_MISSING if ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDE }) _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING.update({ ctype: Format(ctype, extension=ext) for ctype, ext in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.items() if ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDE and ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING })
[docs]_EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_MAPPING = { # because the same extension can represent multiple distinct Content-Types, # derive the simplest (shortest) one by default for guessing generic Content-Type ext: ctype for ctype, ext in reversed(sorted( _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.items(), key=lambda typ_ext: len(typ_ext[0]) )) }
_EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_MAPPING.update(_EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_OVERRIDES) # file types that can contain textual characters
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_CHAR_TYPES = [ "application", "multipart", "text", ]
# redirect type resolution semantically equivalent CWL validators # should only be used to map CWL 'format' field if they are not already resolved through existing IANA/EDAM reference
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_SYNONYM_MAPPING = { ContentType.APP_TAR: ContentType.APP_GZIP, ContentType.APP_TAR_GZ: ContentType.APP_GZIP, }
# Mappings for "CWL->File->Format" # - IANA contains most standard MIME-types, but some special/vendor-specific types are missing # (application/x-hdf5, application/x-netcdf, etc.). # - EDAM contains many field-specific schemas, but don't have an implicit URL definition (uses 'format_<id>' instead). # - OpenGIS contains many OGC/Geospatial Media-Types and glossary of related terms, but since it includes many items # that are not necessarily Media-Types, URI resolutions are not attempted at random to avoid invalid references. # search: # - IANA: # - EDAM-classes: (section 'Format') # - EDAM-browser: # - OpenGIS vocabulary:
[docs]IANA_NAMESPACE = "iana"
# Generic entries in IANA Media-Type namespace registry that don't have an explicit endpoint, # but are defined regardless. Avoid unnecessary HTTP NotFound toward those missing endpoints. # (see items that don't have a link in 'Template' column in lists under 'IANA_NAMESPACE_URL')
[docs]IANA_KNOWN_MEDIA_TYPES = { ContentType.IMAGE_JPEG, ContentType.IMAGE_GIF, ContentType.TEXT_ENRICHED, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN, ContentType.TEXT_RICHTEXT, ContentType.VIDEO_MPEG, }
# types to enforce to IANA in case another equivalent is known in other following mappings # duplicates in other mappings are left defined in case they are employed by a user to ensure their detection # but prefer the IANA resolution with is the primary reference for Media-Types
[docs]IANA_MAPPING = { ContentType.APP_JSON: ContentType.APP_JSON, # CWL now has an official IANA definition: # ContentType.APP_CWL: ContentType.APP_CWL, ContentType.APP_CWL_JSON: ContentType.APP_CWL, ContentType.APP_CWL_YAML: ContentType.APP_CWL, ContentType.APP_CWL_X: ContentType.APP_CWL, }
[docs]EDAM_NAMESPACE = "edam"
[docs]EDAM_SCHEMA = ""
[docs]EDAM_MAPPING = { # preserve CWL EDAM definitions for backward compatibility in case they were used in deployed processes ContentType.APP_CWL: "format_3857", ContentType.APP_CWL_JSON: "format_3857", ContentType.APP_CWL_YAML: "format_3857", ContentType.APP_CWL_X: "format_3857", ContentType.IMAGE_GIF: "format_3467", ContentType.IMAGE_JPEG: "format_3579", ContentType.APP_HDF5: "format_3590", ContentType.APP_JSON: "format_3464", ContentType.APP_YAML: "format_3750", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN: "format_1964", }
# Official links to be employed in definitions must be formed as: # # But they should be redirected to full definitions as: # # See common locations: #
[docs]OPENGIS_NAMESPACE = "opengis"
# shorthand notation directly scoped under OGC Media-Types to allow: 'ogc:<media-type-id>'
[docs]OGC_NAMESPACE = "ogc"
[docs]OGC_NAMESPACE_URL = f"{OPENGIS_NAMESPACE_URL}def/media-type/ogc/1.0/"
[docs]OGC_MAPPING = { ContentType.IMAGE_GEOTIFF: "geotiff", ContentType.IMAGE_OGC_GEOTIFF: "geotiff", ContentType.APP_NETCDF: "netcdf", }
[docs]def get_allowed_extensions(): # type: () -> List[str] """ Obtain the complete list of extensions that are permitted for processing by the application. .. note:: This is employed for security reasons. Files can still be specified with another allowed extension, but it will not automatically inherit properties applicable to scripts and executables. If a specific file type is refused due to its extension, a PR can be submitted to add it explicitly. """ groups = [ "archives", "audio", "data", "documents", # "executables", "images", # "scripts", "text", "video", ] base = set(resolve_extensions("+".join(groups))) extra = {ext[1:] for ext in _EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_MAPPING if ext and "*" not in ext} return list(base | extra)
[docs]def get_format(mime_type, default=None): # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> Optional[Format] """ Obtains a :class:`Format` with predefined extension and encoding details from known MIME-types. """ fmt = _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING.get(mime_type) if fmt is not None: return fmt if default is not None: ctype = default else: ctype = clean_mime_type_format(mime_type, strip_parameters=True) if not ctype: return None ext = get_extension(ctype) fmt = Format(ctype, extension=ext) return fmt
[docs]def get_extension(mime_type, dot=True): # type: (str, bool) -> str """ Retrieves the extension corresponding to :paramref:`mime_type` if explicitly defined, or by parsing it. """ def _handle_dot(_ext): # type: (str) -> str if dot and not _ext.startswith(".") and _ext: # don't add for empty extension return f".{_ext}" if not dot and _ext.startswith("."): return _ext[1:] return _ext fmt = _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING.get(mime_type) if fmt: if not fmt.extension.startswith("."): return fmt.extension return _handle_dot(fmt.extension) ext = _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.get(mime_type) if ext: return _handle_dot(ext) ctype = clean_mime_type_format(mime_type, strip_parameters=True) if not ctype: return "" ext_default = f".{ctype.split('/')[-1].replace('x-', '')}" ext = _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.get(ctype, ext_default) return _handle_dot(ext)
[docs]def get_content_type(extension, charset=None, default=None): # type: (str, Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> Optional[str] """ Retrieves the Content-Type corresponding to the specified extension if it can be matched. :param extension: Extension for which to attempt finding a known Content-Type. :param charset: Charset to apply to the Content-Type as needed if extension was matched. :param default: Default Content-Type to return if no extension is matched. :return: Matched or default Content-Type. """ ctype = None if not extension: return default if not extension.startswith("."): ctype = _EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_MAPPING.get(extension) if not ctype: extension = f".{extension}" if not ctype: ctype = _EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_MAPPING.get(extension) if not ctype: return default return add_content_type_charset(ctype, charset)
[docs]def add_content_type_charset(content_type, charset): # type: (Union[str, ContentType], Optional[str]) -> str """ Apply the specific charset to the content-type with some validation in case of conflicting definitions. :param content_type: Desired Content-Type. :param charset: Desired charset parameter. :return: updated content-type with charset. """ # no parameters in Media-Type, but explicit Content-Type with charset could exist as needed if charset and "charset=" in content_type: return re.sub(r"charset\=[A-Za-z0-9\_\-]+", f"charset={charset}", content_type) # make sure to never include by mistake if the represented type cannot be characters if charset and any(content_type.startswith(f"{_type}/") for _type in _CONTENT_TYPE_CHAR_TYPES): return f"{content_type}; charset={charset}" return content_type
[docs]def get_cwl_file_format(mime_type, make_reference=False, must_exist=True, allow_synonym=True): # pylint: disable=R1260 # type: (str, bool, bool, bool) -> Union[Tuple[Optional[JSON], Optional[str]], Optional[str]] """ Obtains the extended schema reference from the media-type identifier. Obtains the corresponding `IANA`/`EDAM` ``format`` value to be applied under a `CWL` I/O ``File`` from the :paramref:`mime_type` (`Content-Type` header) using the first matched one. Lookup procedure is as follows: - If ``make_reference=False``: - If there is a match, returns ``tuple({<namespace-name: namespace-url>}, <format>)`` with: 1) corresponding namespace mapping to be applied under ``$namespaces`` in the `CWL`. 2) value of ``format`` adjusted according to the namespace to be applied to ``File`` in the `CWL`. - If there is no match but ``must_exist=False``, returns a literal and non-existing definition as ``tuple({"iana": <iana-url>}, <format>)``. - If there is no match but ``must_exist=True`` **AND** ``allow_synonym=True``, retry the call with the synonym if available, or move to next step. Skip this step if ``allow_synonym=False``. - Otherwise, returns ``(None, None)`` - If ``make_reference=True``: - If there is a match, returns the explicit format reference as ``<namespace-url>/<format>``. - If there is no match but ``must_exist=False``, returns the literal reference as ``<iana-url>/<format>`` (N.B.: literal non-official MIME-type reference will be returned even if an official synonym exists). - If there is no match but ``must_exist=True`` **AND** ``allow_synonym=True``, retry the call with the synonym if available, or move to next step. Skip this step if ``allow_synonym=False``. - Returns a single ``None`` as there is no match (directly or synonym). Note: In situations where ``must_exist=False`` is used and that the namespace and/or full format URL cannot be resolved to an existing reference, `CWL` will raise a validation error as it cannot confirm the ``format``. You must therefore make sure that the returned reference (or a synonym format) really exists when using ``must_exist=False`` before providing it to the `CWL` I/O definition. Setting ``must_exist=False`` should be used only for literal string comparison or pre-processing steps to evaluate formats. :param mime_type: Some reference, namespace'd or literal (possibly extended) MIME-type string. :param make_reference: Construct the full URL reference to the resolved MIME-type. Otherwise, return tuple details. :param must_exist: Return result only if it can be resolved to an official MIME-type (or synonym if enabled), otherwise ``None``. Non-official MIME-type can be enforced if disabled, in which case `IANA` namespace/URL is used as it preserves the original ``<type>/<subtype>`` format. :param allow_synonym: Allow resolution of non-official MIME-type to an official MIME-type synonym if available. Types defined as *synonym* have semantically the same format validation/resolution for `CWL`. Requires ``must_exist=True``, otherwise the non-official MIME-type is employed directly as result. :returns: Resolved MIME-type format for `CWL` usage, accordingly to specified arguments (see description details). """ def _make_if_ref(_map, _key, _fmt): # type: (Dict[str, str], str, str) -> Union[Tuple[Optional[JSON], Optional[str]], Optional[str]] return os.path.join(_map[_key], _fmt) if make_reference else (_map, f"{_key}:{_fmt}") def _search_explicit_mappings(_mime_type): # type: (str) -> Union[Tuple[Optional[JSON], Optional[str]], Optional[str]] if _mime_type in IANA_MAPPING: return _make_if_ref(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, IANA_NAMESPACE, IANA_MAPPING[_mime_type]) if _mime_type in EDAM_MAPPING: # prefer real reference if available return _make_if_ref(EDAM_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, EDAM_NAMESPACE, EDAM_MAPPING[_mime_type]) if _mime_type in OGC_MAPPING: # prefer real reference if available return _make_if_ref(OGC_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, OGC_NAMESPACE, OGC_MAPPING[_mime_type]) if _mime_type in OPENGIS_MAPPING: # prefer real reference if available return _make_if_ref(OPENGIS_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, OPENGIS_NAMESPACE, OPENGIS_MAPPING[_mime_type]) return None def _request_extra_various(_mime_type): # type: (str) -> Union[Tuple[Optional[JSON], Optional[str]], Optional[str]] """ Attempts multiple request-retry variants to be as permissive as possible to sporadic/temporary failures. """ from weaver.utils import request_extra _mime_type_url = f"{IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION[IANA_NAMESPACE]}{_mime_type}" if _mime_type in IANA_KNOWN_MEDIA_TYPES: # avoid HTTP NotFound # prefer real reference if available _found = _search_explicit_mappings(_mime_type) if _found is not None: return _found return _make_if_ref(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, IANA_NAMESPACE, _mime_type) retries = 3 try: resp = request_extra("head", _mime_type_url, retries=retries, timeout=2, allow_redirects=True, allowed_codes=[HTTPOk.code, HTTPNotFound.code]) if resp.status_code == HTTPOk.code: return _make_if_ref(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, IANA_NAMESPACE, _mime_type) except ConnectionError as exc: LOGGER.debug("Format request [%s] connection error: [%s]", _mime_type_url, exc) try: for _ in range(retries): try: resp = urlopen(_mime_type_url, timeout=2) # nosec: B310 # hardcoded HTTP(S) # pylint: disable=R1732 except socket.timeout: continue if resp.code == HTTPOk.code: return _make_if_ref(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, IANA_NAMESPACE, _mime_type) break except HTTPError: pass return None if not mime_type: return None if make_reference else (None, None) # attempt search without cleanup in case of explicit definition that needs the extra parameters found = _search_explicit_mappings(mime_type) if found: return found mime_type = clean_mime_type_format(mime_type, strip_parameters=True) result = _request_extra_various(mime_type) if result is not None: return result found = _search_explicit_mappings(mime_type) if found: return found if not must_exist: return _make_if_ref(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, IANA_NAMESPACE, mime_type) if result is None and allow_synonym and mime_type in _CONTENT_TYPE_SYNONYM_MAPPING: mime_type = _CONTENT_TYPE_SYNONYM_MAPPING.get(mime_type) return get_cwl_file_format(mime_type, make_reference=make_reference, must_exist=True, allow_synonym=False) return None if make_reference else (None, None)
[docs]def clean_mime_type_format(mime_type, suffix_subtype=False, strip_parameters=False): # type: (str, bool, bool) -> Optional[str] """ Obtains a generic media-type identifier by cleaning up any additional parameters. Removes any additional namespace key or URL from :paramref:`mime_type` so that it corresponds to the generic representation (e.g.: ``application/json``) instead of the ``<namespace-name>:<format>`` mapping variant used in `CWL->inputs/outputs->File->format` or the complete URL reference. Removes any leading temporary local file prefix inserted by :term:`CWL` when resolving namespace mapping. This transforms ``file:///tmp/dir/path/package#application/json`` to plain ``application/json``. According to provided arguments, it also cleans up additional parameters or extracts sub-type suffixes. :param mime_type: MIME-type, full URL to MIME-type or namespace-formatted string that must be cleaned up. :param suffix_subtype: Remove additional sub-type specializations details separated by ``+`` symbol such that an explicit format like ``application/vnd.api+json`` returns only its most basic suffix format defined as``application/json``. :param strip_parameters: Removes additional MIME-type parameters such that only the leading part defining the ``type/subtype`` are returned. For example, this will get rid of ``; charset=UTF-8`` or ``; version=4.0`` parameters. .. note:: Parameters :paramref:`suffix_subtype` and :paramref:`strip_parameters` are not necessarily exclusive. """ if not mime_type: # avoid mismatching empty string with random type return None # when 'format' comes from parsed CWL tool instance, the input/output record sets the value # using a temporary local file path after resolution against remote namespace ontology if mime_type.startswith("file://") and "#" in mime_type: mime_type = mime_type.split("#")[-1] if strip_parameters: mime_type = mime_type.split(";")[0] if suffix_subtype and "+" in mime_type: # parameters are not necessarily stripped, need to re-append them after if any parts = mime_type.split(";", 1) if len(parts) < 2: parts.append("") else: parts[1] = f";{parts[1]}" typ, sub = parts[0].split("/") sub = sub.split("+")[-1] mime_type = f"{typ}/{sub}{parts[1]}" for v in FORMAT_NAMESPACE_DEFINITIONS.values(): if v in mime_type: mime_type = mime_type.replace(v, "") break for v in FORMAT_NAMESPACE_DEFINITIONS: if mime_type.startswith(f"{v}:"): mime_type = mime_type.replace(f"{v}:", "") break search = True for _map in [EDAM_MAPPING, OGC_MAPPING, OPENGIS_MAPPING]: if not search: break for v in _map.values(): if v.endswith(mime_type): mime_type = [k for k in _map if v.endswith(_map[k])][0] search = False break return mime_type
[docs]def guess_target_format(request, default=ContentType.APP_JSON): # type: (AnyRequestType, Optional[Union[ContentType, str]]) -> ContentType """ Guess the best applicable response ``Content-Type`` header from the request. Considers the request ``Accept`` header, ``format`` query and alternatively ``f`` query to parse possible formats. Full Media-Type are expected in the header. Query parameters can use both the full type, or only the sub-type (i.e.: :term:`JSON`, :term:`XML`, etc.), with case-insensitive names. Defaults to :py:data:`ContentType.APP_JSON` if none was specified. Applies some specific logic to handle automatically added ``Accept`` headers by many browsers such that sending requests to the API using them will not automatically default back to :term:`XML` or similar `HTML` representations. If browsers are used to send requests, but that ``format``/``f`` queries are used directly in the URL, those will be applied since this is a very intuitive (and easier) approach to request different formats when using browsers. When user-agent clients are identified as another source, such as sending requests from a server or from code, both headers and query parameters are applied directly without question. :returns: Matched MIME-type or default. """ from weaver.utils import get_header format_query = request.params.get("format") or request.params.get("f") content_type = None if format_query: content_type = OutputFormat.get(format_query, default=None, allow_version=False) if content_type: content_type = get_content_type(content_type) if not content_type: content_type = get_header("accept", request.headers, default=default or "") for ctype in content_type.split(","): ctype = clean_mime_type_format(ctype, suffix_subtype=True, strip_parameters=True) if ctype != default: # because most browsers enforce some 'visual' list of accept header, revert to JSON if detected # explicit request set by client (e.g.: using 'requests') will have full control over desired content user_agent = get_header("user-agent", request.headers) if user_agent and any(browser in user_agent for browser in ["Mozilla", "Chrome", "Safari"]): content_type = ContentType.APP_JSON if not content_type or content_type == ContentType.ANY: content_type = default return content_type
[docs]def json_default_handler(obj): # type: (Any) -> Union[JSON, str, None] if isinstance(obj, (, datetime.datetime)): return obj.isoformat() raise TypeError(f"Type {type(obj)} not serializable.")
[docs]def repr_json(data, force_string=True, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, **kwargs): # type: (Any, bool, bool, Optional[int], **Any) -> Union[JSON, str, None] """ Ensure that the input data can be serialized as JSON to return it formatted representation as such. If formatting as JSON fails, returns the data as string representation or ``None`` accordingly. """ if data is None: return None default = kwargs.pop("default", None) if default is None: default = json_default_handler try: data_str = json.dumps(data, indent=indent, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii, default=default, **kwargs) return data_str if force_string else data except Exception: # noqa: W0703 # nosec: B110 return str(data)
if TYPE_CHECKING: from weaver.typedefs import Literal
[docs] AnyOutputFormat = Literal[ OutputFormat.JSON, OutputFormat.XML, OutputFormat.YAML, OutputFormat.YML, ]