Source code for weaver.processes.execution

import logging
import os
from time import sleep
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import colander
import psutil
from celery.exceptions import TimeoutError as CeleryTaskTimeoutError
from celery.utils.debug import ps as get_celery_process
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from owslib.util import clean_ows_url
from owslib.wps import ComplexDataInput
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPNotAcceptable
from pyramid_celery import celery_app as app

from weaver.database import get_db
from weaver.datatype import Process, Service
from weaver.execute import ExecuteControlOption, ExecuteMode
from weaver.formats import AcceptLanguage, ContentType
from weaver.notify import encrypt_email, notify_job_complete
from weaver.owsexceptions import OWSNoApplicableCode
from weaver.processes import wps_package
from weaver.processes.constants import WPS_COMPLEX_DATA
from weaver.processes.convert import get_field, ows2json_output_data
from weaver.processes.types import ProcessType
from weaver.status import JOB_STATUS_CATEGORIES, Status, StatusCategory, map_status
from import StoreJobs, StoreProcesses
from weaver.utils import (
from weaver.visibility import Visibility
from weaver.wps.utils import (
from weaver.wps_restapi import swagger_definitions as sd
from import get_job_results_response, get_job_submission_response
from weaver.wps_restapi.processes.utils import resolve_process_tag

[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if TYPE_CHECKING: from uuid import UUID from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from import Task from pyramid.request import Request from pywps.inout.inputs import ComplexInput from weaver.datatype import Job from weaver.processes.convert import OWS_Input_Type, ProcessOWS from weaver.status import StatusType from weaver.typedefs import ( JSON, AnyAcceptLanguageHeader, AnyResponseType, CeleryResult, HeadersType, HeaderCookiesType, SettingsType, Statistics ) from weaver.visibility import AnyVisibility
[docs]class JobProgress(object): """ Job process execution progress. """
[docs] SETUP = 1
[docs] DESCRIBE = 2
[docs] GET_INPUTS = 3
[docs] GET_OUTPUTS = 4
[docs] NOTIFY = 99
[docs] DONE = 100
[docs]def execute_process(task, job_id, wps_url, headers=None): # type: (Task, UUID, str, Optional[HeadersType]) -> StatusType """ Celery task that executes the WPS process job monitoring as status updates (local and remote). """ from weaver.wps.service import get_pywps_service LOGGER.debug("Job execute process called.") task_process = get_celery_process() rss_start = task_process.memory_info().rss registry = get_registry(None) # local thread, whether locally or dispatched celery settings = get_settings(registry) db = get_db(registry, reset_connection=True) # reset the connection because we are in a forked celery process store = db.get_store(StoreJobs) job = store.fetch_by_id(job_id) job.started = now() job.status = Status.STARTED # will be mapped to 'RUNNING' job.status_message = f"Job {Status.STARTED}." # will preserve detail of STARTED vs RUNNING job.save_log(message=job.status_message) task_logger = get_task_logger(__name__) job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message="Job task setup initiated.") load_pywps_config(settings) job.progress = JobProgress.SETUP job.task_id = job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message="Job task setup completed.") job = store.update_job(job) # Flag to keep track if job is running in background (remote-WPS, CWL app, etc.). # If terminate signal is sent to worker task via API dismiss request while still running in background, # the raised exception within the task will switch the job to Status.FAILED, but this will not raise an # exception here. Since the task execution 'succeeds' without raising, it skips directly to the last 'finally'. # Patch it back to Status.DISMISSED in this case. task_terminated = True try: job.progress = JobProgress.DESCRIBE job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message=f"Employed WPS URL: [{wps_url!s}]", level=logging.DEBUG) job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message=f"Execute WPS request for process [{job.process!s}]") wps_process = fetch_wps_process(job, wps_url, headers, settings) # prepare inputs job.progress = JobProgress.GET_INPUTS job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message="Fetching job input definitions.") wps_inputs = parse_wps_inputs(wps_process, job) # prepare outputs job.progress = JobProgress.GET_OUTPUTS job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message="Fetching job output definitions.") wps_outputs = [(o.identifier, o.dataType == WPS_COMPLEX_DATA) for o in wps_process.processOutputs] # if process refers to a remote WPS provider, pass it down to avoid unnecessary re-fetch request if job.is_local: process = None # already got all the information needed pre-loaded in PyWPS service else: service = Service(name=job.service, url=wps_url) process = Process.from_ows(wps_process, service, settings) job.progress = JobProgress.EXECUTE_REQUEST job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message="Starting job process execution.") job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message="Following updates could take a while until the Application Package answers...") wps_worker = get_pywps_service(environ=settings, is_worker=True) execution = wps_worker.execute_job(job, wps_inputs=wps_inputs, wps_outputs=wps_outputs, remote_process=process, headers=headers) if not execution.process and execution.errors: raise execution.errors[0] # adjust status location wps_status_path = get_wps_local_status_location(execution.statusLocation, settings) job.progress = JobProgress.EXECUTE_STATUS_LOCATION LOGGER.debug("WPS status location that will be queried: [%s]", wps_status_path) if not wps_status_path.startswith("http") and not os.path.isfile(wps_status_path): LOGGER.warning("WPS status location not resolved to local path: [%s]", wps_status_path) job.save_log(logger=task_logger, level=logging.DEBUG, message=f"Updated job status location: [{wps_status_path}].") job.status = Status.RUNNING job.status_message = execution.statusMessage or f"{job!s} initiation done." job.status_location = wps_status_path job.request = execution.request job.response = execution.response job.progress = JobProgress.EXECUTE_MONITOR_START job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message="Starting monitoring of job execution.") job = store.update_job(job) max_retries = 5 num_retries = 0 run_step = 0 while execution.isNotComplete() or run_step == 0: if num_retries >= max_retries: job.save_log(errors=execution.errors, logger=task_logger) job = store.update_job(job) raise Exception(f"Could not read status document after {max_retries} retries. Giving up.") try: # NOTE: # Don't actually log anything here until process is completed (success or fail) so that underlying # WPS execution logs can be inserted within the current job log and appear continuously. # Only update internal job fields in case they get referenced elsewhere. progress_min = JobProgress.EXECUTE_MONITOR_LOOP progress_max = JobProgress.EXECUTE_MONITOR_DONE job.progress = progress_min run_delay = wait_secs(run_step) execution = check_wps_status(location=wps_status_path, settings=settings, sleep_secs=run_delay) job_msg = (execution.statusMessage or "").strip() job.response = execution.response job.status = map_status(execution.getStatus()) job_status_msg = job_msg or "n/a" job_percent = execution.percentCompleted job.status_message = f"Job execution monitoring (progress: {job_percent}%, status: {job_status_msg})." if execution.isComplete(): msg_progress = f" (status: {job_msg})" if job_msg else "" if execution.isSucceded(): wps_package.retrieve_package_job_log(execution, job, progress_min, progress_max) job.status = map_status(Status.SUCCEEDED) job.status_message = f"Job succeeded{msg_progress}." job.progress = progress_max job.save_log(logger=task_logger) job_results = [ows2json_output_data(output, process, settings) for output in execution.processOutputs] job.results = make_results_relative(job_results, settings) else: task_logger.debug("Job failed.") wps_package.retrieve_package_job_log(execution, job, progress_min, progress_max) job.status_message = f"Job failed{msg_progress}." job.progress = progress_max job.save_log(errors=execution.errors, logger=task_logger) task_logger.debug("Mapping Job references with generated WPS locations.") map_locations(job, settings) job = store.update_job(job) except Exception as exc: num_retries += 1 task_logger.debug("Exception raised: %s", repr(exc)) job.status_message = f"Could not read status XML document for {job!s}. Trying again..." job.save_log(errors=execution.errors, logger=task_logger) job = store.update_job(job) sleep(1) else: num_retries = 0 run_step += 1 finally: task_terminated = False # reached only if WPS execution completed (worker not terminated beforehand) job = store.update_job(job) except Exception as exc: # if 'execute_job' finishes quickly before even reaching the 'monitoring loop' # consider WPS execution produced an error (therefore Celery worker not terminated) task_terminated = False LOGGER.exception("Failed running [%s]", job) LOGGER.debug("Failed job [%s] raised an exception.", job, exc_info=exc) # note: don't update the progress here to preserve last one that was set job.status = map_status(Status.FAILED) job.status_message = f"Failed to run {job!s}." errors = f"{fully_qualified_name(exc)}: {exc!s}" job.save_log(errors=errors, logger=task_logger) job = store.update_job(job) finally: # if task worker terminated, local 'job' is out of date compared to remote/background runner last update job = store.fetch_by_id( if task_terminated and map_status(job.status) == Status.FAILED: job.status = Status.DISMISSED task_success = map_status(job.status) not in JOB_STATUS_CATEGORIES[StatusCategory.FAILED] collect_statistics(task_process, settings, job, rss_start) if task_success: job.progress = JobProgress.EXECUTE_MONITOR_END job.status_message = f"Job {job.status}." job.save_log(logger=task_logger) if task_success: job.progress = JobProgress.NOTIFY send_job_complete_notification_email(job, task_logger, settings) if job.status not in JOB_STATUS_CATEGORIES[StatusCategory.FINISHED]: job.status = Status.SUCCEEDED job.status_message = f"Job {job.status}." job.mark_finished() if task_success: job.progress = JobProgress.DONE job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message="Job task complete.") job = store.update_job(job) return job.status
[docs]def collect_statistics(process, settings=None, job=None, rss_start=None): # type: (Optional[psutil.Process], Optional[SettingsType], Optional[Job], Optional[int]) -> Optional[Statistics] """ Collect any available execution statistics and store them in the :term:`Job` if provided. """ try: mem_used = None if job: mem_info = list(filter(lambda line: "cwltool" in line and "memory used" in line, job.logs)) mem_used = None if mem_info: mem_info = mem_info[0].split(":")[-1].strip() mem_used = parse_number_with_unit(mem_info, binary=True) stats = {} # type: JSON if mem_used: stats["application"] = { # see: 'cwltool.job.JobBase.process_monitor', reported memory in logs uses 'rss' "usedMemory": apply_number_with_unit(mem_used, binary=True), "usedMemoryBytes": mem_used, } rss = None if process: proc_info = process.memory_full_info() rss = getattr(proc_info, "rss", 0) uss = getattr(proc_info, "uss", 0) vms = getattr(proc_info, "vms", 0) stats["process"] = { "rss": apply_number_with_unit(rss, binary=True), "rssBytes": rss, "uss": apply_number_with_unit(uss, binary=True), "ussBytes": uss, "vms": apply_number_with_unit(vms, binary=True), "vmsBytes": vms, } fields = [("usedThreads", "num_threads"), ("usedCPU", "cpu_num"), ("usedHandles", "num_handles")] for field, method in fields: func = getattr(process, method, None) stats["process"][field] = func() if func is not None else 0 if rss_start and rss: # diff of RSS between start/end to consider only execution of the job steps # this more accurately reports used memory by the execution itself, omitting celery worker's base memory rss_diff = rss - rss_start stats["process"]["usedMemory"] = apply_number_with_unit(rss_diff, binary=True) stats["process"]["usedMemoryBytes"] = rss_diff total_size = 0 if job: stats["outputs"] = {} for result in job.results: res_ref = get_any_value(result, file=True) if res_ref and isinstance(res_ref, str): if res_ref.startswith(f"/{}"): # pseudo-relative reference out_dir = get_wps_output_dir(settings) res_ref = os.path.join(out_dir, res_ref.lstrip("/")) if os.path.isfile(res_ref): res_stat = os.stat(res_ref) res_id = get_any_id(result) res_size = res_stat.st_size stats["outputs"][res_id] = { "size": apply_number_with_unit(res_size, binary=True), "sizeBytes": res_size, } total_size += res_size stats["process"]["totalSize"] = apply_number_with_unit(total_size, binary=True) stats["process"]["totalSizeBytes"] = total_size if stats and job: job.statistics = stats return stats or None except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover LOGGER.warning("Ignoring error that occurred during statistics collection [%s]", str(exc), exc_info=exc)
[docs]def fetch_wps_process(job, wps_url, headers, settings): # type: (Job, str, HeadersType, SettingsType) -> ProcessOWS """ Retrieves the WPS process description from the local or remote WPS reference URL. """ try: wps = get_wps_client(wps_url, settings, headers=headers, language=job.accept_language) raise_on_xml_exception(wps._capabilities) # noqa: W0212 except Exception as ex: job.save_log(errors=ex, message=f"Failed WPS client creation for process [{job.process!s}]") raise OWSNoApplicableCode(f"Failed to retrieve WPS capabilities. Error: [{ex!s}].") try: wps_process = wps.describeprocess(job.process) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover raise OWSNoApplicableCode(f"Failed to retrieve WPS process description. Error: [{ex!s}].") return wps_process
[docs]def parse_wps_inputs(wps_process, job): # type: (ProcessOWS, Job) -> List[Tuple[str, OWS_Input_Type]] """ Parses expected WPS process inputs against submitted job input values considering supported process definitions. """ complex_inputs = {} # type: Dict[str, ComplexInput] for process_input in wps_process.dataInputs: if WPS_COMPLEX_DATA in process_input.dataType: complex_inputs[process_input.identifier] = process_input try: wps_inputs = [] # parse both dict and list type inputs job_inputs = job.inputs.items() if isinstance(job.inputs, dict) else job.get("inputs", []) for job_input in job_inputs: if isinstance(job_input, tuple): input_id = job_input[0] input_val = job_input[1] job_input = input_val else: input_id = get_any_id(job_input) input_val = get_any_value(job_input) # in case of array inputs, must repeat (id,value) if isinstance(input_val, list): input_values = input_val input_details = input_val # each value has its own metadata else: input_values = [input_val] input_details = [job_input] # metadata directly in definition, not nested per array value # we need to support file:// scheme but PyWPS doesn't like them so remove the scheme file:// input_values = [ # when value is an array of dict that each contain a file reference (get_any_value(val)[7:] if str(get_any_value(val)).startswith("file://") else get_any_value(val)) if isinstance(val, dict) else # when value is directly a single dict with file reference (val[7:] if str(val).startswith("file://") else val) for val in input_values ] for input_value, input_detail in zip(input_values, input_details): # need to use ComplexDataInput structure for complex input if input_id in complex_inputs: # if provided, pass down specified data input format to allow validation against supported formats ctype = get_field(input_detail, "type", default=None) encoding = None if not ctype: media_format = get_field(input_detail, "format", default=None) if isinstance(media_format, dict): ctype = get_field(input_detail, "mime_type", search_variations=True, default=None) encoding = get_field(input_detail, "encoding", search_variations=True, default=None) wps_inputs.append((input_id, ComplexDataInput(input_value, mimeType=ctype, encoding=encoding))) # need to use literal String for anything else than complex # FIXME: pre-validate allowed literal values? # TODO: BoundingBox not supported else: wps_inputs.append((input_id, str(input_value))) except KeyError: wps_inputs = [] return wps_inputs
[docs]def send_job_complete_notification_email(job, task_logger, settings): # type: (Job, logging.Logger, SettingsType) -> None """ Sends the notification email of completed execution if it was requested during job submission. """ if job.notification_email is not None: try: notify_job_complete(job, job.notification_email, settings) message = "Notification email sent successfully." job.save_log(logger=task_logger, message=message) except Exception as exc: exception = f"{fully_qualified_name(exc)}: {exc!s}" message = f"Couldn't send notification email ({exception})" job.save_log(errors=message, logger=task_logger, message=message)
[docs]def make_results_relative(results, settings): # type: (List[JSON], SettingsType) -> List[JSON] """ Converts file references to a pseudo-relative location to allow the application to dynamically generate paths. Redefines job results to be saved in database as pseudo-relative paths to configured WPS output directory. This allows the application to easily adjust the exposed result HTTP path according to the service configuration (i.e.: relative to ``weaver.wps_output_dir`` and/or ``weaver.wps_output_url``) and it also avoids rewriting the database job results entry if those settings are changed later on following reboot of the web application. Only references prefixed with ``weaver.wps_output_dir``, ``weaver.wps_output_url`` or a corresponding resolution from ``weaver.wps_output_path`` with ``weaver.url`` will be modified to pseudo-relative paths. Other references (file/URL endpoints that do not correspond to `Weaver`) will be left untouched for literal remote reference. Results that do not correspond to a reference are also unmodified. .. note:: The references are not *real* relative paths (i.e.: starting with ``./``), as those could also be specified as input, and there would be no way to guarantee proper differentiation from paths already handled and stored in the database. Instead, *pseudo-relative* paths employ an explicit *absolute*-like path (i.e.: starting with ``/``) and are assumed to always require to be prefixed by the configured WPS locations (i.e.: ``weaver.wps_output_dir`` or ``weaver.wps_output_url`` based on local or HTTP response context). With this approach, data persistence with mapped volumes into the dockerized `Weaver` service can be placed anywhere at convenience. This is important because sibling docker execution require exact mappings such that volume mount ``/data/path:/data/path`` resolve correctly on both sides (host and image path must be identical). If volumes get remapped differently, ensuring that ``weaver.wps_output_dir`` setting follows the same remapping update will automatically resolve to the proper location for both local references and exposed URL endpoints. :param results: JSON mapping of data results as ``{"<id>": <definition>}`` entries where a reference can be found. :param settings: container to retrieve current application settings. """ wps_url = get_wps_output_url(settings) wps_path = get_wps_output_path(settings) for res in results: ref = res.get("reference") if isinstance(ref, str) and ref: if ref.startswith(wps_url): ref = ref.replace(wps_url, "", 1) if ref.startswith(wps_path): ref = ref.replace(wps_path, "", 1) res["reference"] = ref return results
[docs]def map_locations(job, settings): # type: (Job, SettingsType) -> None """ Maps directory locations between :mod:`pywps` process execution and produced jobs storage. Generates symlink references from the Job UUID to PyWPS UUID results (outputs directory, status and log locations). Update the Job's WPS ID if applicable (job executed locally). Assumes that all results are located under the same reference UUID. """ local_path = get_wps_local_status_location(job.status_location, settings) if not local_path: LOGGER.debug("Not possible to map Job to WPS locations.") return base_dir, status_xml = os.path.split(local_path) job.wps_id = os.path.splitext(status_xml)[0] wps_loc = os.path.join(base_dir, str(job.wps_id)) job_loc = os.path.join(base_dir, str( if wps_loc == job_loc: LOGGER.debug("Job already refers to WPS locations.") return for loc_ext in ["", ".log", ".xml"]: wps_ref = wps_loc + loc_ext job_ref = job_loc + loc_ext if os.path.exists(wps_ref): # possible that there are no results (e.g.: failed job) os.symlink(wps_ref, job_ref)
[docs]def submit_job(request, reference, tags=None): # type: (Request, Union[Service, Process], Optional[List[str]]) -> AnyResponseType """ Generates the job submission from details retrieved in the request. .. seealso:: :func:`submit_job_handler` to provide elements pre-extracted from requests or from other parsing. """ # validate body with expected JSON content and schema if ContentType.APP_JSON not in request.content_type: raise HTTPBadRequest(json={ "code": "InvalidHeaderValue", "name": "Content-Type", "description": f"Request 'Content-Type' header other than '{ContentType.APP_JSON}' not supported.", "value": str(request.content_type) }) try: json_body = request.json_body except Exception as ex: raise HTTPBadRequest(f"Invalid JSON body cannot be decoded for job submission. [{ex}]") # validate context if needed later on by the job for early failure context = get_wps_output_context(request) provider_id = None # None OK if local process_id = None # None OK if remote, but can be found as well if available from WPS-REST path # noqa tags = tags or [] lang = request.accept_language.header_value # can only preemptively check if local process if isinstance(reference, Process): service_url = reference.processEndpointWPS1 process_id = reference.identifier # explicit 'id:version' process revision if available, otherwise simply 'id' visibility = reference.visibility is_workflow = reference.type == ProcessType.WORKFLOW is_local = True tags += "local" support_lang = AcceptLanguage.offers() accepts_lang = request.accept_language # type: AnyAcceptLanguageHeader matched_lang = accepts_lang.lookup(support_lang, default="") or None if lang and not matched_lang: raise HTTPNotAcceptable(f"Requested language [{lang}] not in supported languages [{sorted(support_lang)}].") lang = matched_lang elif isinstance(reference, Service): service_url = reference.url provider_id = process_id = resolve_process_tag(request) visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC is_workflow = False is_local = False tags += "remote" else: # pragma: no cover LOGGER.error("Expected process/service, got: %s", type(reference)) raise TypeError("Invalid process or service reference to execute job.") queries = sd.LaunchJobQuerystring().deserialize(request.params) tags = queries.get("tags", "").split(",") + tags user = request.authenticated_userid headers = dict(request.headers) settings = get_settings(request) return submit_job_handler(json_body, settings, service_url, provider_id, process_id, is_workflow, is_local, visibility, language=lang, headers=headers, tags=tags, user=user, context=context)
[docs]def submit_job_handler(payload, # type: JSON settings, # type: SettingsType service_url, # type: str provider_id=None, # type: Optional[str] process_id=None, # type: str is_workflow=False, # type: bool is_local=True, # type: bool visibility=None, # type: Optional[AnyVisibility] language=None, # type: Optional[str] headers=None, # type: Optional[HeaderCookiesType] tags=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] user=None, # type: Optional[int] context=None, # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> AnyResponseType """ Submits the job to the Celery worker with provided parameters. Assumes that parameters have been pre-fetched and validated, except for the input payload. """ try: json_body = sd.Execute().deserialize(payload) except colander.Invalid as ex: raise HTTPBadRequest(f"Invalid schema: [{ex!s}]") db = get_db(settings) headers = headers or {} if is_local: proc_store = db.get_store(StoreProcesses) process = proc_store.fetch_by_id(process_id) job_ctl_opts = process.jobControlOptions else: job_ctl_opts = ExecuteControlOption.values() max_wait = as_int(settings.get("weaver.exec_sync_max_wait"), default=20) mode, wait, applied = parse_prefer_header_execute_mode(headers, job_ctl_opts, max_wait) get_header("prefer", headers, pop=True) if not applied: # whatever returned is a default, consider 'mode' in body as alternative is_execute_async = ExecuteMode.get(json_body.get("mode")) != ExecuteMode.SYNC # convert auto to async else: # as per # Prefer header not resolve as valid still proces is_execute_async = mode != ExecuteMode.SYNC exec_resp = json_body.get("response") notification_email = json_body.get("notification_email") encrypted_email = encrypt_email(notification_email, settings) if notification_email else None store = db.get_store(StoreJobs) # type: StoreJobs job = store.save_job(task_id=Status.ACCEPTED, process=process_id, service=provider_id, inputs=json_body.get("inputs"), outputs=json_body.get("outputs"), is_local=is_local, is_workflow=is_workflow, access=visibility, user_id=user, context=context, execute_async=is_execute_async, execute_response=exec_resp, custom_tags=tags, notification_email=encrypted_email, accept_language=language) job.save_log(logger=LOGGER, message="Job task submitted for execution.", status=Status.ACCEPTED, progress=0) job = store.update_job(job) location_url = job.status_url(settings) resp_headers = {"Location": location_url} resp_headers.update(applied) wps_url = clean_ows_url(service_url) result = execute_process.delay(, wps_url=wps_url, headers=headers) # type: CeleryResult LOGGER.debug("Celery pending task [%s] for job [%s].",, if not is_execute_async: LOGGER.debug("Celery task requested as sync if it completes before (wait=%ss)", wait) try: result.wait(timeout=wait) except CeleryTaskTimeoutError: pass if result.ready(): job = store.fetch_by_id( # when sync is successful, it must return the results direct instead of status info # see: if job.status == Status.SUCCEEDED: return get_job_results_response(job, settings, headers=resp_headers) # otherwise return the error status body = job.json(container=settings, self_link="status") body["location"] = location_url resp = get_job_submission_response(body, resp_headers, error=True) return resp else: LOGGER.debug("Celery task requested as sync took too long to complete (wait=%ss). Continue in async.", wait) # sync not respected, therefore must drop it # since both could be provided as alternative preferences, drop only async with limited subset prefer = get_header("Preference-Applied", headers, pop=True) _, _, async_applied = parse_prefer_header_execute_mode({"Prefer": prefer}, [ExecuteMode.ASYNC]) if async_applied: resp_headers.update(async_applied) LOGGER.debug("Celery task submitted to run async.") body = { "jobID":, "processID": job.process, "providerID": provider_id, # dropped by validator if not applicable "status": map_status(Status.ACCEPTED), "location": location_url } resp = get_job_submission_response(body, resp_headers) return resp