Source code for weaver.processes.wps1_process

import logging
from time import sleep
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from owslib.wps import ComplexDataInput

from weaver.execute import ExecuteMode
from weaver.formats import get_format
from weaver.owsexceptions import OWSNoApplicableCode
from weaver.processes.constants import WPS_COMPLEX_DATA
from weaver.processes.convert import DEFAULT_FORMAT, ows2json_output_data
from weaver.processes.utils import map_progress
from weaver.processes.wps_process_base import WpsProcessInterface, WpsRemoteJobProgress
from weaver.status import Status, map_status
from weaver.utils import (
from weaver.wps.utils import check_wps_status, get_wps_client

    from typing import Optional

    from owslib.wps import WebProcessingService

    from weaver.typedefs import (
    from weaver.wps.service import WorkerRequest

[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Wps1RemoteJobProgress(WpsRemoteJobProgress): pass
[docs]class Wps1Process(WpsProcessInterface): def __init__(self, provider, # type: str process, # type: str request, # type: WorkerRequest update_status, # type: UpdateStatusPartialFunction ): self.provider = provider self.process = process # following are defined after 'prepare' step self.wps_provider = None # type: Optional[WebProcessingService] self.wps_process = None # type: Optional[ProcessOWS] self.stage_output_id_nested = True super(Wps1Process, self).__init__( request, lambda _message, _progress, _status: update_status(_message, _progress, _status, self.provider) )
[docs] def format_inputs(self, workflow_inputs): # type: (CWL_RuntimeInputList) -> OWS_InputDataValues """ Convert submitted :term:`CWL` workflow inputs into corresponding :mod:`OWSLib.wps` representation for execution. :param workflow_inputs: mapping of input IDs and values submitted to the workflow. :returns: converted OWS inputs ready for submission to remote WPS process. """ # prepare inputs complex_inputs = [] for process_input in self.wps_process.dataInputs: if WPS_COMPLEX_DATA in process_input.dataType: complex_inputs.append(process_input.identifier) wps_inputs = [] for input_item in workflow_inputs: input_key = get_any_id(input_item) input_val = get_any_value(input_item) # ignore optional inputs resolved as omitted if input_val is None: continue # in case of array inputs, must repeat (id,value) # in case of complex input (File), obtain location, otherwise get data value if not isinstance(input_val, list): input_val = [input_val] input_values = [] for val in input_val: mime_type = None encoding = None if isinstance(val, dict): fmt = val.get("format") # format as namespace:link val = val["location"] if fmt: fmt = get_format(fmt, default=DEFAULT_FORMAT) # format as content-type mime_type = fmt.mime_type or None encoding = fmt.encoding or None # avoid empty string # owslib only accepts strings, not numbers directly if isinstance(val, (int, float)): val = str(val) input_values.append((val, mime_type, encoding)) # need to use ComplexDataInput structure for complex input # TODO: BoundingBox not supported for input_value, mime_type, encoding in input_values: if input_key in complex_inputs: input_value = ComplexDataInput(input_value, mimeType=mime_type, encoding=encoding) wps_inputs.append((input_key, input_value)) return wps_inputs
[docs] def format_outputs(self, workflow_outputs): # type: (JobOutputs) -> JobOutputs expected_outputs = {get_any_id(out) for out in workflow_outputs} provided_outputs = self.wps_process.processOutputs outputs_as_ref = [ {"id": out.identifier, "as_ref": out.dataType == WPS_COMPLEX_DATA} for out in provided_outputs if out.identifier in expected_outputs ] if not outputs_as_ref: provided_outputs = {out.identifier for out in provided_outputs} LOGGER.warning("No matching outputs between intersect of WPS-1 expected and provided outputs.\n" "Provided: %s\nExpected: %s", list(expected_outputs), list(provided_outputs)) return outputs_as_ref
[docs] def prepare(self): LOGGER.debug("Execute WPS-1 provider: [%s]", self.provider) LOGGER.debug("Execute WPS-1 process: [%s]", self.process) try: headers = {} headers.update(self.get_auth_cookies()) headers.update(self.get_auth_headers()) self.wps_provider = get_wps_client(self.provider, headers=headers) raise_on_xml_exception(self.wps_provider._capabilities) # noqa: W0212 except Exception as ex: raise OWSNoApplicableCode(f"Failed to retrieve WPS capabilities. Error: [{ex!s}].") try: self.wps_process = self.wps_provider.describeprocess(self.process) except Exception as ex: raise OWSNoApplicableCode(f"Failed to retrieve WPS process description. Error: [{ex!s}].")
[docs] def dispatch(self, process_inputs, process_outputs): # type: (JobInputs, JobOutputs) -> JobExecution wps_outputs = [(output["id"], output["as_ref"]) for output in process_outputs] execution = self.wps_provider.execute( self.process, inputs=process_inputs, output=wps_outputs, mode=ExecuteMode.ASYNC, lineage=True ) if not execution.process and execution.errors: raise execution.errors[0] return {"execution": execution} # return a dict to allow update by reference
[docs] def monitor(self, monitor_reference): # type: (JobExecution) -> bool execution = monitor_reference["execution"] max_retries = 20 # using 'wait_secs' incremental delays, this is ~3min of retry attempts num_retries = 0 run_step = 0 job_id = "<undefined>" while execution.isNotComplete() or run_step == 0: if num_retries >= max_retries: raise Exception(f"Could not read status document after {max_retries} retries. Giving up.") try: execution = check_wps_status(location=execution.statusLocation, sleep_secs=wait_secs(run_step), settings=self.settings) monitor_reference["execution"] = execution # update reference for later stages job_id = execution.statusLocation.split("/")[-1].replace(".xml", "") exec_status = map_status(execution.getStatus()) LOGGER.debug(get_log_monitor_msg(job_id, exec_status, execution.percentCompleted, execution.statusMessage, execution.statusLocation)) log_msg = get_job_log_msg(status=exec_status, message=execution.statusMessage, progress=execution.percentCompleted, duration=None) # get if available log_progress = map_progress(execution.percentCompleted, Wps1RemoteJobProgress.MONITOR, Wps1RemoteJobProgress.RESULTS) self.update_status(log_msg, log_progress, Status.RUNNING) except Exception as exc: num_retries += 1 LOGGER.debug("Exception raised: %r", exc) sleep(1) else: num_retries = 0 run_step += 1 if not execution.isSucceded(): exec_msg = execution.statusMessage or "Job failed." exec_status = map_status(execution.getStatus()) LOGGER.debug(get_log_monitor_msg(job_id, exec_status, execution.percentCompleted, exec_msg, execution.statusLocation)) return False return True
[docs] def get_results(self, monitor_reference): # type: (JobExecution) -> JobResults self.update_status("Retrieving job output definitions from remote WPS-1 provider.", Wps1RemoteJobProgress.RESULTS, Status.RUNNING) execution = monitor_reference["execution"] ows_results = [ ows2json_output_data(output, self.wps_process, self.settings) for output in execution.processOutputs ] return ows_results