Source code for weaver.formats

import json
import logging
import os
import re
import socket
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.request import urlopen

import yaml
from json2xml.json2xml import Json2xml
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound, HTTPOk
from pyramid_storage.extensions import resolve_extensions
from pywps.inout.formats import FORMATS, Format
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError

from weaver.base import Constants, classproperty

    from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

    from weaver.typedefs import JSON, AnyRequestType

[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class AcceptLanguage(Constants): """ Supported languages. """
[docs] EN_CA = "en-CA"
[docs] FR_CA = "fr-CA"
[docs] EN_US = "en-US"
[docs]class ContentType(Constants): """ Supported Content-Types. Media-type nomenclature:: <type> "/" [x- | <tree> "."] <subtype> ["+" suffix] *[";" parameter=value] """
[docs] APP_CWL = "application/x-cwl"
[docs] APP_FORM = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
[docs] APP_GEOJSON = "application/geo+json"
[docs] APP_GZIP = "application/gzip"
[docs] APP_HDF5 = "application/x-hdf5"
[docs] APP_JSON = "application/json"
[docs] APP_NETCDF = "application/x-netcdf"
[docs] APP_OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream"
[docs] APP_PDF = "application/pdf"
[docs] APP_TAR = "application/x-tar" # map to existing gzip for CWL
[docs] APP_TAR_GZ = "application/tar+gzip" # map to existing gzip for CWL
[docs] APP_VDN_GEOJSON = "application/vnd.geo+json"
[docs] APP_XML = "application/xml"
[docs] APP_YAML = "application/x-yaml"
[docs] APP_ZIP = "application/zip"
[docs] IMAGE_GEOTIFF = "image/tiff; subtype=geotiff"
[docs] IMAGE_JPEG = "image/jpeg"
[docs] IMAGE_GIF = "image/gif"
[docs] IMAGE_PNG = "image/png"
[docs] IMAGE_TIFF = "image/tiff"
[docs] MULTI_PART_FORM = "multipart/form-data"
[docs] TEXT_ENRICHED = "text/enriched"
[docs] TEXT_HTML = "text/html"
[docs] TEXT_PLAIN = "text/plain"
[docs] TEXT_RICHTEXT = "text/richtext"
[docs] TEXT_XML = "text/xml"
[docs] VIDEO_MPEG = "video/mpeg"
# special handling
[docs] ANY = "*/*"
[docs]class OutputFormat(Constants): """ Renderer output formats for :term:`CLI`, `OpenAPI` and HTTP response content generation. """
[docs] JSON = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "json", doc=""" Representation as :term:`JSON` (object), which can still be manipulated in code. """)
[docs] JSON_STR = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "json+str", doc=""" Representation as :term:`JSON` content formatted as string with indentation and newlines. """)
[docs] JSON_RAW = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "json+raw", doc=""" Representation as :term:`JSON` content formatted as raw string without any indentation or newlines. """)
[docs] YAML = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "yaml", doc=""" Representation as :term:`YAML` content formatted as string with indentation and newlines. """)
[docs] YML = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "yml", doc=""" Alias to YAML. """)
[docs] XML = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "xml", doc=""" Representation as :term:`XML` content formatted as serialized string. """)
[docs] XML_STR = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "xml+str", doc=""" Representation as :term:`XML` content formatted as string with indentation and newlines. """)
[docs] XML_RAW = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "xml+raw", doc=""" Representation as :term:`XML` content formatted as raw string without indentation or newlines. """)
[docs] TXT = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "txt", doc=""" Representation as plain text content without any specific reformatting or validation. """)
[docs] TEXT = classproperty(fget=lambda self: "text", doc=""" Representation as plain text content without any specific reformatting or validation. """)
[docs] def get(cls, format_or_version, default=JSON, allow_version=True): # pylint: disable=W0221,W0237 # type: (Union[str, AnyOutputFormat], AnyOutputFormat, bool) -> AnyOutputFormat """ Resolve the applicable output format. :param format_or_version: Either a :term:`WPS` version, a known value for a ``f``/``format`` query parameter, or an ``Accept`` header that can be mapped to one of the supported output formats. :param default: Default output format if none could be resolved. :param allow_version: Enable :term:`WPS` version specifiers to infer the corresponding output representation. :return: Resolved output format. """ if allow_version and format_or_version == "1.0.0": return OutputFormat.XML if allow_version and format_or_version == "2.0.0": return OutputFormat.JSON if "/" in format_or_version: # Media-Type to output format renderer format_or_version = get_extension(format_or_version, dot=False) return super(OutputFormat, cls).get(str(format_or_version), default=default)
[docs] def convert(cls, data, to, item_root="item"): # type: (JSON, Union[str, AnyOutputFormat], str) -> Union[str, JSON] """ Converts the input data from :term:`JSON` to another known format. :param data: Input data to convert. Must be a literal :term:`JSON` object, not a :term:`JSON`-like string. :param to: Target format representation. If the output format is not :term:`JSON`, it is **ALWAYS** converted to the formatted string of the requested format to ensure the contents are properly represented as intended. In the case of :term:`JSON` as target format or unknown format, the original object is returned directly. :param item_root: When using :term:`XML` representations, defines the top-most item name. Unused for other representations. :return: Formatted output. """ from weaver.utils import bytes2str fmt = cls.get(to) if fmt == OutputFormat.JSON: return data if fmt == OutputFormat.JSON_STR: return repr_json(data, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) if fmt == OutputFormat.JSON_RAW: return repr_json(data, indent=None, ensure_ascii=False) if fmt in [OutputFormat.XML, OutputFormat.XML_RAW, OutputFormat.XML_STR]: pretty = fmt == OutputFormat.XML_STR xml = Json2xml(data, item_wrap=True, pretty=pretty, wrapper=item_root).to_xml() if fmt == OutputFormat.XML_RAW: xml = bytes2str(xml) if isinstance(xml, str): xml = xml.strip() return xml if fmt in [OutputFormat.YML, OutputFormat.YAML]: yml = yaml.safe_dump(data, indent=2, sort_keys=False, width=float("inf")) if yml.endswith("\n...\n"): # added when data is single literal or None instead of list/object yml = yml[:-4] return yml return data
[docs]class SchemaRole(Constants):
[docs] JSON_SCHEMA = ""
# explicit mime-type to extension when not literally written in item after '/' (excluding 'x-' prefix)
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_OVERRIDES = { ContentType.APP_VDN_GEOJSON: ".geojson", # pywps 4.4 default extension without vdn prefix ContentType.APP_NETCDF: ".nc", ContentType.APP_GZIP: ".gz", ContentType.APP_TAR_GZ: ".tar.gz", ContentType.APP_YAML: ".yml", ContentType.IMAGE_TIFF: ".tif", # common alternate to .tiff ContentType.ANY: ".*", # any for glob ContentType.APP_OCTET_STREAM: "", ContentType.APP_FORM: "", ContentType.MULTI_PART_FORM: "",
[docs]_EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_OVERRIDES = { ".text": ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN, # common alias to .txt, especially when using format query ".tiff": ContentType.IMAGE_TIFF, # avoid defaulting to subtype geotiff ".yaml": ContentType.APP_YAML, # common alternative to .yml
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING = { # content-types here are fully defined with extra parameters (e.g.: geotiff as subtype of tiff) fmt.mime_type: fmt for _, fmt in FORMATS._asdict().items() # noqa: W0212 if fmt.mime_type not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDE
} # type: Dict[str, Format] # back-propagate changes from new formats _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.update({ ctype: fmt.extension for ctype, fmt in _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING.items() # noqa: W0212 if ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING }) # apply any remaining local types not explicitly or indirectly added by FORMATS
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_EXT_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^[a-z]+/(x-)?(?P<ext>([a-z]+)).*$")
_CONTENT_TYPE_LOCALS_MISSING = [ (ctype, _CONTENT_TYPE_EXT_PATTERN.match(ctype)) for name, ctype in locals().items() if name.startswith("ContentType.") and isinstance(ctype, str) and ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDE and ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING and ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING ]
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_LOCALS_MISSING = sorted( [ (ctype, "." + re_ext["ext"]) for ctype, re_ext in _CONTENT_TYPE_LOCALS_MISSING if re_ext ], key=lambda typ: typ[0]
) # update and back-propagate generated local types _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.update(_CONTENT_TYPE_LOCALS_MISSING) # extend additional types # FIXME: disabled for security reasons # _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.update({ # ctype: ext # for ext, ctype in mimetypes.types_map.items() # if ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDE # and ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING # }) _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING.update({ ctype: Format(ctype, extension=ext) for ctype, ext in _CONTENT_TYPE_LOCALS_MISSING if ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDE }) _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING.update({ ctype: Format(ctype, extension=ext) for ctype, ext in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.items() if ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDE and ctype not in _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING })
[docs]_EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_MAPPING = { # because the same extension can represent multiple distinct Content-Types, # derive the simplest (shortest) one by default for guessing generic Content-Type ext: ctype for ctype, ext in reversed(sorted( _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.items(), key=lambda typ_ext: len(typ_ext[0])
)) } _EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_MAPPING.update(_EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_OVERRIDES) # file types that can contain textual characters
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_CHAR_TYPES = [ "application", "multipart", "text",
] # redirect type resolution semantically equivalent CWL validators # should only be used to map CWL 'format' field if they are not already resolved through existing IANA/EDAM reference
[docs]_CONTENT_TYPE_SYNONYM_MAPPING = { ContentType.APP_TAR: ContentType.APP_GZIP, ContentType.APP_TAR_GZ: ContentType.APP_GZIP,
} # Mappings for "CWL->File->Format" # IANA contains most standard MIME-types, but might not include special (application/x-hdf5, application/x-netcdf, etc.) # EDAM contains many field-specific schemas, but don't have an implicit URL definition (uses 'format_<id>' instead) # search: # - IANA: # - EDAM-classes: (section 'Format') # - EDAM-browser:
[docs]IANA_NAMESPACE = "iana"
# Generic entries in IANA Media-Type namespace registry that don't have an explicit endpoint, # but are defined regardless. Avoid unnecessary HTTP NotFound toward those missing endpoints. # (see items that don't have a link in 'Template' column in lists under 'IANA_NAMESPACE_URL')
[docs]IANA_KNOWN_MEDIA_TYPES = { ContentType.IMAGE_JPEG, ContentType.IMAGE_GIF, ContentType.TEXT_ENRICHED, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN, ContentType.TEXT_RICHTEXT, ContentType.VIDEO_MPEG,
[docs]EDAM_NAMESPACE = "edam"
[docs]EDAM_SCHEMA = ""
[docs]EDAM_MAPPING = { ContentType.APP_CWL: "format_3857", ContentType.IMAGE_GIF: "format_3467", ContentType.IMAGE_JPEG: "format_3579", ContentType.APP_HDF5: "format_3590", ContentType.APP_JSON: "format_3464", ContentType.APP_NETCDF: "format_3650", ContentType.APP_YAML: "format_3750", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN: "format_1964",
[docs]def get_allowed_extensions(): # type: () -> List[str] """ Obtain the complete list of extensions that are permitted for processing by the application. .. note:: This is employed for security reasons. Files can still be specified with another allowed extension, but it will not automatically inherit properties applicable to scripts and executables. If a specific file type is refused due to its extension, a PR can be submitted to add it explicitly. """ groups = [ "archives", "audio", "data", "documents", # "executables", "images", # "scripts", "text", "video", ] base = set(resolve_extensions("+".join(groups))) extra = {ext[1:] for ext in _EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_MAPPING if ext and "*" not in ext} return list(base | extra)
[docs]def get_format(mime_type, default=None): # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> Optional[Format] """ Obtains a :class:`Format` with predefined extension and encoding details from known MIME-types. """ fmt = _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING.get(mime_type) if fmt is not None: return fmt if default is not None: ctype = default else: ctype = clean_mime_type_format(mime_type, strip_parameters=True) if not ctype: return None ext = get_extension(ctype) fmt = Format(ctype, extension=ext) return fmt
[docs]def get_extension(mime_type, dot=True): # type: (str, bool) -> str """ Retrieves the extension corresponding to :paramref:`mime_type` if explicitly defined, or by parsing it. """ def _handle_dot(_ext): # type: (str) -> str if dot and not _ext.startswith(".") and _ext: # don't add for empty extension return f".{_ext}" if not dot and _ext.startswith("."): return _ext[1:] return _ext fmt = _CONTENT_TYPE_FORMAT_MAPPING.get(mime_type) if fmt: return _handle_dot(fmt.extension) ext = _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.get(mime_type) if ext: return _handle_dot(ext) ctype = clean_mime_type_format(mime_type, strip_parameters=True) if not ctype: return "" ext_default = "." + ctype.split("/")[-1].replace("x-", "") ext = _CONTENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.get(ctype, ext_default) return _handle_dot(ext)
[docs]def get_content_type(extension, charset=None, default=None): # type: (str, Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> Optional[str] """ Retrieves the Content-Type corresponding to the specified extension if it can be matched. :param extension: Extension for which to attempt finding a known Content-Type. :param charset: Charset to apply to the Content-Type as needed if extension was matched. :param default: Default Content-Type to return if no extension is matched. :return: Matched or default Content-Type. """ if not extension: return default if not extension.startswith("."): extension = f".{extension}" ctype = _EXTENSION_CONTENT_TYPES_MAPPING.get(extension) if not ctype: return default return add_content_type_charset(ctype, charset)
[docs]def add_content_type_charset(content_type, charset): # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> str """ Apply the specific charset to the content-type with some validation in case of conflicting definitions. :param content_type: Desired Content-Type. :param charset: Desired charset parameter. :return: updated content-type with charset. """ # no parameters in Media-Type, but explicit Content-Type with charset could exist as needed if charset and "charset=" in content_type: return re.sub(r"charset\=[A-Za-z0-9\_\-]+", f"charset={charset}", content_type) # make sure to never include by mistake if the represented type cannot be characters if charset and any(content_type.startswith(_type + "/") for _type in _CONTENT_TYPE_CHAR_TYPES): return f"{content_type}; charset={charset}" return content_type
[docs]def get_cwl_file_format(mime_type, make_reference=False, must_exist=True, allow_synonym=True): # type: (str, bool, bool, bool) -> Union[Tuple[Optional[JSON], Optional[str]], Optional[str]] """ Obtains the extended schema reference from the media-type identifier. Obtains the corresponding `IANA`/`EDAM` ``format`` value to be applied under a `CWL` I/O ``File`` from the :paramref:`mime_type` (`Content-Type` header) using the first matched one. Lookup procedure is as follows: - If ``make_reference=False``: - If there is a match, returns ``tuple({<namespace-name: namespace-url>}, <format>)`` with: 1) corresponding namespace mapping to be applied under ``$namespaces`` in the `CWL`. 2) value of ``format`` adjusted according to the namespace to be applied to ``File`` in the `CWL`. - If there is no match but ``must_exist=False``, returns a literal and non-existing definition as ``tuple({"iana": <iana-url>}, <format>)``. - If there is no match but ``must_exist=True`` **AND** ``allow_synonym=True``, retry the call with the synonym if available, or move to next step. Skip this step if ``allow_synonym=False``. - Otherwise, returns ``(None, None)`` - If ``make_reference=True``: - If there is a match, returns the explicit format reference as ``<namespace-url>/<format>``. - If there is no match but ``must_exist=False``, returns the literal reference as ``<iana-url>/<format>`` (N.B.: literal non-official MIME-type reference will be returned even if an official synonym exists). - If there is no match but ``must_exist=True`` **AND** ``allow_synonym=True``, retry the call with the synonym if available, or move to next step. Skip this step if ``allow_synonym=False``. - Returns a single ``None`` as there is not match (directly or synonym). Note: In situations where ``must_exist=False`` is used and that the namespace and/or full format URL cannot be resolved to an existing reference, `CWL` will raise a validation error as it cannot confirm the ``format``. You must therefore make sure that the returned reference (or a synonym format) really exists when using ``must_exist=False`` before providing it to the `CWL` I/O definition. Setting ``must_exist=False`` should be used only for literal string comparison or pre-processing steps to evaluate formats. :param mime_type: Some reference, namespace'd or literal (possibly extended) MIME-type string. :param make_reference: Construct the full URL reference to the resolved MIME-type. Otherwise return tuple details. :param must_exist: Return result only if it can be resolved to an official MIME-type (or synonym if enabled), otherwise ``None``. Non-official MIME-type can be enforced if disabled, in which case `IANA` namespace/URL is used as it preserves the original ``<type>/<subtype>`` format. :param allow_synonym: Allow resolution of non-official MIME-type to an official MIME-type synonym if available. Types defined as *synonym* have semantically the same format validation/resolution for `CWL`. Requires ``must_exist=True``, otherwise the non-official MIME-type is employed directly as result. :returns: Resolved MIME-type format for `CWL` usage, accordingly to specified arguments (see description details). """ def _make_if_ref(_map, _key, _fmt): # type: (Dict[str, str], str, str) -> Union[Tuple[Optional[JSON], Optional[str]], Optional[str]] return os.path.join(_map[_key], _fmt) if make_reference else (_map, f"{_key}:{_fmt}") def _request_extra_various(_mime_type): # type: (str) -> Union[Tuple[Optional[JSON], Optional[str]], Optional[str]] """ Attempts multiple request-retry variants to be as permissive as possible to sporadic/temporary failures. """ from weaver.utils import request_extra _mime_type_url = f"{IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION[IANA_NAMESPACE]}{_mime_type}" if _mime_type in IANA_KNOWN_MEDIA_TYPES: # avoid HTTP NotFound if _mime_type in EDAM_MAPPING: # prefer real reference if available return _make_if_ref(EDAM_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, EDAM_NAMESPACE, EDAM_MAPPING[_mime_type]) return _make_if_ref(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, IANA_NAMESPACE, _mime_type) retries = 3 try: resp = request_extra("head", _mime_type_url, retries=retries, timeout=2, allow_redirects=True, allowed_codes=[HTTPOk.code, HTTPNotFound.code]) if resp.status_code == HTTPOk.code: return _make_if_ref(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, IANA_NAMESPACE, _mime_type) except ConnectionError as exc: LOGGER.debug("Format request [%s] connection error: [%s]", _mime_type_url, exc) try: for _ in range(retries): try: resp = urlopen(_mime_type_url, timeout=2) # nosec: B310 # hardcoded HTTP(S) # pylint: disable=R1732 except socket.timeout: continue if resp.code == HTTPOk.code: return _make_if_ref(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, IANA_NAMESPACE, _mime_type) break except HTTPError: pass return None if not mime_type: return None if make_reference else (None, None) mime_type = clean_mime_type_format(mime_type, strip_parameters=True) result = _request_extra_various(mime_type) if result is not None: return result if mime_type in EDAM_MAPPING: return _make_if_ref(EDAM_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, EDAM_NAMESPACE, EDAM_MAPPING[mime_type]) if not must_exist: return _make_if_ref(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION, IANA_NAMESPACE, mime_type) if result is None and allow_synonym and mime_type in _CONTENT_TYPE_SYNONYM_MAPPING: mime_type = _CONTENT_TYPE_SYNONYM_MAPPING.get(mime_type) return get_cwl_file_format(mime_type, make_reference=make_reference, must_exist=True, allow_synonym=False) return None if make_reference else (None, None)
[docs]def clean_mime_type_format(mime_type, suffix_subtype=False, strip_parameters=False): # type: (str, bool, bool) -> Optional[str] """ Obtains a generic media-type identifier by cleaning up any additional parameters. Removes any additional namespace key or URL from :paramref:`mime_type` so that it corresponds to the generic representation (e.g.: ``application/json``) instead of the ``<namespace-name>:<format>`` mapping variant used in `CWL->inputs/outputs->File->format` or the complete URL reference. Removes any leading temporary local file prefix inserted by :term:`CWL` when resolving namespace mapping. This transforms ``file:///tmp/dir/path/package#application/json`` to plain ``application/json``. According to provided arguments, it also cleans up additional parameters or extracts sub-type suffixes. :param mime_type: MIME-type, full URL to MIME-type or namespace-formatted string that must be cleaned up. :param suffix_subtype: Remove additional sub-type specializations details separated by ``+`` symbol such that an explicit format like ``application/vnd.api+json`` returns only its most basic suffix format defined as``application/json``. :param strip_parameters: Removes additional MIME-type parameters such that only the leading part defining the ``type/subtype`` are returned. For example, this will get rid of ``; charset=UTF-8`` or ``; version=4.0`` parameters. .. note:: Parameters :paramref:`suffix_subtype` and :paramref:`strip_parameters` are not necessarily exclusive. """ if not mime_type: # avoid mismatching empty string with random type return None # when 'format' comes from parsed CWL tool instance, the input/output record sets the value # using a temporary local file path after resolution against remote namespace ontology if mime_type.startswith("file://") and "#" in mime_type: mime_type = mime_type.split("#")[-1] if strip_parameters: mime_type = mime_type.split(";")[0] if suffix_subtype and "+" in mime_type: # parameters are not necessarily stripped, need to re-append them after if any parts = mime_type.split(";", 1) if len(parts) < 2: parts.append("") else: parts[1] = f";{parts[1]}" typ, sub = parts[0].split("/") sub = sub.split("+")[-1] mime_type = f"{typ}/{sub}{parts[1]}" for v in list(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION.values()) + list(EDAM_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION.values()): if v in mime_type: mime_type = mime_type.replace(v, "") for v in list(IANA_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION.keys()) + list(EDAM_NAMESPACE_DEFINITION.keys()): if mime_type.startswith(v + ":"): mime_type = mime_type.replace(v + ":", "") for v in EDAM_MAPPING.values(): if v.endswith(mime_type): mime_type = [k for k in EDAM_MAPPING if v.endswith(EDAM_MAPPING[k])][0] return mime_type
[docs]def guess_target_format(request, default=ContentType.APP_JSON): # type: (AnyRequestType, str) -> str """ Guess the best applicable response ``Content-Type`` header from the request. Considers the request ``Accept`` header, ``format`` query and alternatively ``f`` query to parse possible formats. Full Media-Type are expected in the header. Query parameters can use both the full type, or only the sub-type (i.e.: :term:`JSON`, :term:`XML`, etc.), with case-insensitive names. Defaults to :py:data:`ContentType.APP_JSON` if none was specified. Applies some specific logic to handle automatically added ``Accept`` headers by many browsers such that sending requests to the API using them will not automatically default back to :term:`XML` or similar `HTML` representations. If browsers are used to send requests, but that ``format``/``f`` queries are used directly in the URL, those will be applied since this is a very intuitive (and easier) approach to request different formats when using browsers. When user-agent clients are identified as another source, such as sending requests from a server or from code, both headers and query parameters are applied directly without question. :returns: Matched MIME-type or default. """ from weaver.utils import get_header format_query = request.params.get("format") or request.params.get("f") content_type = None if format_query: content_type = OutputFormat.get(format_query, default=None, allow_version=False) if content_type: content_type = get_content_type(content_type) if not content_type: content_type = get_header("accept", request.headers, default=default) for ctype in content_type.split(","): ctype = clean_mime_type_format(ctype, suffix_subtype=True, strip_parameters=True) if ctype != default: # because most browsers enforce some 'visual' list of accept header, revert to JSON if detected # explicit request set by client (e.g.: using 'requests') will have full control over desired content user_agent = get_header("user-agent", request.headers) if user_agent and any(browser in user_agent for browser in ["Mozilla", "Chrome", "Safari"]): content_type = ContentType.APP_JSON if not content_type or content_type == ContentType.ANY: content_type = default return content_type
[docs]def repr_json(data, force_string=True, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, **kwargs): # type: (Any, bool, bool, Optional[int], **Any) -> Union[JSON, str, None] """ Ensure that the input data can be serialized as JSON to return it formatted representation as such. If formatting as JSON fails, returns the data as string representation or ``None`` accordingly. """ if data is None: return None try: data_str = json.dumps(data, indent=indent, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii, **kwargs) return data_str if force_string else data except Exception: # noqa: W0703 # nosec: B110 return str(data)
if TYPE_CHECKING: from weaver.typedefs import Literal
[docs] AnyOutputFormat = Literal[ OutputFormat.JSON, OutputFormat.XML, OutputFormat.YAML, OutputFormat.YML,