Source code for weaver.processes.wps_package

Functions and classes that offer interoperability and conversion between corresponding elements defined as
`CWL CommandLineTool/Workflow` and `WPS ProcessDescription` in order to generate `ADES/EMS Application Package`.

.. seealso::
    - `CWL specification <>`_
    - `WPS-1/2 schemas <>`_
    - `WPS-REST schemas <>`_
    - :mod:`weaver.wps_restapi.api` conformance details

import json
import logging
import os
import posixpath  # pylint: disable=C0411,wrong-import-order
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict  # pylint: disable=E0611,no-name-in-module   # moved to .abc in Python 3
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import cwltool
import cwltool.docker
import yaml
from cwltool.context import LoadingContext, RuntimeContext
from cwltool.factory import Factory as CWLFactory, WorkflowStatus as CWLException
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPOk, HTTPServiceUnavailable
from pyramid_celery import celery_app as app
from pywps import Process
from pywps.inout import BoundingBoxInput, ComplexInput, LiteralInput
from pywps.inout.basic import SOURCE_TYPE
from pywps.inout.literaltypes import AnyValue
from import S3StorageBuilder
from yaml.scanner import ScannerError

from weaver.config import WEAVER_CONFIGURATIONS_REMOTE, get_weaver_configuration
from weaver.exceptions import (
from weaver.formats import CONTENT_TYPE_ANY_XML, CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON, CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN, get_cwl_file_format
from weaver.processes import opensearch
from weaver.processes.constants import (
from weaver.processes.convert import (
from weaver.processes.sources import retrieve_data_source_url
from weaver.processes.types import PROCESS_APPLICATION, PROCESS_WORKFLOW
from weaver.processes.utils import map_progress
from weaver.status import (
from weaver.utils import (
from weaver.wps.utils import get_wps_output_dir
from weaver.wps_restapi.swagger_definitions import process_service

    from typing import Any, Deque, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

    from cwltool.factory import Callable as CWLFactoryCallable
    from cwltool.process import Process as ProcessCWL
    from owslib.wps import WPSExecution
    from import WPSRequest
    from pywps.response.execute import ExecuteResponse

    from weaver.datatype import Job
    from weaver.processes.convert import (
    from weaver.status import AnyStatusType
    from weaver.typedefs import AnyValueType, CWL, JSON, Number, ToolPathObjectType, TypedDict, ValueType

    # note: below requirements also include 'hints'
[docs] CWLRequirement = TypedDict("CWLRequirement", {"class": str}, total=False)
DictCWLRequirements = Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] # {'<req>': {<param>: <val>}} ListCWLRequirements = List[CWLRequirement] # [{'class': <req>, <param>: <val>}] AnyCWLRequirements = Union[DictCWLRequirements, ListCWLRequirements] # results from CWL execution CWLResultFile = TypedDict("CWLResultFile", {"location": str}, total=False) CWLResultValue = Union[AnyValueType, List[AnyValueType]] CWLResultEntry = Union[Dict[str, CWLResultValue], CWLResultFile, List[CWLResultFile]] CWLResults = Dict[str, CWLResultEntry] # cwl_result[output_id]["location"] # cwl_result[output_id][i]["location"] # NOTE: # Only use this logger for 'utility' methods (not residing under WpsPackage). # In that case, employ 'self.logger' instead so that the executed process has its self-contained job log entries.
[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# CWL package references
[docs]PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS = frozenset(["yaml", "yml", "json", "cwl", "job"])
# process execution progress
[docs]def get_status_location_log_path(status_location, out_dir=None): # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> str log_path = os.path.splitext(status_location)[0] + ".log" return os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.split(log_path)[-1]) if out_dir else log_path
[docs]def retrieve_package_job_log(execution, job, progress_min=0, progress_max=100): # type: (WPSExecution, Job, Number, Number) -> None """ Obtains the underlying WPS execution log from the status file to add them after existing job log entries. """ try: # weaver package log every status update into this file (we no longer rely on the http monitoring) out_dir = get_wps_output_dir(get_settings(app)) # if the process is a weaver package this status xml should be available in the process output dir log_path = get_status_location_log_path(execution.statusLocation, out_dir=out_dir) with open(log_path, "r") as log_file: log_lines = log_file.readlines() if not log_lines: return total = float(len(log_lines)) for i, line in enumerate(log_lines): progress = map_progress(i / total * 100, progress_min, progress_max) job.save_log(message=line.rstrip("\n"), progress=progress, status=STATUS_RUNNING) except (KeyError, IOError): LOGGER.warning("Failed retrieving package log for %s", job)
[docs]def get_process_location(process_id_or_url, data_source=None): # type: (Union[Dict[str, Any], str], Optional[str]) -> str """ Obtains the URL of a WPS REST DescribeProcess given the specified information. :param process_id_or_url: process "identifier" or literal URL to DescribeProcess WPS-REST location. :param data_source: identifier of the data source to map to specific ADES, or map to localhost if ``None``. :return: URL of EMS or ADES WPS-REST DescribeProcess. """ # if an URL was specified, return it as is if urlparse(process_id_or_url).scheme != "": return process_id_or_url data_source_url = retrieve_data_source_url(data_source) process_id = get_sane_name(process_id_or_url) process_url = process_service.path.format(process_id=process_id) return "{host}{path}".format(host=data_source_url, path=process_url)
[docs]def get_package_workflow_steps(package_dict_or_url): # type: (Union[Dict[str, Any], str]) -> List[Dict[str, str]] """ :param package_dict_or_url: process package definition or literal URL to DescribeProcess WPS-REST location. :return: list of workflow steps as {"name": <name>, "reference": <reference>} where `name` is the generic package step name, and `reference` is the id/url of a registered WPS package. """ if isinstance(package_dict_or_url, str): package_dict_or_url = _get_process_package(package_dict_or_url) workflow_steps_ids = list() package_type = _get_package_type(package_dict_or_url) if package_type == PROCESS_WORKFLOW: workflow_steps = package_dict_or_url.get("steps") for step in workflow_steps: step_package_ref = workflow_steps[step].get("run") # if a local file reference was specified, convert it to process id package_ref_name, package_ref_ext = os.path.splitext(step_package_ref) if urlparse(step_package_ref).scheme == "" and package_ref_ext.replace(".", "") in PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS: step_package_ref = package_ref_name workflow_steps_ids.append({"name": step, "reference": step_package_ref}) return workflow_steps_ids
[docs]def _fetch_process_info(process_info_url, fetch_error): # type: (str, Type[Exception]) -> JSON """ Fetches the JSON process information from the specified URL and validates that it contains something. :raises fetch_error: provided exception with URL message if the process information could not be retrieved. """ def _info_not_found_error(): return fetch_error("Could not find reference: '{!s}'".format(process_info_url)) if not isinstance(process_info_url, str): raise _info_not_found_error() resp = request_extra("get", process_info_url, headers={"Accept": CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON}, settings=get_settings(app)) if resp.status_code != HTTPOk.code: raise _info_not_found_error() body = resp.json() if not isinstance(body, dict) or not len(body): raise _info_not_found_error() return body
[docs]def _get_process_package(process_url): # type: (str) -> Tuple[CWL, str] """ Retrieves the WPS process package content from given process ID or literal URL. :param process_url: process literal URL to DescribeProcess WPS-REST location. :return: tuple of package body as dictionary and package reference name. """ package_url = "{!s}/package".format(process_url) package_body = _fetch_process_info(package_url, PackageNotFound) package_name = process_url.split("/")[-1] return package_body, package_name
[docs]def _get_process_payload(process_url): # type: (str) -> JSON """ Retrieves the WPS process payload content from given process ID or literal URL. :param process_url: process literal URL to DescribeProcess WPS-REST location. :return: payload body as dictionary. """ process_url = get_process_location(process_url) payload_url = "{!s}/payload".format(process_url) payload_body = _fetch_process_info(payload_url, PayloadNotFound) return payload_body
[docs]def _get_package_type(package_dict): # type: (CWL) -> Union[PROCESS_APPLICATION, PROCESS_WORKFLOW] return PROCESS_WORKFLOW if package_dict.get("class").lower() == "workflow" else PROCESS_APPLICATION
[docs]def _get_package_requirements_as_class_list(requirements): # type: (AnyCWLRequirements) -> ListCWLRequirements """ Converts `CWL` package ``requirements`` or ``hints`` sometime defined as ``Dict[<req>: {<params>}]`` to an explicit list of dictionary requirements with ``class`` key. """ if isinstance(requirements, dict): reqs = [] for req in requirements: reqs.append({"class": req}) reqs[-1].update(requirements[req] or {}) return reqs return [dict(req) for req in requirements] # ensure list-of-dict instead of sequence of dict-like
[docs]def _get_package_ordered_io(io_section, order_hints=None): # type: (Union[List[JSON], Dict[str, Union[JSON, str]]], Optional[List[JSON]]) -> List[JSON] """ Converts `CWL` package I/O definitions defined as dictionary to an equivalent :class:`list` representation. The list representation ensures that I/O order is preserved when written to file and reloaded afterwards regardless of each server and/or library's implementation of :class:`dict` container. If this function fails to correctly order any I/O or cannot correctly guarantee such result because of the provided parameters (e.g.: no hints given when required), the result will not break nor change the final processing behaviour of the `CWL` engine. This is merely *cosmetic* adjustments to ease readability of I/O to avoid always shuffling their order across multiple application package reporting. The important result of this function is to provide the `CWL` I/O as a consistent list of objects so it is less cumbersome to compare/merge/iterate over the elements with all functions that will follow. .. note:: When defined as a dictionary, an :class:`OrderedDict` is expected as input to ensure preserved field order. Prior to Python 3.7 or CPython 3.5, preserved order is not guaranteed for *builtin* :class:`dict`. In this case the :paramref:`order_hints` is required to ensure same order. :param io_section: Definition contained under the `CWL` ``inputs`` or ``outputs`` package fields. :param order_hints: Optional/partial list of WPS I/O definitions hinting an order to sort CWL unsorted-dict I/O. :returns: I/O specified as list of dictionary definitions with preserved order (as best as possible). """ if isinstance(io_section, list): return io_section io_list = [] io_dict = OrderedDict() if isinstance(io_section, dict) and not isinstance(io_section, OrderedDict) and order_hints and len(order_hints): # pre-order I/O that can be resolved with hint when the specified I/O section is not ordered io_section = deepcopy(io_section) for hint in order_hints: hint_id = get_field(hint, "identifier", search_variations=True) if hint_id in io_section: io_dict[hint_id] = io_section.pop(hint_id) for hint in io_section: io_dict[hint] = io_section[hint] else: io_dict = io_section for io_id, io_value in io_dict.items(): # I/O value can be a literal type string or dictionary with more details at this point # make it always detailed dictionary to avoid problems for later parsing # this is also required to make the list, since all list items must have a matching type if isinstance(io_value, str): io_list.append({"type": io_value}) else: io_list.append(io_value) io_list[-1]["id"] = io_id return io_list
[docs]def _check_package_file(cwl_file_path_or_url): # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, bool] """ Validates that the specified CWL file path or URL points to an existing and allowed file format. :param cwl_file_path_or_url: one of allowed file types path on disk, or an URL pointing to one served somewhere. :return: absolute_path, is_url: absolute path or URL, and boolean indicating if it is a remote URL file. :raises PackageRegistrationError: in case of missing file, invalid format or invalid HTTP status code. """ is_url = False cwl_file_path_or_url = cwl_file_path_or_url.replace("file://", "") scheme = urlparse(cwl_file_path_or_url).scheme if scheme != "" and not posixpath.ismount("{}:".format(scheme)): # windows partition is_url = True if is_url: cwl_path = cwl_file_path_or_url cwl_resp = request_extra("head", cwl_path, settings=get_settings(app)) is_url = True if cwl_resp.status_code != HTTPOk.code: raise PackageRegistrationError("Cannot find CWL file at: '{}'.".format(cwl_path)) else: cwl_path = os.path.abspath(cwl_file_path_or_url) if not os.path.isfile(cwl_path): raise PackageRegistrationError("Cannot find CWL file at: '{}'.".format(cwl_path)) file_ext = os.path.splitext(cwl_path)[-1].replace(".", "") if file_ext not in PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS: raise PackageRegistrationError("Not a valid CWL file type: '{}'.".format(file_ext)) return cwl_path, is_url
[docs]def _load_package_file(file_path): # type: (str) -> CWL """Loads the package in YAML/JSON format specified by the file path.""" file_path, is_url = _check_package_file(file_path) # if URL, get the content and validate it by loading, otherwise load file directly # yaml properly loads json as well, error can print out the parsing error location try: if is_url: settings = get_settings(app) cwl_resp = request_extra("get", file_path, headers={"Accept": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN}, settings=settings) return yaml.safe_load(cwl_resp.content) with open(file_path, "r") as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) except ScannerError as ex: raise PackageRegistrationError("Package parsing generated an error: [{!s}]".format(ex))
[docs]def _load_package_content(package_dict, # type: Dict package_name=PACKAGE_DEFAULT_FILE_NAME, # type: str data_source=None, # type: Optional[str] only_dump_file=False, # type: bool tmp_dir=None, # type: Optional[str] loading_context=None, # type: Optional[LoadingContext] runtime_context=None, # type: Optional[RuntimeContext] process_offering=None, # type: Optional[JSON] ): # type: (...) -> Optional[Tuple[CWLFactoryCallable, str, Dict[str, str]]] """ Loads the package content to file in a temporary directory. Recursively processes sub-packages steps if the parent is a `Workflow` (CWL class). :param package_dict: package content representation as a json dictionary. :param package_name: name to use to create the package file. :param data_source: identifier of the data source to map to specific ADES, or map to localhost if ``None``. :param only_dump_file: specify if the ``CWLFactoryCallable`` should be validated and returned. :param tmp_dir: location of the temporary directory to dump files (deleted on exit). :param loading_context: cwltool context used to create the cwl package (required if ``only_dump_file=False``) :param runtime_context: cwltool context used to execute the cwl package (required if ``only_dump_file=False``) :param process_offering: JSON body of the process description payload (used as I/O hint ordering) :return: if ``only_dump_file`` is ``True``: ``None`` otherwise, tuple of: - instance of ``CWLFactoryCallable`` - package type (``PROCESS_WORKFLOW`` or ``PROCESS_APPLICATION``) - mapping of each step ID with their package name that must be run .. warning:: Specified :paramref:`tmp_dir` will be deleted on exit. """ tmp_dir = tmp_dir or tempfile.mkdtemp() tmp_json_cwl = os.path.join(tmp_dir, package_name) # for workflows, retrieve each 'sub-package' file package_type = _get_package_type(package_dict) workflow_steps = get_package_workflow_steps(package_dict) step_packages = {} for step in workflow_steps: # generate sub-package file and update workflow step to point to it step_process_url = get_process_location(step["reference"], data_source) package_body, package_name = _get_process_package(step_process_url) _load_package_content(package_body, package_name, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, data_source=data_source, only_dump_file=True) package_dict["steps"][step["name"]]["run"] = package_name step_packages[step["name"]] = package_name # fix I/O to preserve ordering from dump/load, and normalize them to consistent list of objects process_offering_hint = process_offering or {} package_input_hint = process_offering_hint.get("inputs", []) package_output_hint = process_offering_hint.get("outputs", []) package_dict["inputs"] = _get_package_ordered_io(package_dict["inputs"], order_hints=package_input_hint) package_dict["outputs"] = _get_package_ordered_io(package_dict["outputs"], order_hints=package_output_hint) with open(tmp_json_cwl, "w") as f: json.dump(package_dict, f) if only_dump_file: return factory = CWLFactory(loading_context=loading_context, runtime_context=runtime_context) package = factory.make(tmp_json_cwl) # type: CWLFactoryCallable shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) return package, package_type, step_packages
[docs]def _merge_package_inputs_outputs(wps_inputs_list, # type: List[ANY_IO_Type] cwl_inputs_list, # type: List[WPS_Input_Type] wps_outputs_list, # type: List[ANY_IO_Type] cwl_outputs_list, # type: List[WPS_Output_Type] ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[List[JSON_IO_Type], List[JSON_IO_Type]] """ Merges I/O definitions to use for process creation and returned by ``GetCapabilities``, ``DescribeProcess`` using the `WPS` specifications (from request ``POST``) and `CWL` specifications (extracted from file). Note: parameters ``cwl_inputs_list`` and ``cwl_outputs_list`` are expected to be in `WPS`-like format (ie: `CWL` I/O converted to corresponding `WPS` I/O) """ wps_inputs_merged = merge_package_io(wps_inputs_list, cwl_inputs_list, WPS_INPUT) wps_outputs_merged = merge_package_io(wps_outputs_list, cwl_outputs_list, WPS_OUTPUT) return [wps2json_io(i) for i in wps_inputs_merged], [wps2json_io(o) for o in wps_outputs_merged]
[docs]def _get_package_io(package_factory, io_select, as_json): # type: (CWLFactoryCallable, str, bool) -> List[PKG_IO_Type] """ Retrieves I/O definitions from a validated ``CWLFactoryCallable``. Returned I/O format depends on value ``as_json``. """ if io_select == WPS_OUTPUT: io_attrib = "outputs_record_schema" elif io_select == WPS_INPUT: io_attrib = "inputs_record_schema" else: raise PackageTypeError("Unknown I/O selection: '{}'.".format(io_select)) cwl_package_io = getattr(package_factory.t, io_attrib) wps_package_io = [cwl2wps_io(io, io_select) for io in cwl_package_io["fields"]] if as_json: return [wps2json_io(io) for io in wps_package_io] return wps_package_io
[docs]def _get_package_inputs_outputs(package_factory, # type: CWLFactoryCallable as_json=False, # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[List[PKG_IO_Type], List[PKG_IO_Type]] """Generates `WPS-like` ``(inputs, outputs)`` tuple using parsed CWL package definitions.""" return (_get_package_io(package_factory, io_select=WPS_INPUT, as_json=as_json), _get_package_io(package_factory, io_select=WPS_OUTPUT, as_json=as_json))
[docs]def _update_package_metadata(wps_package_metadata, cwl_package_package): # type: (JSON, CWL) -> None """Updates the package `WPS` metadata dictionary from extractable `CWL` package definition.""" wps_package_metadata["title"] = wps_package_metadata.get("title", cwl_package_package.get("label", "")) wps_package_metadata["abstract"] = wps_package_metadata.get("abstract", cwl_package_package.get("doc", "")) if ( "$schemas" in cwl_package_package and isinstance(cwl_package_package["$schemas"], list) and "$namespaces" in cwl_package_package and isinstance(cwl_package_package["$namespaces"], dict) ): metadata = wps_package_metadata.get("metadata", []) namespaces_inv = {v: k for k, v in cwl_package_package["$namespaces"]} for schema in cwl_package_package["$schemas"]: for namespace_url in namespaces_inv: if schema.startswith(namespace_url): metadata.append({"title": namespaces_inv[namespace_url], "href": schema}) wps_package_metadata["metadata"] = metadata if "s:keywords" in cwl_package_package and isinstance(cwl_package_package["s:keywords"], list): wps_package_metadata["keywords"] = list( set(wps_package_metadata.get("keywords", [])) | set(cwl_package_package.get("s:keywords", []))
[docs]def _generate_process_with_cwl_from_reference(reference): # type: (str) -> Tuple[CWL, JSON] """ Resolves the ``reference`` type (`CWL`, `WPS-1`, `WPS-2`, `WPS-3`) and generates a `CWL` ``package`` from it. Additionally provides minimal process details retrieved from the ``reference``. """ cwl_package = None process_info = dict() # match against direct CWL reference reference_path, reference_ext = os.path.splitext(reference) reference_name = os.path.split(reference_path)[-1] if reference_ext.replace(".", "") in PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS: cwl_package = _load_package_file(reference) process_info = {"identifier": reference_name} # match against WPS-1/2 reference else: settings = get_settings(app) response = request_extra("GET", reference, retries=3, settings=settings) if response.status_code != HTTPOk.code: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable("Couldn't obtain a valid response from [{}]. Service response: [{} {}]" .format(reference, response.status_code, response.reason)) content_type = get_header("Content-Type", response.headers) if any(ct in content_type for ct in CONTENT_TYPE_ANY_XML): # attempt to retrieve a WPS-1 ProcessDescription definition cwl_package, process_info = xml_wps2cwl(response, settings) elif any(ct in content_type for ct in [CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON]): payload = response.json() # attempt to retrieve a WPS-3 Process definition, owsContext is expected in body if "process" in payload: process_info = payload["process"] ows_ref = process_info.get("owsContext", {}).get("offering", {}).get("content", {}).get("href") cwl_package = _load_package_file(ows_ref) # if somehow the CWL was referenced without an extension, handle it here # also handle parsed WPS-3 process description also with a reference elif "cwlVersion" in payload: cwl_package = _load_package_file(reference) process_info = {"identifier": reference_name} return cwl_package, process_info
[docs]def get_process_definition(process_offering, reference=None, package=None, data_source=None): # type: (JSON, Optional[str], Optional[CWL], Optional[str]) -> JSON """ Returns an updated process definition dictionary ready for storage using provided `WPS` ``process_offering`` and a package definition passed by ``reference`` or ``package`` `CWL` content. The returned process information can be used later on to load an instance of :class:`weaver.wps_package.WpsPackage`. :param process_offering: `WPS REST-API` (`WPS-3`) process offering as `JSON`. :param reference: URL to `CWL` package definition, `WPS-1 DescribeProcess` endpoint or `WPS-3 Process` endpoint. :param package: literal `CWL` package definition (`YAML` or `JSON` format). :param data_source: where to resolve process IDs (default: localhost if ``None``). :return: updated process definition with resolved/merged information from ``package``/``reference``. """ def try_or_raise_package_error(call, reason): try: LOGGER.debug("Attempting: [%s].", reason) return call() except Exception as exc: # re-raise any exception already handled by a "package" error as is, but with a more detailed message # handle any other sub-exception that wasn't processed by a "package" error as a registration error package_errors = (PackageRegistrationError, PackageTypeError, PackageRegistrationError, PackageNotFound) exc_type = type(exc) if isinstance(exc, package_errors) else PackageRegistrationError exc_msg = str(exc) LOGGER.exception(exc_msg) raise exc_type("Invalid package/reference definition. {0} generated error: [{1!r}].".format(reason, exc)) if not (isinstance(package, dict) or isinstance(reference, str)): raise PackageRegistrationError("Invalid parameters amongst one of [package, reference].") if package and reference: raise PackageRegistrationError("Simultaneous parameters [package, reference] not allowed.") process_info = process_offering if reference: package, process_info = _generate_process_with_cwl_from_reference(reference) process_info.update(process_offering) # override upstream details if not isinstance(package, dict): raise PackageRegistrationError("Cannot decode process package contents.") if "class" not in package: raise PackageRegistrationError("Cannot obtain process type from package class.") LOGGER.debug("Using data source: '%s'", data_source) package_factory, process_type, _ = try_or_raise_package_error( lambda: _load_package_content(package, data_source=data_source, process_offering=process_info), reason="Loading package content") package_inputs, package_outputs = try_or_raise_package_error( lambda: _get_package_inputs_outputs(package_factory), reason="Definition of package/process inputs/outputs") process_inputs = process_info.get("inputs", list()) process_outputs = process_info.get("outputs", list()) try_or_raise_package_error( lambda: _update_package_metadata(process_info, package), reason="Metadata update") package_inputs, package_outputs = try_or_raise_package_error( lambda: _merge_package_inputs_outputs(process_inputs, package_inputs, process_outputs, package_outputs), reason="Merging of inputs/outputs") # obtain any retrieved process id if not already provided from upstream process offering, and clean it process_id = get_sane_name(get_any_id(process_info), assert_invalid=False) if not process_id: raise PackageRegistrationError("Could not retrieve any process identifier.") process_offering.update({ "identifier": process_id, "package": package, "type": process_type, "inputs": package_inputs, "outputs": package_outputs }) return process_offering
[docs]class WpsPackage(Process): # defined on __init__ call
[docs] package = None # type: Optional[CWL]
# defined only after/while _handler is called (or sub-methods)
[docs] package_id = None # type: Optional[str]
[docs] package_type = None # type: Optional[str]
[docs] package_log_hook_stderr = None # type: Optional[str]
[docs] package_log_hook_stdout = None # type: Optional[str]
[docs] percent = None # type: Optional[Number]
[docs] remote_execution = None # type: Optional[bool]
[docs] log_file = None # type: Optional[str]
[docs] log_level = None # type: Optional[int]
[docs] logger = None # type: Optional[logging.Logger]
[docs] step_packages = None # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
[docs] step_launched = None # type: Optional[List[str]]
[docs] request = None # type: Optional[WPSRequest]
[docs] response = None # type: Optional[ExecuteResponse]
def __init__(self, **kw): """ Creates a `WPS-3 Process` instance to execute a `CWL` application package definition. Process parameters should be loaded from an existing :class:`weaver.datatype.Process` instance generated using :func:`weaver.wps_package.get_process_definition`. Provided ``kw`` should correspond to :meth:`weaver.datatype.Process.params_wps` """ self.payload = kw.pop("payload") self.package = kw.pop("package") self.settings = get_settings(app) if not self.package: raise PackageRegistrationError("Missing required package definition for package process.") if not isinstance(self.package, dict): raise PackageRegistrationError("Unknown parsing of package definition for package process.") inputs = kw.pop("inputs", []) # handle EOImage inputs inputs = opensearch.replace_inputs_describe_process(inputs=inputs, payload=self.payload) inputs = [json2wps_io(i, WPS_INPUT) for i in inputs] outputs = [json2wps_io(o, WPS_OUTPUT) for o in kw.pop("outputs", list())] metadata = [json2wps_field(meta_kw, "metadata") for meta_kw in kw.pop("metadata", list())] super(WpsPackage, self).__init__( self._handler, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, metadata=metadata, store_supported=True, status_supported=True, **kw )
[docs] def setup_loggers(self, log_stdout_stderr=True): # type: (bool) -> None """ Configures useful loggers to catch most of the common output and/or error messages during package execution. .. seealso:: :meth:`insert_package_log` :func:`retrieve_package_job_log` """ setup_loggers(self.settings) self.log_level = self.log_level or logging.getLogger("weaver").getEffectiveLevel() # file logger for output self.log_file = get_status_location_log_path(self.status_location) log_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.log_file) log_file_formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=get_log_fmt(), datefmt=get_log_date_fmt()) log_file_formatter.converter = time.gmtime log_file_handler.setFormatter(log_file_formatter) # prepare package logger self.logger = logging.getLogger("{}.{}".format(, self.package_id)) self.logger.addHandler(log_file_handler) self.logger.setLevel(self.log_level) # add CWL job and CWL runner logging to current package logger job_logger = logging.getLogger("job {}".format(PACKAGE_DEFAULT_FILE_NAME)) job_logger.addHandler(log_file_handler) job_logger.setLevel(self.log_level) cwl_logger = logging.getLogger("cwltool") cwl_logger.addHandler(log_file_handler) cwl_logger.setLevel(self.log_level) # add stderr/stdout CWL hook to capture logs/prints/echos from subprocess execution # using same file so all kind of message are kept in chronological order of generation if log_stdout_stderr: self.package_log_hook_stderr = PACKAGE_OUTPUT_HOOK_LOG_UUID.format(str(uuid.uuid4())) self.package_log_hook_stdout = PACKAGE_OUTPUT_HOOK_LOG_UUID.format(str(uuid.uuid4())) package_outputs = self.package.get("outputs") if isinstance(package_outputs, list): package_outputs.extend([{"id": self.package_log_hook_stderr, "type": "stderr"}, {"id": self.package_log_hook_stdout, "type": "stdout"}]) else: package_outputs.update({self.package_log_hook_stderr: {"type": "stderr"}, self.package_log_hook_stdout: {"type": "stdout"}}) self.package.update({"stderr": "stderr.log", "stdout": "stdout.log"}) # add weaver Tweens logger to current package logger weaver_tweens_logger = logging.getLogger("weaver.tweens") weaver_tweens_logger.addHandler(log_file_handler) weaver_tweens_logger.setLevel(self.log_level)
[docs] def insert_package_log(self, result): # type: (Union[CWLResults, CWLException]) -> List[str] """Retrieves additional `CWL` sub-process logs captures to retrieve internal application output and/or errors. After execution of this method, the `WPS` output log (which can be obtained by :func:`retrieve_package_job_log`) will have additional ``stderr/stdout`` entries extracted from the underlying application package tool execution. The outputs and errors are inserted *as best as possible* in the logical order to make reading of the merged logs appear as a natural and chronological order. In the event that both output and errors are available, they are appended one after another as merging in an orderly fashion cannot be guaranteed by outside `CWL` runner. .. note:: In case of any exception, log reporting is aborted and ignored. .. todo:: Improve for realtime updates when using async routine ( .. seealso:: :meth:`setup_loggers` :func:`retrieve_package_job_log` :param result: output results returned by successful `CWL` package instance execution or raised CWL exception. :returns: captured execution log lines retrieved from files """ captured_log = [] status = STATUS_RUNNING try: if isinstance(result, CWLException): result = getattr(result, "out") status = STATUS_FAILED stderr_file = result.get(self.package_log_hook_stderr, {}).get("location", "").replace("file://", "") stdout_file = result.get(self.package_log_hook_stdout, {}).get("location", "").replace("file://", "") with_stderr_file = os.path.isfile(stderr_file) with_stdout_file = os.path.isfile(stdout_file) if not with_stdout_file and not with_stderr_file: self.log_message(status, "Could not retrieve any internal application log.", level=logging.WARNING) return captured_log out_log = [] if with_stdout_file: with open(stdout_file) as app_log_fd: out_log = app_log_fd.readlines() if out_log: out_log = ["----- Captured Log (stdout) -----\n"] + out_log err_log = [] if with_stderr_file: with open(stderr_file) as app_log_fd: err_log = app_log_fd.readlines() if err_log: err_log = ["----- Captured Log (stderr) -----\n"] + err_log if not out_log and not err_log: self.log_message(status, "Nothing captured from internal application logs.", level=logging.INFO) return captured_log with open(self.log_file, "r") as pkg_log_fd: pkg_log = pkg_log_fd.readlines() cwl_end_index = -1 cwl_end_search = "[cwltool] [job {}] completed".format(self.package_id) # success/permanentFail for i in reversed(range(len(pkg_log))): if cwl_end_search in pkg_log[i]: cwl_end_index = i break captured_log = out_log + err_log merged_log = pkg_log[:cwl_end_index] + captured_log + pkg_log[cwl_end_index:] with open(self.log_file, "w") as pkg_log_fd: pkg_log_fd.writelines(merged_log) except Exception as exc: # log exception, but non-failing self.exception_message(PackageExecutionError, exception=exc, level=logging.WARNING, status=status, message="Error occurred when retrieving internal application log.") return captured_log
[docs] def update_requirements(self): """ Inplace modification of :attr:`package` to adjust invalid items that would break behaviour we must enforce. """ is_builtin = False for req_type in ["hints", "requirements"]: req_items = self.package.get(req_type, {}) for req_cls in req_items: if not isinstance(req_cls, dict): req_def = req_items[req_cls] else: req_def = req_cls req_cls = req_cls["class"] if req_cls == CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_BUILTIN: is_builtin = True if req_cls != CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_DOCKER: continue # remove build-related parameters because we forbid this in our case # remove output directory since we must explicitly defined it to match with WPS for req_rm in ["dockerFile", "dockerOutputDirectory"]: is_rm = req_def.pop(req_rm, None) if is_rm: self.logger.warning("Removed CWL [%s.%s] %s parameter from [%s] package definition (forced).", req_cls, req_rm, req_type[:-1], self.package_id) # update python reference if builtin script # since subprocess is created by CWL, the default python detected is from the OS # when running from within Weaver Docker, this doesn't matter much as OS Python == Weaver Env Python # but running in any other situation (e.g.: local, tests) will not necessarily point to same instance if is_builtin: python_path = os.getenv("PYTHONPATH") if not python_path: return req_items = self.package.get("requirements", {}) if not isinstance(req_items, dict): # definition as list req_env = {"class": "EnvVarRequirement", "envDef": {}} for req in req_items: if req["class"] == "EnvVarRequirement": req_env = req break req_items.append(req_env) else: # definition as mapping req_items.setdefault("EnvVarRequirement", {"envDef": {}}) req_env = req_items.get("EnvVarRequirement") active_python_path = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "bin") env_path = "{}:{}".format(active_python_path, os.getenv("PATH")) req_env["envDef"].update({"PATH": env_path}) if self.package.get("baseCommand") == "python": self.package["baseCommand"] = os.path.join(active_python_path, "python")
[docs] def update_effective_user(self): """ Update effective user/group for the `Application Package` to be executed. FIXME: (experimental) update user/group permissions Reducing permissions is safer inside docker application since weaver/cwltool could be running as root but this requires that mounted volumes have the required permissions so euid:egid can use them. Overrides :mod:`cwltool`'s function to retrieve user/group id for ones we enforce. """ if sys.platform == "win32": return cfg_euid = str(self.settings.get("weaver.cwl_euid", "")) cfg_egid = str(self.settings.get("weaver.cwl_egid", "")) app_euid, app_egid = str(os.geteuid()), str(os.getgid()) # pylint: disable=E1101 if cfg_euid not in ["", "0", app_euid] and cfg_egid not in ["", "0", app_egid]:"Enforcing CWL euid:egid [%s,%s]", cfg_euid, cfg_egid) cwltool.docker.docker_vm_id = lambda *_, **__: (int(cfg_euid), int(cfg_egid)) else: self.logger.log(logging.WARNING if (app_euid == "0" or app_egid == "0") else logging.INFO, "Visible application CWL euid:egid [%s:%s]", app_euid, app_egid)
[docs] def update_status(self, message, progress, status): # type: (str, Number, AnyStatusType) -> None """Updates the `PyWPS` real job status from a specified parameters.""" self.percent = progress or self.percent or 0 # find the enum PyWPS status matching the given one as string pywps_status = map_status(status, STATUS_COMPLIANT_PYWPS) pywps_status_id = STATUS_PYWPS_IDS[pywps_status] # NOTE: # When running process in sync (because executed within celery worker already async), # pywps reverts status file output flag. Re-enforce it for our needs. # (see: 'weaver.wps.WorkerService.execute_job') self.response.store_status_file = True # pywps overrides 'status' by 'accepted' in 'update_status', so use the '_update_status' to enforce the status # using protected method also avoids weird overrides of progress percent on failure and final 'success' status self.response._update_status(pywps_status_id, message, self.percent) # noqa: W0212 self.log_message(status=status, message=message, progress=progress)
[docs] def step_update_status(self, message, progress, start_step_progress, end_step_progress, step_name, target_host, status): # type: (str, Number, Number, Number, str, AnyValue, str) -> None self.update_status( message="{0} [{1}] - {2}".format(target_host, step_name, str(message).strip()), progress=map_progress(progress, start_step_progress, end_step_progress), status=status,
[docs] def log_message(self, status, message, progress=None, level=logging.INFO): # type: (AnyStatusType, str, Optional[Number], int) -> None progress = progress if progress is not None else self.percent message = get_job_log_msg(status=map_status(status), message=message, progress=progress) self.logger.log(level, message, exc_info=level > logging.INFO)
[docs] def exception_message(self, exception_type, exception=None, message="no message", status=STATUS_EXCEPTION, level=logging.ERROR): # type: (Type[Exception], Optional[Exception], str, AnyStatusType, int) -> Exception """ Logs to the job the specified error message with the provided exception type. :returns: formatted exception with message to be raised by calling function. """ exception_msg = " [{}]".format(repr(exception)) if isinstance(exception, Exception) else "" self.log_message(status=status, level=level, message="{0}: {1}{2}".format(exception_type.__name__, message, exception_msg)) return exception_type("{0}{1}".format(message, exception_msg))
[docs] def map_step_progress(cls, step_index, steps_total): # type: (int, int) -> Number """Calculates the percentage progression of a single step of the full process. .. note:: The step procession is adjusted according to delimited start/end of the underlying `CWL` execution to provide a continuous progress percentage over the complete execution. Otherwise, we would have values that jump around according to whichever progress the underlying remote `WPS` or monitored `CWL` employs, if any is provided. """ return map_progress(100 * step_index / steps_total, PACKAGE_PROGRESS_CWL_RUN, PACKAGE_PROGRESS_CWL_DONE)
[docs] def _handler(self, request, response): # type: (WPSRequest, ExecuteResponse) -> ExecuteResponse """ Method called when process receives the WPS execution request. """ # note: only 'LOGGER' call allowed here, since 'setup_loggers' not called yet LOGGER.debug("HOME=%s, Current Dir=%s", os.environ.get("HOME"), os.path.abspath(os.curdir)) self.request = request self.response = response self.package_id = self.request.identifier try: try: # workflows do not support stdout/stderr self.package_type = _get_package_type(self.package) log_stdout_stderr = self.package_type != PROCESS_WORKFLOW self.setup_loggers(log_stdout_stderr) self.update_status("Preparing package logs done.", PACKAGE_PROGRESS_PREP_LOG, STATUS_RUNNING) except Exception as exc: raise self.exception_message(PackageExecutionError, exc, "Failed preparing package logging.") self.update_status("Launching package...", PACKAGE_PROGRESS_LAUNCHING, STATUS_RUNNING) self.remote_execution = get_weaver_configuration(self.settings) in WEAVER_CONFIGURATIONS_REMOTE if self.remote_execution: # EMS dispatch the execution to the ADES loading_context = LoadingContext() loading_context.construct_tool_object = self.make_tool else: # ADES execute the cwl locally loading_context = None self.update_effective_user() self.update_requirements() # note: # Parameter 'weaver.wps_workdir' is the base-dir where sub-dir per application packages will be generated. # Parameter 'self.workdir' is the actual location PyWPS reserved for this process (already with sub-dir). # If no 'weaver.wps_workdir' was provided, reuse PyWps parent workdir since we got access to it. # Other steps handling outputs need to consider that CWL<->WPS out dirs could match because of this. wps_workdir = self.settings.get("weaver.wps_workdir", os.path.dirname(self.workdir)) # cwltool will add additional unique characters after prefix paths cwl_workdir = os.path.join(wps_workdir, "cwltool_tmp_") cwl_outdir = os.path.join(wps_workdir, "cwltool_out_") runtime_params = { # force explicit staging if write needed (InitialWorkDirRequirement in CWL package) # protect input paths that can be re-used to avoid potential in-place modifications "no_read_only": False, # employ enforced user/group from provided config or auto-resolved ones from running user "no_match_user": False, # directories for CWL to move files around, auto cleaned up by cwltool when finished processing # (paths used are according to DockerRequirement and InitialWorkDirRequirement) "tmpdir_prefix": cwl_workdir, "tmp_outdir_prefix": cwl_outdir, # ask CWL to move tmp outdir results to the WPS process workdir (otherwise we loose them on cleanup) "outdir": self.workdir, "debug": self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) } self.logger.debug("Using cwltool.RuntimeContext args:\n%s", json.dumps(runtime_params, indent=2)) runtime_context = RuntimeContext(kwargs=runtime_params) try: package_inst, _, self.step_packages = _load_package_content(self.package, package_name=self.package_id, # no data source for local package data_source=None, loading_context=loading_context, runtime_context=runtime_context) self.step_launched = [] except Exception as ex: raise PackageRegistrationError("Exception occurred on package instantiation: '{!r}'".format(ex)) self.update_status("Loading package content done.", PACKAGE_PROGRESS_LOADING, STATUS_RUNNING) try: cwl_inputs_info = {i["name"]: i for i in package_inst.t.inputs_record_schema["fields"]} self.update_status("Retrieve package inputs done.", PACKAGE_PROGRESS_GET_INPUT, STATUS_RUNNING) except Exception as exc: raise self.exception_message(PackageExecutionError, exc, "Failed retrieving package input types.") try: # identify EOImages from payload request.inputs = opensearch.get_original_collection_id(self.payload, request.inputs) eoimage_data_sources = opensearch.get_eo_images_data_sources(self.payload, request.inputs) if eoimage_data_sources: self.update_status("Found EOImage data-source definitions. " "Updating inputs with OpenSearch sources.", PACKAGE_PROGRESS_ADD_EO_IMAGES, STATUS_RUNNING) accept_mime_types = opensearch.get_eo_images_mime_types(self.payload) opensearch.insert_max_occurs(self.payload, request.inputs) request.inputs = opensearch.query_eo_images_from_wps_inputs(request.inputs, eoimage_data_sources, accept_mime_types, settings=self.settings) cwl_inputs = self.make_inputs(request.inputs, cwl_inputs_info) self.update_status("Convert package inputs done.", PACKAGE_PROGRESS_CONVERT_INPUT, STATUS_RUNNING) except PackageException as exc: raise self.exception_message(type(exc), None, str(exc)) # re-raise as is, but with extra log entry except Exception as exc: raise self.exception_message(PackageExecutionError, exc, "Failed to load package inputs.") try: self.update_status("Running package...", PACKAGE_PROGRESS_CWL_RUN, STATUS_RUNNING) self.logger.debug("Launching process package with inputs:\n%s", json.dumps(cwl_inputs, indent=2)) result = package_inst(**cwl_inputs) # type: CWLResults self.update_status("Package execution done.", PACKAGE_PROGRESS_CWL_DONE, STATUS_RUNNING) except Exception as exc: if isinstance(exc, CWLException): lines = self.insert_package_log(exc) LOGGER.debug("Captured logs:\n%s", "\n".join(lines)) raise self.exception_message(PackageExecutionError, exc, "Failed package execution.") # FIXME: this won't be necessary using async routine ( self.insert_package_log(result) try: self.make_outputs(result) self.update_status("Generate package outputs done.", PACKAGE_PROGRESS_PREP_OUT, STATUS_RUNNING) except Exception as exc: raise self.exception_message(PackageExecutionError, exc, "Failed to save package outputs.") except Exception: # return log file location by status message since outputs are not obtained by WPS failed process error_msg = "Package completed with errors. Server logs: {}".format(self.log_file) self.update_status(error_msg, self.percent, STATUS_FAILED) raise else: self.update_status("Package complete.", PACKAGE_PROGRESS_DONE, STATUS_SUCCEEDED) return self.response
[docs] def must_fetch(self, input_ref): # type: (str) -> bool """ Figures out if file reference should be fetched immediately for local execution. If anything else than local script/docker, remote ADES/WPS process will fetch it. S3 are handled here to avoid error on remote WPS not supporting it. .. seealso:: - :ref:`File Reference Types` """ if self.remote_execution or self.package_type == PROCESS_WORKFLOW: return False app_req = self.get_application_requirement() if app_req["class"] not in [CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_BUILTIN, CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_DOCKER]: if input_ref.startswith("s3://"): return True return False return True
[docs] def make_inputs(self, wps_inputs, # type: Dict[str, Deque[WPS_Input_Type]] cwl_inputs_info, # type: Dict[str, CWL_Input_Type] ): # type: (...) -> Dict[str, ValueType] """ Converts WPS input values to corresponding CWL input values for processing by CWL package instance. The WPS inputs must correspond to :mod:`pywps` definitions. Multiple values are adapted to arrays as needed. WPS ``Complex`` types (files) are converted to appropriate locations based on data or reference specification. :param wps_inputs: actual WPS inputs parsed from execution request :param cwl_inputs_info: expected CWL input definitions for mapping :return: CWL input values """ cwl_inputs = dict() for input_id in wps_inputs: # skip empty inputs (if that is even possible...) input_occurs = wps_inputs[input_id] if len(input_occurs) <= 0: continue # process single occurrences input_i = input_occurs[0] # handle as reference/data is_array, elem_type, _, _ = is_cwl_array_type(cwl_inputs_info[input_id]) if isinstance(input_i, ComplexInput) or elem_type == "File": # extend array data that allow max_occur > 1 if is_array: cwl_inputs[input_id] = [ self.make_location_input(elem_type, input_def) for input_def in input_occurs ] else: cwl_inputs[input_id] = self.make_location_input(elem_type, input_i) elif isinstance(input_i, (LiteralInput, BoundingBoxInput)): # extend array data that allow max_occur > 1 if is_array: input_data = [i.url if i.as_reference else for i in input_occurs] else: input_data = input_i.url if input_i.as_reference else cwl_inputs[input_id] = input_data else: raise PackageTypeError("Undefined package input for execution: {}.".format(type(input_i))) return cwl_inputs
[docs] def make_location_input(self, input_type, input_definition): # type: (str, ComplexInput) -> JSON """ Generates the JSON content required to specify a `CWL` ``File`` input definition from a location. .. note:: If the process requires ``OpenSearch`` references that should be preserved as is, use scheme defined by :py:data:`weaver.processes.constants.OPENSEARCH_LOCAL_FILE_SCHEME` prefix instead of ``http(s)://``. """ # NOTE: # When running as EMS, must not call data/file methods if URL reference, otherwise contents # get fetched automatically by PyWPS objects. input_location = None # cannot rely only on 'as_reference' as often it is not provided by the request although it's an href if input_definition.as_reference: input_location = input_definition.url # FIXME: PyWPS bug # Calling 'file' method fetches it, and it is always called by the package itself # during type validation if the MODE is anything else than disabled. # MODE.SIMPLE is needed minimally to check MIME-TYPE of input against supported formats. # - # - # since href is already handled (pulled and staged locally), use it directly to avoid double fetch with CWL # validate using the internal '_file' instead of 'file' otherwise we trigger the fetch # normally, file should be pulled an this check should fail if input_definition._iohandler._file and os.path.isfile(input_definition._iohandler._file): # noqa: W0212 input_location = input_definition._iohandler._file # noqa: W0212 # if source type is data, we actually need to call 'data' (without fetch of remote file, already fetched) # value of 'file' in this case points to a local file path where the wanted link was dumped as raw data if input_definition.source_type == SOURCE_TYPE.DATA: input_location = if not input_location: url = getattr(input_definition, "url") if isinstance(url, str) and any(url.startswith("{}://".format(p)) for p in SUPPORTED_FILE_SCHEMES): input_location = url else: # last option, could not resolve 'lazily' so will fetch data if needed input_location = if self.must_fetch(input_location):"File input (%s) ATTEMPT fetch: [%s]", input_definition.identifier, input_location) input_location = fetch_file(input_location, input_definition.workdir, settings=self.settings) else:"File input (%s) SKIPPED fetch: [%s]", input_definition.identifier, input_location) location = {"location": input_location, "class": input_type} if input_definition.data_format is not None and input_definition.data_format.mime_type: fmt = get_cwl_file_format(input_definition.data_format.mime_type, make_reference=True) if fmt is not None: location["format"] = fmt return location
[docs] def make_outputs(self, cwl_result): # type: (CWLResults) -> None """ Maps `CWL` result outputs to corresponding `WPS` outputs. """ for output_id in self.request.outputs: # iterate over original WPS outputs, extra such as logs are dropped # TODO: adjust output for glob patterns ( if isinstance(cwl_result[output_id], list) and not isinstance(self.response.outputs[output_id], list): if len(cwl_result[output_id]) > 1: self.logger.warning( "Dropping additional output values (%s total), only 1 supported per identifier.", len(cwl_result[output_id]) ) cwl_result[output_id] = cwl_result[output_id][0] # expect only one output if "location" not in cwl_result[output_id] and os.path.isfile(str(cwl_result[output_id])): raise PackageTypeError("Process output '{}' defines CWL type other than 'File'. ".format(output_id) + "Application output results must use 'File' type to return file references.") if "location" in cwl_result[output_id]: self.make_location_output(cwl_result, output_id) continue # data output self.response.outputs[output_id].data = cwl_result[output_id] self.response.outputs[output_id].as_reference = False"Resolved WPS output [%s] as literal data", output_id)
[docs] def make_location_output(self, cwl_result, output_id): # type: (CWLResults, str) -> None """ Rewrite the `WPS` output with required location using result path from `CWL` execution. Configures the parameters such that `PyWPS` will either auto-resolve the local paths to match with URL defined by ``weaver.wps_output_url`` or upload it to `S3` bucket from ``weaver.wps_output_s3_bucket`` and provide reference directly. .. seealso:: - :func:`weaver.wps.load_pywps_config` """ wps_out_dir = self.workdir # pywps will resolve file paths for us using its WPS request UUID s3_bucket = self.settings.get("weaver.wps_output_s3_bucket") result_loc = cwl_result[output_id]["location"].replace("file://", "") result_fn = os.path.split(result_loc)[-1] if s3_bucket: # result_wps = "s3://{}/{}".format(s3_bucket, result_fn) # when 'url' is directly enforced, 'ComplexOutput.json' will use it instead of 'file' from temp workdir # self.response.outputs[output_id].url = result_wps # override builder only here so that only results are uploaded to S3, and not XML status # using this storage builder, settings are retrieved from PyWPS server config self.response.outputs[output_id]._storage = S3StorageBuilder().build() # noqa: W0212 self.response.outputs[output_id].storage.prefix = str(self.response.uuid) result_wps = os.path.join(wps_out_dir, result_fn) if os.path.realpath(result_loc) != os.path.realpath(result_wps):"Moving [%s]: [%s] -> [%s]", output_id, result_loc, result_wps) shutil.move(result_loc, result_wps) # params 'as_reference + file' triggers 'ComplexOutput.json' to map the WPS-output URL from the WPS workdir self.response.outputs[output_id].as_reference = True self.response.outputs[output_id].file = result_wps"Resolved WPS output [%s] as file reference: [%s]", output_id, result_wps)
[docs] def make_tool(self, toolpath_object, loading_context): # type: (ToolPathObjectType, LoadingContext) -> ProcessCWL from weaver.processes.wps_workflow import default_make_tool return default_make_tool(toolpath_object, loading_context, self.get_job_process_definition)
[docs] def get_application_requirement(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Any] """ Obtains the first item in `CWL` package ``requirements`` or ``hints`` that corresponds to a `Weaver`-specific application type as defined in :py:data:`CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_TYPES`. :returns: dictionary that minimally has ``class`` field, and optionally other parameters from that requirement. """ # package can define requirements and/or hints, # if it's an application, only one CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_TYPES is allowed, # workflow can have multiple, but they are not explicitly handled reqs = self.package.get("requirements", {}) hints = self.package.get("hints", {}) all_hints = _get_package_requirements_as_class_list(reqs) + _get_package_requirements_as_class_list(hints) app_hints = list(filter(lambda h: any(h["class"].endswith(t) for t in CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_TYPES), all_hints)) if len(app_hints) > 1: raise ValueError("Package 'requirements' and/or 'hints' define too many conflicting values: {}, " "only one permitted amongst {}.".format(list(app_hints), list(CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_TYPES))) requirement = app_hints[0] if app_hints else {"class": ""} return requirement
[docs] def get_job_process_definition(self, jobname, joborder, tool): # noqa: E811 # type: (str, JSON, CWL) -> WpsPackage """ This function is called before running an ADES job (either from a workflow step or a simple EMS dispatch). It must return a :class:`weaver.processes.wps_process.WpsProcess` instance configured with the proper ``CWL`` package definition, ADES target and cookies to access it (if protected). :param jobname: The workflow step or the package id that must be launched on an ADES :class:`string` :param joborder: The params for the job :class:`dict {input_name: input_value}` input_value is one of `input_object` or `array [input_object]` input_object is one of `string` or `dict {class: File, location: string}` in our case input are expected to be File object :param tool: Whole `CWL` config including hints requirement (see: :py:data:`weaver.processes.constants.CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_TYPES`) """ if jobname == self.package_id: # A step is the package itself only for non-workflow package being executed on the EMS # default action requires ADES dispatching but hints can indicate also WPS1 or ESGF-CWT provider step_payload = self.payload process = self.package_id jobtype = "package" else: # Here we got a step part of a workflow (self is the workflow package) step_payload = _get_process_payload(self.step_packages[jobname]) process = self.step_packages[jobname] jobtype = "step" # Progress made with steps presumes that they are done sequentially and have the same progress weight start_step_progress = self.map_step_progress(len(self.step_launched), max(1, len(self.step_packages))) end_step_progress = self.map_step_progress(len(self.step_launched) + 1, max(1, len(self.step_packages))) self.step_launched.append(jobname) self.update_status("Preparing to launch {type} {name}.".format(type=jobtype, name=jobname), start_step_progress, STATUS_RUNNING) def _update_status_dispatch(_provider, _message, _progress, _status): self.step_update_status( _message, _progress, start_step_progress, end_step_progress, jobname, _provider, _status ) def _get_wps1_params(_requirement): _wps_params = {} required_params = ["provider", "process"] for _param in required_params: if _param not in _requirement: raise ValueError("Missing requirement detail [{}]: {}".format(_requirement["class"], _param)) _wps_params[_param] = _requirement[_param] return _wps_params requirement = self.get_application_requirement() req_class = requirement["class"] if req_class.endswith(CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_WPS1):"WPS-1 Package resolved from requirement/hint: %s", req_class) from weaver.processes.wps1_process import Wps1Process params = _get_wps1_params(requirement) return Wps1Process( provider=params["provider"], process=params["process"], request=self.request, update_status=_update_status_dispatch, ) elif req_class.endswith(CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_ESGF_CWT):"ESGF-CWT Package resolved from requirement/hint: %s", req_class) from weaver.processes.esgf_process import ESGFProcess params = _get_wps1_params(requirement) return ESGFProcess( provider=params["provider"], process=params["process"], request=self.request, update_status=_update_status_dispatch, ) else: # implements both `PROCESS_APPLICATION` with `CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_DOCKER` and `PROCESS_WORKFLOW`"WPS-3 Package resolved from requirement/hint: %s", req_class) from weaver.processes.wps3_process import Wps3Process return Wps3Process(step_payload=step_payload, joborder=joborder, process=process, request=self.request, update_status=_update_status_dispatch)