Source code for weaver.wps_restapi.api

import json
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from beaker.cache import cache_region
from cornice.service import get_services
from cornice_swagger import CorniceSwagger
from pyramid.authentication import Authenticated, IAuthenticationPolicy
from pyramid.exceptions import PredicateMismatch
from pyramid.httpexceptions import (
from pyramid.renderers import render_to_response
from pyramid.request import Request
from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.settings import asbool
from simplejson import JSONDecodeError

from weaver import __meta__
from weaver.formats import (
from weaver.owsexceptions import OWSException
from weaver.utils import get_header, get_settings, get_weaver_url
from weaver.wps.utils import get_wps_url
from weaver.wps_restapi import swagger_definitions as sd
from weaver.wps_restapi.colander_extras import OAS3TypeConversionDispatcher
from weaver.wps_restapi.utils import get_wps_restapi_base_url, wps_restapi_base_path

    from typing import Optional
    from weaver.typedefs import JSON, SettingsType

[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@sd.api_frontpage_service.get(tags=[sd.TAG_API], renderer=OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON, schema=sd.FrontpageEndpoint(), response_schemas=sd.get_api_frontpage_responses)
[docs]def api_frontpage(request): """Frontpage of Weaver.""" settings = get_settings(request) return api_frontpage_body(settings)
[docs]def api_frontpage_body(settings): # type: (SettingsType) -> JSON """Generates the JSON body describing the Weaver API and documentation references.""" # import here to avoid circular import errors from weaver.config import get_weaver_configuration weaver_url = get_weaver_url(settings) weaver_config = get_weaver_configuration(settings) weaver_api = asbool(settings.get("weaver.wps_restapi")) weaver_api_url = get_wps_restapi_base_url(settings) if weaver_api else None weaver_api_def = weaver_api_url + sd.api_swagger_ui_service.path if weaver_api else None weaver_api_doc = settings.get("weaver.wps_restapi_doc", None) if weaver_api else None weaver_api_ref = settings.get("weaver.wps_restapi_ref", None) if weaver_api else None weaver_api_spec = weaver_api_url + sd.openapi_json_service.path if weaver_api else None weaver_wps = asbool(settings.get("weaver.wps")) weaver_wps_url = get_wps_url(settings) if weaver_wps else None weaver_conform_url = weaver_url + sd.api_conformance_service.path weaver_process_url = weaver_url + sd.processes_service.path weaver_links = [ {"href": weaver_url, "rel": "self", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON, "title": "This document"}, {"href": weaver_conform_url, "rel": "conformance", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON, "title": "Conformance classes implemented by this service."}, ] if weaver_api: weaver_links.extend([ {"href": weaver_api_url, "rel": "service", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON, "title": "WPS REST API endpoint of this service."}, {"href": weaver_api_def, "rel": "swagger-ui", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "WPS REST API definition of this service."}, {"href": weaver_api_spec, "rel": "OpenAPI", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON, "title": "WPS REST API specification of this service."}, {"href": weaver_process_url, "rel": "processes", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON, "title": "Processes offered by this service."}, {"href": sd.OGC_API_REPO_URL, "rel": "ogcapi-processes-repository", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "OGC-API - Processes schema definitions repository."}, {"href": sd.CWL_BASE_URL, "rel": "cwl-home", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "Common Workflow Language (CWL) homepage."}, {"href": sd.CWL_REPO_URL, "rel": "cwl-repository", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "Common Workflow Language (CWL) repositories."}, {"href": sd.CWL_SPEC_URL, "rel": "cwl-specification", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "Common Workflow Language (CWL) specification."}, {"href": sd.CWL_USER_GUIDE_URL, "rel": "cwl-user-guide", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "Common Workflow Language (CWL) user guide."}, {"href": sd.CWL_CMD_TOOL_URL, "rel": "cwl-command-line-tool", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "Common Workflow Language (CWL) CommandLineTool specification."}, {"href": sd.CWL_WORKFLOW_URL, "rel": "cwl-workflow", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "Common Workflow Language (CWL) Workflow specification."}, ]) if weaver_api_ref: # sample: # weaver_links.append({"href": weaver_api_ref, "rel": "reference", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON, "title": "API reference specification of this service."}) if isinstance(weaver_api_doc, str): # sample: # if "." in weaver_api_doc: # pylint: disable=E1135,unsupported-membership-test ext_type = weaver_api_doc.split(".")[-1] doc_type = "application/{}".format(ext_type) else: doc_type = CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN # default most basic type weaver_links.append({"href": weaver_api_doc, "rel": "documentation", "type": doc_type, "title": "API reference documentation about this service."}) else: weaver_links.append({"href": __meta__.__documentation_url__, "rel": "documentation", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "API reference documentation about this service."}) if weaver_wps: weaver_links.extend([ {"href": weaver_wps_url, "rel": "wps", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_XML, "title": "WPS 1.0.0/2.0 XML endpoint of this service."}, {"href": "", "rel": "wps-specification", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "WPS 1.0.0/2.0 definition of this service."}, {"href": "", "rel": "wps-schema-repository", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, "title": "WPS 1.0.0/2.0 XML schemas repository."}, {"href": "", "rel": "wps-schema-1", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_XML, "title": "WPS 1.0.0 XML validation schemas entrypoint."}, {"href": "", "rel": "wps-schema-2", "type": CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_XML, "title": "WPS 2.0 XML validation schemas entrypoint."}, ]) return { "message": "Weaver Information", "configuration": weaver_config, "description": __meta__.__description__, "parameters": [ {"name": "api", "enabled": weaver_api, "url": weaver_api_url, "api": weaver_api_def}, {"name": "wps", "enabled": weaver_wps, "url": weaver_wps_url}, ], "links": weaver_links,
} @sd.api_versions_service.get(tags=[sd.TAG_API], renderer=OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON, schema=sd.VersionsEndpoint(), response_schemas=sd.get_api_versions_responses)
[docs]def api_versions(request): # noqa: F811 # type: (Request) -> HTTPException """Weaver versions information.""" weaver_info = {"name": "weaver", "version": __meta__.__version__, "type": "api"} return HTTPOk(json={"versions": [weaver_info]})
@sd.api_conformance_service.get(tags=[sd.TAG_API], renderer=OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON, schema=sd.ConformanceEndpoint(), response_schemas=sd.get_api_conformance_responses)
[docs]def api_conformance(request): # noqa: F811 # type: (Request) -> HTTPException """Weaver specification conformance information.""" # see references: # - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - ows_wps1 = "" ows_wps2 = "" ogcapi_common = "" ogcapi_processes = "" conformance = {"conformsTo": [ # "", # "", # "", # "", ows_wps1 + "/", ows_wps2 + "/", ows_wps2 + "/req/service/binding/rest-json/core", # "", # "" "", # old reference for bw-compat # see ogcapi-processes schemas details: # # see other references: # # ogcapi_processes + "/conf/core", ogcapi_processes + "/conf/ogc-process-description", ogcapi_processes + "/conf/json", # FIXME: # "", ogcapi_processes + "/req/oas30", # OpenAPI 3.0 ogcapi_processes + "/conf/job-list", # FIXME: # "", # FIXME: # "", # FIXME: # List all supported requirements, recommendations and abstract tests ogcapi_processes + "/req/core/process", ogcapi_common + "/req/collections/rc-limit-response", ogcapi_common + "/req/collections/rc-time-collections-response" ]} return HTTPOk(json=conformance)
[docs]def get_openapi_json(http_scheme="http", http_host="localhost", base_url=None, use_refs=True, use_docstring_summary=True, settings=None): # type: (str, str, Optional[str], bool, bool, Optional[SettingsType]) -> JSON """Obtains the JSON schema of Weaver OpenAPI from request and response views schemas. :param http_scheme: Protocol scheme to use for building the API base if not provided by base URL parameter. :param http_host: Hostname to use for building the API base if not provided by base URL parameter. :param base_url: Explicit base URL to employ of as API base instead of HTTP scheme/host parameters. :param use_refs: Generate schemas with ``$ref`` definitions or expand every schema content. :param use_docstring_summary: Extra function docstring to auto-generate the summary field of responses. :param settings: Application settings to retrieve further metadata details to be added to the OpenAPI. .. seealso:: - :mod:`weaver.wps_restapi.swagger_definitions` """ CorniceSwagger.type_converter = OAS3TypeConversionDispatcher depth = -1 if use_refs else 0 swagger = CorniceSwagger(get_services(), def_ref_depth=depth, param_ref=use_refs, resp_ref=use_refs) # function docstrings are used to create the route's summary in Swagger-UI swagger.summary_docstrings = use_docstring_summary swagger_base_spec = {"schemes": [http_scheme]} if base_url: weaver_parsed_url = urlparse(base_url) swagger_base_spec["host"] = weaver_parsed_url.netloc swagger_base_path = weaver_parsed_url.path else: swagger_base_spec["host"] = http_host swagger_base_path = sd.api_frontpage_service.path swagger.swagger = swagger_base_spec swagger_info = { "description": __meta__.__description__, "licence": { "name": __meta__.__license_type__, "url": "{}/blob/master/LICENSE.txt".format(__meta__.__source_repository__), } } if settings: for key in ["name", "email", "url"]: val = settings.get("weaver.wps_metadata_contact_{}".format(key)) if val: swagger_info.setdefault("contact", {}) swagger_info["contact"][key] = val abstract = settings.get("weaver.wps_metadata_identification_abstract") if abstract: swagger_info["description"] = "{}\n\n{}".format(abstract, __meta__.__description__) terms = settings.get("weaver.wps_metadata_identification_accessconstraints") if terms and "http" in terms: if "," in terms: terms = [term.strip() for term in terms.split(",")] else: terms = [terms] terms = [term for term in terms if "http" in term] if terms: swagger_info["termsOfService"] = terms[0] swagger_json = swagger.generate(title=sd.API_TITLE, version=__meta__.__version__, info=swagger_info, base_path=swagger_base_path, openapi_spec=3) swagger_json["externalDocs"] = sd.API_DOCS return swagger_json
[docs]def openapi_json_cached(*args, **kwargs): return get_openapi_json(*args, **kwargs)
@sd.openapi_json_service.get(tags=[sd.TAG_API], renderer=OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON, schema=sd.OpenAPIEndpoint(), response_schemas=sd.get_openapi_json_responses)
[docs]def openapi_json(request): # noqa: F811 # type: (Request) -> dict """Weaver OpenAPI schema definitions.""" # obtain 'server' host and api-base-path, which doesn't correspond necessarily to the app's host and path # ex: 'server' adds '/weaver' with proxy redirect before API routes settings = get_settings(request) weaver_server_url = get_weaver_url(settings) LOGGER.debug("Request app URL: [%s]", request.url) LOGGER.debug("Weaver config URL: [%s]", weaver_server_url) return openapi_json_cached(base_url=weaver_server_url, use_docstring_summary=True, settings=settings)
[docs]def swagger_ui_cached(request): json_path = wps_restapi_base_path(request) + sd.openapi_json_service.path json_path = json_path.lstrip("/") # if path starts by '/', swagger-ui doesn't find it on remote data_mako = {"api_title": sd.API_TITLE, "openapi_json_path": json_path, "api_version": __meta__.__version__} resp = render_to_response("templates/swagger_ui.mako", data_mako, request=request) return resp
@sd.api_openapi_ui_service.get(tags=[sd.TAG_API], schema=sd.SwaggerUIEndpoint(), response_schemas=sd.get_api_swagger_ui_responses) @sd.api_swagger_ui_service.get(tags=[sd.TAG_API], schema=sd.SwaggerUIEndpoint(), response_schemas=sd.get_api_swagger_ui_responses)
[docs]def api_swagger_ui(request): """Weaver OpenAPI schema definitions rendering using Swagger-UI viewer.""" return swagger_ui_cached(request)
[docs]def redoc_ui_cached(request): settings = get_settings(request) weaver_server_url = get_weaver_url(settings) spec = openapi_json_cached(base_url=weaver_server_url, settings=settings, use_docstring_summary=True, use_refs=False) data_mako = {"openapi_spec": json.dumps(spec, ensure_ascii=False)} resp = render_to_response("templates/redoc_ui.mako", data_mako, request=request) return resp
@sd.api_redoc_ui_service.get(tags=[sd.TAG_API], schema=sd.RedocUIEndpoint(), response_schemas=sd.get_api_redoc_ui_responses)
[docs]def api_redoc_ui(request): """Weaver OpenAPI schema definitions rendering using Redoc viewer.""" return redoc_ui_cached(request)
[docs]def get_request_info(request, detail=None): # type: (Request, Optional[str]) -> JSON """Provided additional response details based on the request and execution stack on failure.""" content = {u"route": str(request.upath_info), u"url": str(request.url), u"method": request.method} if isinstance(detail, str): content.update({"detail": detail}) if hasattr(request, "exception"): # handle error raised simply by checking for 'json' property in python 3 when body is invalid has_json = False try: has_json = hasattr(request.exception, "json") except JSONDecodeError: pass if has_json and isinstance(request.exception.json, dict): content.update(request.exception.json) elif isinstance(request.exception, HTTPServerError) and hasattr(request.exception, "message"): content.update({u"exception": str(request.exception.message)}) elif hasattr(request, "matchdict"): if request.matchdict is not None and request.matchdict != "": content.update(request.matchdict) return content
[docs]def ows_json_format(function): """Decorator that adds additional detail in the response's JSON body if this is the returned content-type.""" def format_response_details(response, request): # type: (Response, Request) -> HTTPException http_response = function(request) http_headers = get_header("Content-Type", http_response.headers) or [] req_headers = get_header("Accept", request.headers) or [] if any([CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON in http_headers, CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON in req_headers]): body = OWSException.json_formatter(http_response.status, response.message or "", http_response.title, request.environ) body["detail"] = get_request_info(request) http_response._json = body if http_response.status_code != response.status_code: raise http_response # re-raise if code was fixed return http_response return format_response_details
[docs]def not_found_or_method_not_allowed(request): """ Overrides the default is HTTPNotFound [404] by appropriate HTTPMethodNotAllowed [405] when applicable. Not found response can correspond to underlying process operation not finding a required item, or a completely unknown route (path did not match any existing API definition). Method not allowed is more specific to the case where the path matches an existing API route, but the specific request method (GET, POST, etc.) is not allowed on this path. Without this fix, both situations return [404] regardless. """ path_methods = request.exception._safe_methods # noqa: W0212 if isinstance(request.exception, PredicateMismatch) and request.method not in path_methods: http_err = HTTPMethodNotAllowed http_msg = "" # auto-generated by HTTPMethodNotAllowed else: http_err = HTTPNotFound http_msg = str(request.exception) return http_err(http_msg)
[docs]def unauthorized_or_forbidden(request): """ Overrides the default is HTTPForbidden [403] by appropriate HTTPUnauthorized [401] when applicable. Unauthorized response is for restricted user access according to credentials and/or authorization headers. Forbidden response is for operation refused by the underlying process operations. Without this fix, both situations return [403] regardless. .. seealso:: - """ authn_policy = request.registry.queryUtility(IAuthenticationPolicy) if authn_policy: principals = authn_policy.effective_principals(request) if Authenticated not in principals: return HTTPUnauthorized("Unauthorized access to this resource.") return HTTPForbidden("Forbidden operation under this resource.")