Source code for weaver.wps

pywps 4.x wrapper
import logging
import os
import tempfile
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import six
from pyramid.settings import asbool
from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_request
from pyramid.wsgi import wsgiapp2
from pyramid_celery import celery_app as app
from pywps import configuration as pywps_config
from import Service
from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse

from weaver.config import get_weaver_configuration
from weaver.database import get_db
from weaver.owsexceptions import OWSNoApplicableCode
from import StoreProcesses
from weaver.utils import get_settings, get_weaver_url, make_dirs
from weaver.visibility import VISIBILITY_PUBLIC

[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if TYPE_CHECKING: from weaver.typedefs import AnySettingsContainer # noqa: F401 from typing import AnyStr, Dict, Union, Optional # noqa: F401
[docs]def _get_settings_or_wps_config(container, # type: AnySettingsContainer weaver_setting_name, # type: AnyStr config_setting_section, # type: AnyStr config_setting_name, # type: AnyStr default_not_found, # type: AnyStr message_not_found, # type: AnyStr ): # type: (...) -> AnyStr settings = get_settings(container) found = settings.get(weaver_setting_name) if not found: if not settings.get("weaver.wps_configured"): load_pywps_cfg(container) found = pywps_config.CONFIG.get(config_setting_section, config_setting_name) if not isinstance(found, six.string_types): LOGGER.warning("%s not set in settings or WPS configuration, using default value.", message_not_found) found = default_not_found return found.strip()
[docs]def get_wps_path(container): # type: (AnySettingsContainer) -> AnyStr """ Retrieves the WPS path (without hostname). Searches directly in settings, then `weaver.wps_cfg` file, or finally, uses the default values if not found. """ return _get_settings_or_wps_config(container, "weaver.wps_path", "server", "url", "/ows/wps", "WPS path")
[docs]def get_wps_url(container): # type: (AnySettingsContainer) -> AnyStr """ Retrieves the full WPS URL (hostname + WPS path). Searches directly in settings, then `weaver.wps_cfg` file, or finally, uses the default values if not found. """ return get_settings(container).get("weaver.wps_url") or get_weaver_url(container) + get_wps_path(container)
[docs]def get_wps_output_dir(container): # type: (AnySettingsContainer) -> AnyStr """ Retrieves the WPS output directory path where to write XML and result files. Searches directly in settings, then `weaver.wps_cfg` file, or finally, uses the default values if not found. """ tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() return _get_settings_or_wps_config(container, "weaver.wps_output_dir", "server", "outputpath", tmp_dir, "WPS output directory")
[docs]def get_wps_output_path(container): # type: (AnySettingsContainer) -> AnyStr """ Retrieves the WPS output path (without hostname) for staging XML status, logs and process outputs. Searches directly in settings, then `weaver.wps_cfg` file, or finally, uses the default values if not found. """ return get_settings(container).get("weaver.wps_output_path") or urlparse(get_wps_output_url(container)).path
[docs]def get_wps_output_url(container): # type: (AnySettingsContainer) -> AnyStr """ Retrieves the WPS output URL that maps to WPS output directory path. Searches directly in settings, then `weaver.wps_cfg` file, or finally, uses the default values if not found. """ wps_output_default = get_weaver_url(container) + "/wpsoutputs" wps_output_config = _get_settings_or_wps_config( container, "weaver.wps_output_url", "server", "outputurl", wps_output_default, "WPS output url") return wps_output_config or wps_output_default
[docs]def load_pywps_cfg(container, config=None): # type: (AnySettingsContainer, Optional[Union[AnyStr, Dict[AnyStr, AnyStr]]]) -> ConfigParser """Loads and updates the PyWPS configuration using Weaver settings.""" settings = get_settings(container) if not settings.get("weaver.wps_configured"): # initial setup of PyWPS config pywps_config.load_configuration([]) # load defaults # must be set to INFO to disable sqlalchemy trace. # see : if logging.getLevelName(pywps_config.CONFIG.get("logging", "level")) <= logging.DEBUG: pywps_config.CONFIG.set("logging", "level", "INFO") # update metadata for setting_name, setting_value in settings.items(): if setting_name.startswith("weaver.wps_metadata"): pywps_setting = setting_name.replace("weaver.wps_metadata_", "") pywps_config.CONFIG.set("metadata:main", pywps_setting, setting_value) # add weaver configuration keyword if not already provided wps_keywords = pywps_config.CONFIG.get("metadata:main", "identification_keywords") weaver_mode = get_weaver_configuration(settings) if weaver_mode not in wps_keywords: wps_keywords += ("," if wps_keywords else "") + weaver_mode pywps_config.CONFIG.set("metadata:main", "identification_keywords", wps_keywords) # add additional config passed as dictionary of {'section.key': 'value'} if isinstance(config, dict): for key, value in config.items(): section, key = key.split(".") pywps_config.CONFIG.set(section, key, value) # cleanup alternative dict "PYWPS_CFG" which is not expected elsewhere if isinstance(settings.get("PYWPS_CFG"), dict): del settings["PYWPS_CFG"] # find output directory from app config or wps config if "weaver.wps_output_dir" not in settings: output_dir = pywps_config.get_config_value("server", "outputpath") settings["weaver.wps_output_dir"] = output_dir # ensure the output dir exists if specified output_dir = get_wps_output_dir(settings) make_dirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # find output url from app config (path/url) or wps config (url only) if "weaver.wps_output_url" not in settings: output_path = settings.get("weaver.wps_output_path", "") if isinstance(output_path, six.string_types): output_url = os.path.join(get_weaver_url(settings), output_path.strip("/")) else: output_url = pywps_config.get_config_value("server", "outputurl") settings["weaver.wps_output_url"] = output_url # apply workdir if provided, otherwise use default if "weaver.wps_workdir" in settings: make_dirs(settings["weaver.wps_workdir"], exist_ok=True) pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "workdir", settings["weaver.wps_workdir"]) # enforce back resolved values onto PyWPS config pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "setworkdir", "true") pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "sethomedir", "true") pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "outputpath", settings["weaver.wps_output_dir"]) pywps_config.CONFIG.set("server", "outputurl", settings["weaver.wps_output_url"]) settings["weaver.wps_configured"] = True return pywps_config.CONFIG
# @app.task(bind=True) @wsgiapp2
[docs]def pywps_view(environ, start_response): """ * TODO: add xml response renderer """ LOGGER.debug("pywps env: %s", environ.keys()) try: # get config file settings = get_settings(app) pywps_cfg = environ.get("PYWPS_CFG") or settings.get("PYWPS_CFG") or os.getenv("PYWPS_CFG") if not isinstance(pywps_cfg, ConfigParser) or not settings.get("weaver.wps_configured"): load_pywps_cfg(app, config=pywps_cfg) # call pywps application with processes filtered according to the adapter"s definition process_store = get_db(app).get_store(StoreProcesses) processes_wps = [process.wps() for process in process_store.list_processes(visibility=VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, request=get_current_request())] service = Service(processes_wps) except Exception as ex: LOGGER.exception("Error occurred during PyWPS Service and/or Processes setup.") raise OWSNoApplicableCode("Failed setup of PyWPS Service and/or Processes. Error [{!r}]".format(ex)) return service(environ, start_response)
[docs]def includeme(config): settings = get_settings(config) if asbool(settings.get("weaver.wps", True)): LOGGER.debug("Weaver WPS enabled.") config.include("weaver.config") wps_path = get_wps_path(settings) config.add_route("wps", wps_path) config.add_view(pywps_view, route_name="wps")