:mod:`weaver.processes.wps_package` =================================== .. py:module:: weaver.processes.wps_package Module Contents --------------- .. data:: PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS .. data:: DEFAULT_FORMAT .. function:: retrieve_package_job_log(execution, job) -> None Obtains the underlying WPS execution log from the status file to add them after existing job log entries. .. function:: get_process_location(process_id_or_url, data_source=None) -> AnyStr Obtains the URL of a WPS REST DescribeProcess given the specified information. :param process_id_or_url: process "identifier" or literal URL to DescribeProcess WPS-REST location. :param data_source: identifier of the data source to map to specific ADES, or map to localhost if ``None``. :return: URL of EMS or ADES WPS-REST DescribeProcess. .. function:: get_package_workflow_steps(package_dict_or_url) -> List[Dict[AnyStr, AnyStr]] :param package_dict_or_url: process package definition or literal URL to DescribeProcess WPS-REST location. :return: list of workflow steps as {"name": , "reference": } where `name` is the generic package step name, and `reference` is the id/url of a registered WPS package. .. function:: complex2json(data) -> Union[JSON, Any] Obtains the JSON representation of a :class:`ComplexData` or simply return the unmatched type. .. function:: metadata2json(meta, force=False) -> Union[JSON, Any] Obtains the JSON representation of a :class:`OwsMetadata` or :class:`pywps.app.Common.Metadata`. Otherwise, simply return the unmatched type. If requested, can enforce parsing a dictionary for the corresponding keys. .. function:: get_process_definition(process_offering, reference=None, package=None, data_source=None) -> JSON Returns an updated process definition dictionary ready for storage using provided `WPS` ``process_offering`` and a package definition passed by ``reference`` or ``package`` `CWL` content. The returned process information can be used later on to load an instance of :class:`weaver.wps_package.WpsPackage`. :param process_offering: `WPS REST-API` (`WPS-3`) process offering as `JSON`. :param reference: URL to `CWL` package definition, `WPS-1 DescribeProcess` endpoint or `WPS-3 Process` endpoint. :param package: literal `CWL` package definition (`YAML` or `JSON` format). :param data_source: where to resolve process IDs (default: localhost if ``None``). :return: updated process definition with resolved/merged information from ``package``/``reference``. .. py:class:: WpsPackage(**kw) Bases: :class:`pywps.Process` Creates a `WPS-3 Process` instance to execute a `CWL` package definition. Process parameters should be loaded from an existing :class:`weaver.datatype.Process` instance generated using :func:`weaver.wps_package.get_process_definition`. Provided ``kw`` should correspond to :meth:`weaver.datatype.Process.params_wps` .. attribute:: package :annotation: :Optional[CWL] .. attribute:: package_id :annotation: :Optional[AnyStr] .. attribute:: percent :annotation: :Optional[Number] .. attribute:: log_file :annotation: :Optional[AnyStr] .. attribute:: log_level :annotation: :int .. attribute:: logger :annotation: :Optional[logging.Logger] .. attribute:: step_packages :annotation: :Optional[List[CWL]] .. attribute:: step_launched :annotation: :Optional[List[AnyStr]] .. attribute:: request :annotation: :Optional[WPSRequest] .. attribute:: response :annotation: :Optional[ExecuteResponse] .. method:: setup_logger(self) .. method:: update_status(self, message, progress, status) Updates the `PyWPS` real job status from a specified parameters. .. method:: step_update_status(self, message, progress, start_step_progress, end_step_progress, step_name, target_host, status) .. method:: log_message(self, status, message, progress=None, level=logging.INFO) .. method:: exception_message(self, exception_type, exception=None, message='no message') .. classmethod:: map_step_progress(cls, step_index, steps_total) Calculates the percentage progression of a single step of the full process. .. staticmethod:: make_location_input(input_type, input_definition) Generates the JSON content required to specify a CWL File input definition from a location. .. method:: _handler(self, request, response) .. method:: make_tool(self, toolpath_object, loading_context) .. method:: get_job_process_definition(self, jobname, joborder, tool) This function is called before running an ADES job (either from a workflow step or a simple EMS dispatch). It must return a WpsProcess instance configured with the proper package, ADES target and cookies. :param jobname: The workflow step or the package id that must be launch on an ADES :class:`string` :param joborder: The params for the job :class:`dict {input_name: input_value}` input_value is one of `input_object` or `array [input_object]` input_object is one of `string` or `dict {class: File, location: string}` in our case input are expected to be File object :param tool: Whole `CWL` config including hints requirement