.. _running: **************** Running Weaver **************** .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Running Weaver Service ======================== Before running Weaver, you must make sure that the required ``MongoDB`_ connection is accessible (according to specified connection settings in ``weaver/config/weaver.ini``). The Weaver installation comes with a ``Makefile`` which provides a shortcut command to start the application with `Gunicorn`_: .. code-block:: sh $ cd weaver # cd into weaver installation directory $ make start # start weaver WSGI application server Weaver should be running after this operation. It will be available under the configured URL endpoint in ``weaver/config/weaver.ini``. If everything was configured correctly, calling this URL (default: ``http://localhost:4001``) should provide a response containing a JSON body with basic information about Weaver. .. _Gunicorn: http://gunicorn.org/ .. _MongoDB: https://www.mongodb.com/ Using WPS Application ===================== See the :ref:`tutorial`.