Source code for weaver.utils

import logging
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import time
import types
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from distutils.dir_util import mkpath
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from inspect import isclass, isfunction
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pytz
import requests
import six
from celery import Celery
from lxml import etree
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPError as PyramidHTTPError
from pyramid.registry import Registry
from pyramid.request import Request
from requests import HTTPError as RequestsHTTPError
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from six.moves.urllib.parse import ParseResult, parse_qs, urlparse, urlunsplit
from webob.headers import EnvironHeaders, ResponseHeaders

from weaver.exceptions import InvalidIdentifierValue
from weaver.status import map_status
from weaver.warning import TimeZoneInfoAlreadySetWarning

    from weaver.typedefs import (                                                               # noqa: F401
        AnyValue, AnyKey, AnySettingsContainer, AnyRegistryContainer, AnyHeadersContainer,
        HeadersType, SettingsType, JSON, XML, Number
    from typing import Union, Any, Dict, List, AnyStr, Iterable, Optional, Type                 # noqa: F401

[docs]LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class _Singleton(type): __instance__ = None # type: Optional[_Singleton] def __call__(cls): if cls.__instance__ is None: cls.__instance__ = super(_Singleton, cls).__call__() return cls.__instance__
[docs]class _NullType(six.with_metaclass(_Singleton)): """Represents a ``null`` value to differentiate from ``None``.""" # pylint: disable=E1101,no-member def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, _NullType) # noqa: W503 or other is null # noqa: W503 or other is self.__instance__ # noqa: W503 or (isclass(other) and issubclass(other, _NullType))) # noqa: W503 def __repr__(self): return "<null>" @staticmethod def __nonzero__(): return False __bool__ = __nonzero__ __len__ = __nonzero__
# pylint: disable=C0103,invalid-name
[docs]null = _NullType()
[docs]def get_weaver_url(container): # type: (AnySettingsContainer) -> AnyStr """Retrieves the home URL of the `weaver` application.""" value = get_settings(container).get("weaver.url", "") or "" # handle explicit None return value.rstrip("/").strip()
[docs]def get_any_id(info): # type: (JSON) -> Union[AnyStr, None] """Retrieves a dictionary `id-like` key using multiple common variations ``[id, identifier, _id]``. :param info: dictionary that potentially contains an `id-like` key. :returns: value of the matched `id-like` key or ``None`` if not found.""" return info.get("id", info.get("identifier", info.get("_id")))
[docs]def get_any_value(info): # type: (JSON) -> AnyValue """Retrieves a dictionary `value-like` key using multiple common variations ``[href, value, reference]``. :param info: dictionary that potentially contains a `value-like` key. :returns: value of the matched `value-like` key or ``None`` if not found.""" return info.get("href", info.get("value", info.get("reference", info.get("data"))))
[docs]def get_any_message(info): # type: (JSON) -> AnyStr """Retrieves a dictionary 'value'-like key using multiple common variations [message]. :param info: dictionary that potentially contains a 'message'-like key. :returns: value of the matched 'message'-like key or an empty string if not found. """ return info.get("message", "").strip()
[docs]def get_registry(container): # type: (AnyRegistryContainer) -> Registry """Retrieves the application ``registry`` from various containers referencing to it.""" if isinstance(container, Celery): return container.conf["PYRAMID_REGISTRY"] if isinstance(container, (Configurator, Request)): return container.registry if isinstance(container, Registry): return container raise TypeError("Could not retrieve registry from container object of type [{}].".format(type(container)))
[docs]def get_settings(container): # type: (AnySettingsContainer) -> SettingsType """Retrieves the application ``settings`` from various containers referencing to it.""" if isinstance(container, (Celery, Configurator, Request)): container = get_registry(container) if isinstance(container, Registry): return container.settings if isinstance(container, dict): return container raise TypeError("Could not retrieve settings from container object of type [{}]".format(type(container)))
[docs]def get_header(header_name, header_container): # type: (AnyStr, AnyHeadersContainer) -> Union[AnyStr, None] """ Searches for the specified header by case/dash/underscore-insensitive ``header_name`` inside ``header_container``. """ if header_container is None: return None headers = header_container if isinstance(headers, (ResponseHeaders, EnvironHeaders, CaseInsensitiveDict)): headers = dict(headers) if isinstance(headers, dict): headers = header_container.items() header_name = header_name.lower().replace("-", "_") for h, v in headers: if h.lower().replace("-", "_") == header_name: return v return None
[docs]def get_url_without_query(url): # type: (Union[AnyStr, ParseResult]) -> AnyStr """Removes the query string part of an URL.""" if isinstance(url, six.string_types): url = urlparse(url) if not isinstance(url, ParseResult): raise TypeError("Expected a parsed URL.") return urlunsplit(url[:4] + tuple([""]))
[docs]def is_valid_url(url): # type: (Union[AnyStr, None]) -> bool try: return bool(urlparse(url).scheme) except Exception: # noqa: W0703 # nosec: B110 return False
[docs]def parse_extra_options(option_str): """ Parses the extra options parameter. The option_str is a string with coma separated ``opt=value`` pairs. Example:: tempdir=/path/to/tempdir,archive_root=/path/to/archive :param option_str: A string parameter with the extra options. :return: A dict with the parsed extra options. """ if option_str: try: # pylint: disable=R1717,consider-using-dict-comprehension extra_options = option_str.split(",") extra_options = dict([("=" in opt) and opt.split("=", 1) for opt in extra_options]) except Exception: msg = "Can not parse extra-options: {}".format(option_str) from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError raise ConfigurationError(msg) else: extra_options = {} return extra_options
[docs]def fully_qualified_name(obj): # type: (Union[Any, Type[Any]]) -> str """Obtains the ``'<module>.<name>'`` full path definition of the object to allow finding and importing it.""" cls = obj if isclass(obj) or isfunction(obj) else type(obj) return ".".join([obj.__module__, cls.__name__])
[docs]def now(): # type: (...) -> datetime return localize_datetime(datetime.utcnow())
[docs]def now_secs(): # type: (...) -> int """ Return the current time in seconds since the Epoch. """ return int(time.time())
[docs]def wait_secs(run_step=-1): secs_list = (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 30) if run_step >= len(secs_list): run_step = -1 return secs_list[run_step]
[docs]def expires_at(hours=1): # type: (Optional[int]) -> int return now_secs() + hours * 3600
[docs]def localize_datetime(dt, tz_name="UTC"): # type: (datetime, Optional[AnyStr]) -> datetime """ Provide a timezone-aware object for a given datetime and timezone name """ tz_aware_dt = dt if dt.tzinfo is None: utc = pytz.timezone("UTC") aware = utc.localize(dt) timezone = pytz.timezone(tz_name) tz_aware_dt = aware.astimezone(timezone) else: warnings.warn("tzinfo already set", TimeZoneInfoAlreadySetWarning) return tz_aware_dt
[docs]def get_base_url(url): # type: (AnyStr) -> AnyStr """ Obtains the base URL from the given ``url``. """ parsed_url = urlparse(url) if not parsed_url.netloc or parsed_url.scheme not in ("http", "https"): raise ValueError("bad url") service_url = "%s://%s%s" % (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path.strip()) return service_url
[docs]def path_elements(path): # type: (AnyStr) -> List[AnyStr] elements = [el.strip() for el in path.split("/")] elements = [el for el in elements if len(el) > 0] return elements
[docs]def lxml_strip_ns(tree): # type: (XML) -> None for node in tree.iter(): try: has_namespace = node.tag.startswith("{") except AttributeError: continue # node.tag is not a string (node is a comment or similar) if has_namespace: node.tag = node.tag.split("}", 1)[1]
[docs]def ows_context_href(href, partial=False): # type: (AnyStr, Optional[bool]) -> JSON """Returns the complete or partial dictionary defining an ``OWSContext`` from a reference.""" context = {"offering": {"content": {"href": href}}} if partial: return context return {"owsContext": context}
[docs]def pass_http_error(exception, expected_http_error): # type: (Exception, Union[PyramidHTTPError, Iterable[PyramidHTTPError]]) -> None """ Given an `HTTPError` of any type (pyramid, requests), ignores (pass) the exception if the actual error matches the status code. Other exceptions are re-raised. :param exception: any `Exception` instance ("object" from a `try..except exception as "object"` block). :param expected_http_error: single or list of specific pyramid `HTTPError` to handle and ignore. :raise exception: if it doesn't match the status code or is not an `HTTPError` of any module. """ if not hasattr(expected_http_error, "__iter__"): expected_http_error = [expected_http_error] if isinstance(exception, (PyramidHTTPError, RequestsHTTPError)): try: status_code = exception.status_code except AttributeError: # exception may be a response raised for status in which case status code is here: status_code = exception.response.status_code if status_code in [e.code for e in expected_http_error]: return raise exception
[docs]def raise_on_xml_exception(xml_node): """ Raises an exception with the description if the XML response document defines an ExceptionReport. :param xml_node: instance of :class:`etree.Element` :raise Exception: on found ExceptionReport document. """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember if not isinstance(xml_node, etree._Element): raise TypeError("Invalid input, expecting XML element node.") if "ExceptionReport" in xml_node.tag: node = xml_node while len(node.getchildren()): node = node.getchildren()[0] raise Exception(node.text)
[docs]def str2bytes(string): # type: (Union[AnyStr, bytes]) -> bytes """Obtains the bytes representation of the string.""" if not isinstance(string, (six.string_types, bytes)): raise TypeError("Cannot convert item to bytes: {!r}".format(type(string))) if isinstance(string, bytes): return string return string.encode()
[docs]def bytes2str(string): # type: (Union[AnyStr, bytes]) -> str """Obtains the unicode representation of the string.""" if not isinstance(string, (six.string_types, bytes)): raise TypeError("Cannot convert item to unicode: {!r}".format(type(string))) if not isinstance(string, bytes): return string return string.decode()
[docs]def islambda(func): # type: (Any) -> bool return isinstance(func, types.LambdaType) and func.__name__ == (lambda: None).__name__
[docs]first_cap_re = re.compile(r"(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)")
[docs]all_cap_re = re.compile(r"([a-z0-9])([A-Z])")
[docs]def convert_snake_case(name): # type: (AnyStr) -> AnyStr s1 = first_cap_re.sub(r"\1_\2", name) return all_cap_re.sub(r"\1_\2", s1).lower()
[docs]def parse_request_query(request): # type: (Request) -> Dict[AnyStr, Dict[AnyKey, AnyStr]] """ :param request: :return: dict of dict where k=v are accessible by d[k][0] == v and q=k=v are accessible by d[q][k] == v, lowercase """ queries = parse_qs(request.query_string.lower()) queries_dict = dict() for q in queries: queries_dict[q] = dict() for i, kv in enumerate(queries[q]): kvs = kv.split("=") if len(kvs) > 1: queries_dict[q][kvs[0]] = kvs[1] else: queries_dict[q][i] = kvs[0] return queries_dict
[docs]def get_log_fmt(): # type: (...) -> AnyStr return "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)-8s [%(name)s] %(message)s"
[docs]def get_log_date_fmt(): # type: (...) -> AnyStr return "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
[docs]def get_log_monitor_msg(job_id, status, percent, message, location): # type: (AnyStr, AnyStr, Number, AnyStr, AnyStr) -> AnyStr return "Monitoring job {jobID} : [{status}] {percent} - {message} [{location}]".format( jobID=job_id, status=status, percent=percent, message=message, location=location
[docs]def get_job_log_msg(status, message, progress=0, duration=None): # type: (AnyStr, AnyStr, Optional[Number], Optional[AnyStr]) -> AnyStr return "{d} {p:3d}% {s:10} {m}".format(d=duration or "", p=int(progress or 0), s=map_status(status), m=message)
[docs]def make_dirs(path, mode=0o755, exist_ok=True): """Alternative to ``os.makedirs`` with ``exists_ok`` parameter only available for ``python>3.5``.""" if LooseVersion(platform.python_version()) >= LooseVersion("3.5"): os.makedirs(path, mode=mode, exist_ok=exist_ok) return dir_path = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.isfile(path) or not os.path.isdir(dir_path): for subdir in mkpath(dir_path): if not os.path.isdir(subdir): os.mkdir(subdir, mode)
[docs]def request_retry(method, url, retries=0, backoff=0.3, **request_kwargs): # type: (AnyStr, AnyStr, int, Number, Any) -> requests.Response """ Implements basic request retry operation if the previous request failed, up to the specified number of retries. :param method: HTTP method to set request. :param url: URL of the request to execute. :param retries: number of retries to attempt. :param backoff: factor by which to multiply delays between retries. """ # catch kw passed to request corresponding to retries parameters kw_retries = request_kwargs.pop("retries", request_kwargs.pop("retry", request_kwargs.pop("max_retries", 0))) kw_backoff = request_kwargs.pop("backoff", request_kwargs.pop("backoff_factor", 0.3)) retries = retries or kw_retries backoff = backoff or kw_backoff retry = 0 resp = None while retries >= retry: resp = requests.request(method, url, **request_kwargs) if resp.status_code < 400 or retry == retries: return resp retry += 1 delay = backoff * (2 ** retry) time.sleep(delay) return resp
[docs]def fetch_file(file_reference, file_outdir, **request_kwargs): # type: (AnyStr, AnyStr, Any) -> AnyStr """ Fetches a file from a local path or remote URL and dumps it's content to the specified output directory. The output directory is expected to exist prior to this function call. :param file_reference: Local filesystem path or remote URL file reference. :param file_outdir: Output directory path of the fetched file. :param request_kwargs: additional keywords to forward to request call (if needed). :return: Path of the local copy of the fetched file. """ file_href = file_reference file_path = os.path.join(file_outdir, os.path.basename(file_reference)) if file_reference.startswith("file://"): file_reference = file_reference[7:] LOGGER.debug("Fetch file resolved:\n" " Reference: [%s]\n" " File Path: [%s]", file_href, file_path) if os.path.isfile(file_reference): # NOTE: # If file is available locally and referenced as a system link, disabling follow symlink # creates a copy of the symlink instead of an extra hard-copy of the linked file. # PyWPS will tend to generate symlink to pre-fetched files to avoid this kind of extra hard-copy. shutil.copyfile(file_reference, file_path, follow_symlinks=False) else: request_kwargs.pop("stream", None) with open(file_path, "wb") as file: resp = request_retry("get", file_reference, stream=True, **request_kwargs) resp.raise_for_status() # NOTE: # Setting 'chunk_size=None' lets the request find a suitable size according to # available memory. Without this, it defaults to 1 which is extremely slow. for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=None): file.write(chunk) LOGGER.debug("Fetch file written") return file_path
[docs]REGEX_SEARCH_INVALID_CHARACTERS = re.compile(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]")
[docs]REGEX_ASSERT_INVALID_CHARACTERS = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$")
[docs]def get_sane_name(name, min_len=3, max_len=None, assert_invalid=True, replace_character="_"): # type: (AnyStr, Optional[int], Optional[Union[int, None]], Optional[bool], Optional[AnyStr]) -> Union[AnyStr, None] """ Returns a cleaned-up version of the input name, replacing invalid characters matched with ``REGEX_SEARCH_INVALID_CHARACTERS`` by ``replace_character``. :param name: value to clean :param min_len: Minimal length of ``name`` to be respected, raises or returns ``None`` on fail according to ``assert_invalid``. :param max_len: Maximum length of ``name`` to be respected, raises or returns trimmed ``name`` on fail according to ``assert_invalid``. If ``None``, condition is ignored for assertion or full ``name`` is returned respectively. :param assert_invalid: If ``True``, fail conditions or invalid characters will raise an error instead of replacing. :param replace_character: Single character to use for replacement of invalid ones if ``assert_invalid=False``. """ if not isinstance(replace_character, six.string_types) and not len(replace_character) == 1: raise ValueError("Single replace character is expected, got invalid [{!s}]".format(replace_character)) max_len = max_len or len(name) if assert_invalid: assert_sane_name(name, min_len, max_len) if name is None: return None name = name.strip() if len(name) < min_len: return None name = re.sub(REGEX_SEARCH_INVALID_CHARACTERS, replace_character, name[:max_len]) return name
[docs]def assert_sane_name(name, min_len=3, max_len=None): """Asserts that the sane name respects conditions. .. seealso:: - argument details in :func:`get_sane_name` """ if name is None: raise InvalidIdentifierValue("Invalid name : {0}".format(name)) name = name.strip() if "--" in name \ or name.startswith("-") \ or name.endswith("-") \ or len(name) < min_len \ or (max_len is not None and len(name) > max_len) \ or not re.match(REGEX_ASSERT_INVALID_CHARACTERS, name): raise InvalidIdentifierValue("Invalid name : {0}".format(name))
[docs]def clean_json_text_body(body): # type: (AnyStr) -> AnyStr """ Cleans a textual body field of superfluous characters to provide a better human-readable text in a JSON response. """ # cleanup various escape characters and u'' stings replaces = [(",\n", ", "), ("\\n", " "), (" \n", " "), ("\"", "\'"), ("\\", ""), ("u\'", "\'"), ("u\"", "\'"), ("\'\'", "\'"), (" ", " ")] replaces_from = [r[0] for r in replaces] while any(rf in body for rf in replaces_from): for _from, _to in replaces: body = body.replace(_from, _to) body_parts = [p.strip() for p in body.split("\n") if p != ""] # remove new line and extra spaces body_parts = [p + "." if not p.endswith(".") else p for p in body_parts] # add terminating dot per sentence body_parts = [p[0].upper() + p[1:] for p in body_parts if len(p)] # capitalize first word body_parts = " ".join(p for p in body_parts if p) return body_parts