:mod:`weaver.warning` ===================== .. py:module:: weaver.warning .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Warnings emitted during the weaver flow. Module Contents --------------- .. py:exception:: TimeZoneInfoAlreadySetWarning Bases: :class:`Warning` Warn when trying to obtain a localized time with already defined time-zone info. .. py:exception:: DisabledSSLCertificateVerificationWarning Bases: :class:`Warning` Warn when an option to disable SSL certificate verification is employed for some operations. .. py:exception:: UnsupportedOperationWarning Bases: :class:`Warning` Warn about an operation not yet implemented or unsupported according to context. .. py:exception:: NonBreakingExceptionWarning Bases: :class:`Warning` Warn about an exception that is handled (ex: caught in try/except block) but still unexpected. .. py:exception:: MissingParameterWarning Bases: :class:`Warning` Warn about an expected but missing parameter.