:mod:`weaver.database.mongodb` ============================== .. py:module:: weaver.database.mongodb Module Contents --------------- .. data:: MongoDB :annotation: :Optional[Database] .. data:: MongodbStores .. data:: AnyStoreType .. py:class:: MongoDatabase(registry) Bases: :class:`weaver.database.base.DatabaseInterface` .. attribute:: _database .. attribute:: _settings .. attribute:: _stores .. attribute:: type :annotation: = mongodb .. method:: is_ready(self) .. method:: get_store(self, store_type, *store_args, **store_kwargs) Retrieve a store from the database. :param store_type: type of the store to retrieve/create. :param store_args: additional arguments to pass down to the store. :param store_kwargs: additional keyword arguments to pass down to the store. .. method:: get_session(self) .. method:: get_information(self) :returns: {'version': version, 'type': db_type} .. method:: run_migration(self) .. function:: get_mongodb_connection(container) -> Database Obtains the basic database connection from settings. .. function:: get_mongodb_engine(container) -> Database Obtains the database with configuration ready for usage.