
Module Contents

class weaver.datatype.DictBase[source]

Dictionary with extended attributes auto-getter/setter for convenience.

Explicitly overridden getter/setter attributes are called instead of dict-key get/set-item to ensure corresponding checks and/or value adjustments are executed before applying it to the sub-dict.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Generate a dictionary representation of the object, but with inplace resolution of attributes as applicable.

class weaver.datatype.AutoBase[source]

Base that automatically converts literal class members to properties also accessible by dictionary keys.

class Data(AutoBase):
    field = 1
    other = None

d = Data()
d.other         # returns None
d.other = 2     # other is modified
d.other         # returns 2
dict(d)         # returns {'field': 1, 'other': 2}
d.field         # returns 1
d["field"]      # also 1 !

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class weaver.datatype.Base[source]

Dictionary with extended attributes auto-getter/setter for convenience.

Explicitly overridden getter/setter attributes are called instead of dict-key get/set-item to ensure corresponding checks and/or value adjustments are executed before applying it to the sub-dict.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

property id(self)[source]
property uuid(self)[source]
abstract json(self)weaver.typedefs.JSON[source]

Obtain the JSON data representation for response body.


This method implementation should validate the JSON schema against the API definition whenever applicable to ensure integrity between the represented data type and the expected API response.

abstract params(self)AnyParams[source]

Obtain the internal data representation for storage.


This method implementation should provide a JSON-serializable definition of all fields representing the object to store.

class weaver.datatype.Service(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Dictionary that contains OWS services.

It always has url key.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

property id(self)[source]
property url(self)[source]

Service URL.

property name(self)[source]

Service name.

property type(self)[source]

Service type.

property public(self)[source]

Flag if service has public access.

property auth(self)[source]

Authentication method: public, token, cert.


Obtain the JSON data representation for response body.


This method implementation should validate the JSON schema against the API definition whenever applicable to ensure integrity between the represented data type and the expected API response.


Obtain the internal data representation for storage.


This method implementation should provide a JSON-serializable definition of all fields representing the object to store.

wps(self: weaver.typedefs.AnySettingsContainer, container: Any = None, **kwargs)owslib.wps.WebProcessingService[source]

Obtain the remote WPS service definition and metadata.

Stores the reference locally to avoid re-fetching it needlessly for future reference.

Obtains the links relevant to the service Provider.

  • container – object that helps retrieve instance details, namely the host URL.

  • fetch – whether to attempt retrieving more precise details from the remote provider.

  • self_link – name of a section that represents the current link that will be returned.

metadata(self: weaver.typedefs.AnySettingsContainer, container)List[weaver.typedefs.JSON][source]

Obtains the metadata relevant to the service provider.

keywords(self: weaver.typedefs.AnySettingsContainer, container=None)List[str][source]

Obtains the keywords relevant to the service provider.

summary(self: weaver.typedefs.AnySettingsContainer, container: bool, fetch: bool = True, ignore=False)Optional[weaver.typedefs.JSON][source]

Obtain the summary information from the provider service.

When metadata fetching is disabled, the generated summary will contain only information available locally.

  • container – employed to retrieve application settings.

  • fetch – indicates whether metadata should be fetched from remote.

  • ignore – indicates if failing metadata retrieval/parsing should be silently discarded or raised.


generated summary information.

processes(self: weaver.typedefs.AnySettingsContainer, container: bool, ignore=False)Optional[List[Process]][source]

Obtains a list of remote service processes in a compatible weaver.datatype.Process format.


Remote processes won’t be stored to the local process storage.

  • container – Employed to retrieve application settings.

  • ignore – Indicates if failing service retrieval/parsing should be silently discarded or raised.


ServiceParsingError – If parsing failed and was NOT requested to be ignored.


If parsing was successful, list of converted remote service processes. If parsing failed and was requested to be ignored, returns None to distinguish from empty process list.

check_accessible(self: weaver.typedefs.AnySettingsContainer, settings: bool, ignore=True)bool[source]

Verify if the service URL is accessible.

class weaver.datatype.Job(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Dictionary that contains OWS service jobs.

It always has id and task_id keys.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

_get_log_msg(self: Optional[str], msg: Optional[str] = None, status: Optional[weaver.typedefs.Number] = None, progress=None)str[source]
static _get_err_msg(error: owslib.wps.WPSException)str[source]
save_log(self: Ellipsis, errors: Optional[Union[str, Exception, owslib.wps.WPSException, List[owslib.wps.WPSException]]] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, message: Optional[str] = None, level: int = INFO, status: Optional[str] = None, progress: Optional[weaver.typedefs.Number] = None)None[source]

Logs the specified error and/or message, and adds the log entry to the complete job log.

For each new log entry, additional Job properties are added according to Job._get_log_msg() and the format defined by get_job_log_msg().

  • errors – An error message or a list of WPS exceptions from which to log and save generated message stack.

  • logger – An additional Logger for which to propagate logged messages on top saving them to the job.

  • message – Explicit string to be logged, otherwise use the current Job.status_message is used.

  • level – Logging level to apply to the logged message. This parameter is ignored if errors are logged.

  • status – Override status applied in the logged message entry, but does not set it to the job object. Uses the current Job.status value if not specified. Must be one of Weaver.status values.

  • progress – Override progress applied in the logged message entry, but does not set it to the job object. Uses the current Job.progress value if not specified.


The job object is updated with the log but still requires to be pushed to database to actually persist it.

property id(self)uuid.UUID[source]

Job UUID to retrieve the details from storage.

property task_id(self)Optional[weaver.typedefs.AnyUUID][source]

Reference Task UUID attributed by the Celery worker that monitors and executes this job.

property wps_id(self)Optional[uuid.UUID][source]

Reference WPS Request/Response UUID attributed by the executed PyWPS process.

This UUID matches the status-location, log and output directory of the WPS process. This parameter is only available when the process is executed on this local instance.

property service(self)Optional[str][source]

Service identifier of the corresponding remote process.

See also

property process(self)Optional[str][source]

Process identifier of the corresponding remote process.

See also

property type(self)str[source]

Obtain the type of the element associated to the creation of this job.

_get_inputs(self)List[Optional[Dict[str, weaver.typedefs.JSON]]][source]
_set_inputs(self: List[Optional[Dict[str, weaver.typedefs.JSON]]], inputs)None[source]
property user_id(self)Optional[str][source]
property status(self)str[source]
property status_message(self)str[source]
property status_location(self)Optional[str][source]
property notification_email(self)Optional[str][source]
property accept_language(self)Optional[str][source]
property execute_async(self)bool[source]
property execute_sync(self)bool[source]
property execution_mode(self)str[source]
property is_local(self)bool[source]
property is_workflow(self)bool[source]
property created(self)datetime.datetime[source]
property started(self)Optional[datetime.datetime][source]
property finished(self)Optional[datetime.datetime][source]
property is_finished(self)bool[source]
property updated(self)datetime.datetime[source]
property duration(self)Optional[datetime.timedelta][source]
property duration_str(self)str[source]
property progress(self)weaver.typedefs.Number[source]
_get_results(self)List[Optional[Dict[str, weaver.typedefs.JSON]]][source]
_set_results(self: List[Optional[Dict[str, weaver.typedefs.JSON]]], results)None[source]
_get_exceptions(self)List[Optional[Dict[str, str]]][source]
_set_exceptions(self: List[Optional[Dict[str, str]]], exceptions)None[source]
_get_logs(self)List[Dict[str, str]][source]
_set_logs(self: List[Dict[str, str]], logs)None[source]
_set_tags(self: List[Optional[str]], tags)None[source]
property access(self)str[source]

Job visibility access from execution.

property context(self)Optional[str][source]

Job outputs context.

property request(self)Optional[str][source]

XML request for WPS execution submission as string (binary).

property response(self)Optional[str][source]

XML status response from WPS execution submission as string (binary).

_job_url(self, base_url=None)[source]

Obtains the JSON links section of the response body for a Job.

If self_link is provided (e.g.: “outputs”) the link for that corresponding item will also be added as self entry to the links. It must be a recognized job link field.

  • container – object that helps retrieve instance details, namely the host URL.

  • self_link – name of a section that represents the current link that will be returned.

json(self: Optional[weaver.typedefs.AnySettingsContainer], container: Optional[str] = None, self_link=None)weaver.typedefs.JSON[source]

Obtains the JSON data representation for response body.


Settings are required to update API shortcut URLs to job additional information. Without them, paths will not include the API host, which will not resolve to full URI.


Obtain the internal data representation for storage.


This method implementation should provide a JSON-serializable definition of all fields representing the object to store.

class weaver.datatype.AuthenticationTypes[source]

Generic enumeration.

Derive from this class to define new enumerations.

DOCKER = docker[source]
class weaver.datatype.Authentication(auth_type: str, auth_scheme: str, auth_token: str, auth_link: Any, **kwargs)[source]

Authentication details to store details required for process operations.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

property id(self)uuid.UUID[source]
property type(self)AuthenticationTypes[source]
property token(self)str[source]
property scheme(self)str[source]

Obtain the JSON data representation for response body.


This method implementation should validate the JSON schema against the API definition whenever applicable to ensure integrity between the represented data type and the expected API response.


Obtain the internal data representation for storage.


This method implementation should provide a JSON-serializable definition of all fields representing the object to store.

classmethod from_params(cls: Any, **params)AnyAuthentication[source]

Obtains the specialized Authentication using loaded parameters from params().

class weaver.datatype.DockerAuthentication(auth_scheme: str, auth_token: str, docker_image_link: Any, **kwargs)[source]

Authentication associated to a Docker image to retrieve from a private registry given by the reference link.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

DOCKER_REGISTRY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN = index.docker.io[source]
property credentials(self)weaver.typedefs.JSON[source]

Generates the credentials to submit the login operation based on the authentication token and scheme.

property image(self)str[source]

Obtains the image portion of the reference without repository prefix.

property registry(self)str[source]

Obtains the registry entry that must used for docker login <registry>.

property docker(self)str[source]

Obtains the full reference required when doing Docker operations such as docker pull <reference>.

property repository(self)str[source]

Obtains the full Docker repository reference without any tag.

property tag(self)Optional[str][source]

Obtain the requested tag from the Docker reference.


Obtain the internal data representation for storage.


This method implementation should provide a JSON-serializable definition of all fields representing the object to store.

classmethod from_params(cls: Any, **params)DockerAuthentication[source]

Generate class with parameters directly skipping validation/parsing from initialization.


This should be reserved for self-manipulation only when resolving Authentication type.

class weaver.datatype.Process(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Dictionary that contains a process definition for db storage.

It always has identifier (or id alias) and a package definition. Parameters can be accessed by key or attribute, and appropriate validators or default values will be applied.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

_character_codes = [['$', '$'], ['.', '.']][source]
property id(self)str[source]
property identifier(self)str[source]
property title(self)str[source]
property abstract(self)str[source]
property description(self)[source]
property keywords(self)List[str][source]
property metadata(self)List[str][source]
property version(self)Optional[str][source]
property inputs(self)Optional[List[Dict[str, weaver.typedefs.JSON]]][source]

Inputs of the process following backward-compatible conversion of stored parameters.

According to OGC-API, maxOccurs and minOccurs representations should be:
  • maxOccurs: int or "unbounded"

  • minOccurs: int

And, mediaType should be in description as:
  • mediaType: string


Because of pre-registered/deployed/retrieved remote processes, inputs are formatted in-line to respect valid OGC-API schema representation and apply any required correction transparently.

property outputs(self)Optional[List[Dict[str, weaver.typedefs.JSON]]][source]

Outputs of the process following backward-compatible conversion of stored parameters.

According to OGC-API, mediaType should be in description as:
  • mediaType: string


Because of pre-registered/deployed/retrieved remote processes, inputs are formatted in-line to respect valid OGC-API schema representation and apply any required correction transparently.

property jobControlOptions(self)List[str][source]
property outputTransmission(self)List[str][source]
property processDescriptionURL(self)Optional[str][source]
property processEndpointWPS1(self)Optional[str][source]
property executeEndpoint(self)Optional[str][source]
property owsContext(self)Optional[weaver.typedefs.JSON][source]
property type(self)str[source]

Type of process amongst weaver.processes.types definitions.

property package(self)Optional[weaver.typedefs.CWL][source]

Package CWL definition as JSON.

property payload(self)weaver.typedefs.JSON[source]

Deployment specification as JSON body.

static _recursive_replace(pkg: weaver.typedefs.JSON, index_from: int, index_to: int)weaver.typedefs.JSON[source]
static _encode(obj: Optional[weaver.typedefs.JSON])Optional[weaver.typedefs.JSON][source]
static _decode(obj: Optional[weaver.typedefs.JSON])Optional[weaver.typedefs.JSON][source]
property visibility(self)str[source]
property auth(self)Optional[AnyAuthentication][source]

Authentication token required for operations with the process.


Obtain the internal data representation for storage.


This method implementation should provide a JSON-serializable definition of all fields representing the object to store.

property params_wps(self)AnyParams[source]

Values applicable to create an instance of pywps.app.Process.


Generate a dictionary representation of the object, but with inplace resolution of attributes as applicable.


Obtains the JSON serializable complete representation of the process.

Obtains the JSON links section of many response body for the Process.


container – object that helps retrieve instance details, namely the host URL.

offering(self: str, schema=PROCESS_SCHEMA_OGC)weaver.typedefs.JSON[source]

Obtains the JSON serializable offering/description representation of the process.


schema – One of values defined by sd.ProcessDescriptionSchemaQuery to select which process description representation to generate (see each schema for details).


Property name offering is employed to differentiate from the string process description field. The result of this JSON representation is still the ProcessDescription schema.


Obtains the JSON serializable summary representation of the process.

static from_wps(wps_process: pywps.Process, **extra_params: Any)Process[source]

Converts a pywps Process into a weaver.datatype.Process using provided parameters.

static from_ows(process: owslib.wps.Process, service: Service, container: weaver.typedefs.AnySettingsContainer, **kwargs: Any)Process[source]

Converts a owslib.wps Process to local storage weaver.datatype.Process.

property service(self)Optional[str][source]

Name of the parent service provider under which this process resides.

static convert(process: weaver.typedefs.AnyProcess, service: Optional[Service] = None, container: Optional[weaver.typedefs.AnySettingsContainer] = None, **kwargs: Any)Process[source]

Converts known process equivalents definitions into the formal datatype employed by Weaver.


Converts this Process to a corresponding format understood by pywps.

class weaver.datatype.Quote(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Dictionary that contains quote information.

It always has id and process keys.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

property id(self)[source]

Quote ID.

property title(self)[source]

Quote title.

property description(self)[source]

Quote description.

property details(self)[source]

Quote details.

property user(self)[source]

User ID requesting the quote.

property process(self)[source]

WPS Process ID.

property estimatedTime(self)[source]

Process estimated time.

property processParameters(self)[source]

Process execution parameters for quote.

property location(self)[source]

WPS Process URL.

property price(self)[source]

Price of the current quote.

property currency(self)[source]

Currency of the quote price.

property expire(self)[source]

Quote expiration datetime.

property created(self)[source]

Quote creation datetime.

property steps(self)[source]

Sub-quote IDs if applicable.


Obtain the internal data representation for storage.


This method implementation should provide a JSON-serializable definition of all fields representing the object to store.


Obtain the JSON data representation for response body.


This method implementation should validate the JSON schema against the API definition whenever applicable to ensure integrity between the represented data type and the expected API response.

class weaver.datatype.Bill(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Dictionary that contains bill information.

It always has id, user, quote and job keys.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

property id(self)[source]

Bill ID.

property user(self)[source]

User ID.

property quote(self)[source]

Quote ID.

property job(self)[source]

Job ID.

property price(self)[source]

Price of the current quote.

property currency(self)[source]

Currency of the quote price.

property created(self)[source]

Quote creation datetime.

property title(self)[source]

Quote title.

property description(self)[source]

Quote description.


Obtain the internal data representation for storage.


This method implementation should provide a JSON-serializable definition of all fields representing the object to store.


Obtain the JSON data representation for response body.


This method implementation should validate the JSON schema against the API definition whenever applicable to ensure integrity between the represented data type and the expected API response.